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Monday, March 30, 2020

Sun City Anthem Candidate: Richard Pope..."My Promises to the Community" (Part One of Three)

Issues I Promise to Address 
Elected to the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors
(Part One of Three)

Richard Pope
Sun City Anthem Board Candidate
Ballot Position #3


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  1. From Peter Opinions

    Below I have included a portion of SCA Board President Karrow letter to members of SCA; I will address it after a few comments on other subjects as follows:

    I have read a few comments from the Berman Blog via Anthem Opinions Blog.

    Many of the comments utilize poor language and name calling; to some extent this is understandable as they proceed as their “leader” Berman or as I now call him “a sad little man”; Berman utilizes twisting of reality and projecting on to others that disagree with him as a “jerk”; as I told him he needs to take a deep breath and accept the common definition of a “jerk” fits him nicely.

    Also, some of the Berman blog sycophants indicate they have quit reading or visiting Anthem Opinions; frankly their loss and our reward not to have to hear from these little people.

    I have recently unsubscribed from the Berman Blog and will not visit his blog again.

    At the time I indicated to him as follows:

    "Your blog rarely provides knowledge, humility or purpose.Frequently you make accusations towards others and create an atmosphere of negative consequences. Sadly you present yourself as a sad little man seeking attention or admiration."

    Now as to a portion of the letter Karrow provided to some members of SCA:

    Please read it carefully and note the portion I put in bold; this pathetic and uninformed person is incapable of knowing or appreciating that small business and entrepreneur’s are the backbone of this county and provide the majority of jobs in USA.

    Frankly most of these individuals I know and have worked with have far greater intellect, wisdom and leadership skills then Karrow, in addition to integrity and honesty.

    Truly would anyone in SCA who have been in small business or entrepreneur’s ever consider voting for Karrow,

    I would hope not.

  2. If you haven't already determined that Candace Karrow is UNFIT to remain on he Sun City Anthem Board, this should convince you.

    As you read this comment made to candidate, Richard Pope, keep this in mind:

    Karrow's campaign flyer indicates she IS not a Certified Public Accountant, while Richard Pope has held that distinction for 35 years.  

    This is how she views such individuals who are NOT Sun City Anthem sponsored CPA's and perhaps is yet another reason as to WHY 6 of 7 members of the Association Finance Committee resigned.  

    "Unless they are experienced HOA accountants, our volunteers must defer to our experts after asking questions and receiving answers. I reluctantly conclude that, despite your good intentions and accounting background, you do not fully understand HOA accounting practices and budgeting, and therefore should refrain from making statements that actually accuse the Board of malfeasance."

    Would any of you consider supporting an individual who "knows it all",  and alienates and rejects any advice from those holding professional designations solely on the basis of not being an "official SCA" contracted source?

    Does anyone any longer question her inability to interact with people other than in a demeaning and insulting manner that she has demonstrated again and again?

    She and the poison she represents to Sun City Anthem, MUST BE rejected at the Ballot Box.
