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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Voting is Your Right...Make Sure You Exercise It

Summarizing Our 2020
Sun City Anthem Election Choices

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  1. Wendy Linow can't deny one thing, SHE DECLARED a Chapter 7 bankruptcy....the one where ALL debts are fully discharged, leaving ALL creditors with EMPTY POCKETS.

    It is a shame that Ms. Linow lost her husband; that from 2008 to about 2011, times were tough on America, but what can't be denied is that IF YOU SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE, and then SAY TO YOUR CREDITORS, "So sad, too bad", that is an example of POOR PLANNING...

    ...and such a manner of planning normally never changes over their lives.

    Ms. Linow, when your husband passed away in 2015, did you recognize that PROPER RESPONSIBLE FINANCIAL PLANNING requires changes in your life if problems ensue?

    Did you decide to look for housing in any AFFORDABLE areas once it was discovered funds were not available to maintain a lifestyle you were accustomed to?

    Doesn't appear so, that's what RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE DO.

    The fact that you and your departed husband resided in the same home just doesn't cut it as an excuse to remain there while others who trusted you with THEIR FUNDS, suffered loss.

    Rather than that, you then declared bankruptcy in 2017 but kept that upscale home, didn't you ???

    Did you declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy where a responsible individual makes an attempt to even partially REPAY THOSE who trusted you?

    No, you did not, despite your commentary that suggested you did. Would have, could of,should of doesn't change the bottom line...YOU DID NOT.

    Instead, you choose the easy path...Chapter 7, where EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THOSE WHO TRUSTED YOU HAD TO ABSORB YOUR DEBTS, leaving you free and clear to go your merry way, knowing that your home would be protected.

    Now, two years later, you want an EXPENSIVE "self-managed property owner pay all" restaurant, spending a massive amount of money without any detailed financial survey or analysis.

    The result , Ms. Linow, remains the same, and it appears that the lesson of DON'T SPEND MORE THAN YOU MAKE hasn't changed much, leaving you with an attitude of SO WHAT, I'm still entitled to it.

    Sorry, Ms. Linow, your story might be sad, but that doesn't mean you can expect others who TRUSTED YOU with THEIR FUNDS, TO PAY YOUR DEBTS so you can maintain your lifestyle with hubby's replacement.

    This EXPOSE of your financial record would never have taken place had there been any REAL attempt to show you were a responsible person who tried to repay any of those who trusted you, but as said earlier....

    You decided instead to say TO HELL WITH ALL OF THEM.

    If anyone feels that is the type of individual who you want to manage your money, then vote for her. It's that simple.

    But remember that people who feel they are "entitled", rarely change that attitude, and that bad habits normally repeat...especially when you've figured out a way to "work a system" in order to maintain a lifestyle at other's expense.

    ...and an old business adage comes to mind if one chooses to have such an individual manage your money...

    "I'm sorry to learn of your misfortune and I hope you've learned a lesson, but LEARN IT WITH SOMEONE ELSE."

    Sorry Ms. Linow, YOUR SAD STORY in no way changes the fact that anyone with common sense should trust an individual with handling $8 million to $ 9 million a year who couldn't even qualify for a loan at a bank.

  2. We are always sorry when anyone loses a loved one, but that being said the nerve, the gall, and even the chutzpah of her to run for the board. Shame on her to even consider her running.

    When you look at a history of actions by her are exposed, she needs to say, "thank you for your consideration" but I need to step down. Of course why didn't she expose any of this...she knew, but still stepped up to the plate with all her baggage. Thank you, Dick for this information.

    Only bone heads will still give her a vote...sad, isn't it.

  3. From Sherry Opinions

    When my husband was running last year for the board, she was standing at his table when he was discussing not raising the dues because there are a lot of people here that are on one check having lived here a long time and lost a spouse.

    I remember her either saying or agreeing with another person if she didn’t say it herself that they should move if they can’t afford it.

    I thought it was a very cruel thing to say then and I especially do now, hearing her story.

    If she is talking about letting her Solera home go in 2015, home prices were not down then but up.

    Dick Arendt asked all the candidates for comments and some like Wendy refused.

    Still didn’t give him an email address for her.

    There are two sides to Wendy Linow,

    She is just showing you one, we saw the other.

    She has chosen to be an insider for a man who many people consider to be the problem in our beloved community.

  4. From Bill Opinions

    I would like to know what bank in their right mind at that time would qualify them for another mortgage when you are upside down on another mortgage.

    She was “hoping for a tenant for their Solera property.”  

    In addition, she did not elaborate why her insurance wasn’t paying her medical bills.

    There is a lot missing from this story.

  5. Sherry and Bill,

    We concur. There is likely A LOT MORE to Linow story, and with all those questions unanswered, it looks like we have a TAKER running for the Board, not a GIVER.

    As Judge Judy often says, "If it doesn't make sense, it probably not true".

    Either way, giving such an individual the reigns on a multi-million dollar organization with this in her closet...

    ...a closet she REFUSED TO DISCLOSE until Anthem Opinions brought it to light...

    ...leaves a lot of doubt as to what else might be located there.

    And that in itself, is reason enough to question her fitness on the Sun City Anthem Board...

    ...kind of like trying to retain a LAWYER, then finding he lost his license do to fraud and forgery after the fact.
