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Friday, May 22, 2020

Community Election Results Guarantee Change

2020 Sun City Anthem Election Results

Change is in the Air - AudioVerse

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  1. From Opinions

    I wish that the comments about the election results in this blog were more mature and respectful.

    It's sad to read this and see such poor choice of words.

    Please think about how your words have consequences.

    I look forward to a more congenial read experience.

  2. David,

    In our opinion our comments were both respectful and honest.

    They were words of anticipating positive change following the rejection of a member of the MACHINE by the SCA community, who brought our community more harm and dissent than could be imagined.

    Karrow and her predecessor, Rex Weddle, were in our opinion, TOXIC to our community, and over the past 2 elections, that was recognized by many, resulting in humiliating low vote totals for both.

    It seems obvious that you would have liked the results to have been different, but if you read Anthem Opinions regularly, you should know that we "pull no pushes" when it comes to the devastating effect the MACHINE has had on our community.

    It has now been dealt a severe blow, and we make no apology for any role we may have played in bringing truth to a community that needed to know that damage they have made both financially, and morally in the manner in which they have done so for years.

    There is little doubt that Sun City Anthem will now be a better place without the nuisance that the FORMER president has represented for years.

    In our opinion, she will always represent an embarrassment to good governance...

    ...and we make NO APOLOGY for saying so !

  3. From Marcia Opinions 

    To David:

    It is glaringly obvious that you have chosen to criticize Mr. Arendt either without knowing all the facts, or have taken a one-sided approach to criticize those that have demanded that "machine" politics be replaced by a more democratic and honest form of governance.Homeowners were reduced to the source of some insane expenditures and they were not asked how they felt about expensive projects before a vote was taken. 

    Furthermore, at times, the owners were treated like "serfs in the royal kingdom".

    I strongly suggest you talk to others in the community outside your circle of friends and verify the truth. 

    The new board will have a lot to do to reform governance in SCA to a kinder, gentler, and more transparent inclusive form. 

    You would be wise to educate yourself to the true facts. 
