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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Reform of Machine ?

Reform or Machine
We'll Know Who the 2020 Sun City Anthem 
Directors Are This Afternoon or Evening

Decision 2020 | Politics | Spectrum Bay News 9

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  1. From Peter Opinions 

    Today the election becomes final; I will be there to help with the count.

    Seriously, It takes effort and commitment to run for the Board or subject yourself to these various committees. 

    I want to congratulate Nelson and Richard for "charging" forward to change the way things are done at SCA.

    My congratulations are sincere whether they win or lose!

    Of course I am expecting and hoping Nelson and Richard will be able to join Rana on the Board.

    Further, though I have issues with F. Quinn, he seems to be closer to my thinking then I thought and he is a huge upgrade from Coleman; Schuetz; Weil; Karrow; plus Hadrick who can see the light at times.

    I think a Board of Rana, Richard, Nelson, Forrest and Hadrick would allow for real change and transparency! 

  2. After we pushed the "publish" key to this article, we received a copy of the recent article published on another blog that was authored by current SCA president, Candace Karrow.

    It represented a sad and insecure woman who, for some reason, needed to get a bunch of things off her chest, prior to the counting of the ballots.

    It was a first that surprised many that such a treatise would be published, even going back to 2019, criticizing a monthly magazine without specifically mentioning it by name, which was was obvious to many, The Vegas Voice...

    ...a fellow Board member affiliated with that magazine...

    ...and a 2019 candidate who was told by a deceased employee, that his and other members of his team's campaign flyers were removed at the direction of others, that when security footage was revealed by an individual removing it, the individual doing so was not recognizable on the footage...and...refused to allow the candidates who made the accusation to view the footage.

    The fact that "many people in the community were upset" when flyers were left at a door, was ludicrous. We saw no evidence of any formal complaint made, and as we approach our governmental elections, is a common practice that someone would complain to any political organization for doing so.

  3. Part Two of Three

    Turning the clock forward to 2020, attacks continued with obvious reference to Anthem Opinions for discovering a recent 2017 bankruptcy of a MACHINE candidate, information that the candidate REFUSED TO DISCLOSE herself, and like the author of the blog she and HER MACHINE relies on for their information, who also REFUSED TO DISCLOSE his history of LOSS of a law license due to forgery, deceiving a client, and a state taxation department when he ran for a Board position a number of years ago, is, by any standard of decency, information a community is entitled to be made aware of BEFORE they place its financial future in their hands.

    That MACHINE BLOGGER to which she relies on, a number of years ago, painted a former Board candidate as a racist for his activities as a California State Senator, who in 1978 sponsored anti-gay legislation that was passed by both legislative bodies in the State of California, subsequently vetoed by a governor named Ronald Reagan.

    The blogger was never chastised BY THE MACHINE for bringing such information to HIS READERS (though the action had taken place 30 years prior to his running for the SCA Board...when attitudes were very different than they are today).

    The information was welcomed by many, considered insignificant by others due to the number of years ago that it took place, yet it was disclosed.

    Let me also remind you that former Board President, Bella Meese, talked him into first retiring here to SCA, then running for the Board. It was California State Senator, John Briggs who fist salvaged her job when he state elected a Democratic governor, yet, after the information was disclosed DISMISSED HIM AS both a candidate and friend. She too lost that election, but quickly rebounded once she joined THE MACHINE, subsequently being responsible for using ASSOCIAION FUNDS to finance busses for Hillary Clinton in the 1996 presidential canmpaign...the subject that later became knows as BELLA...GATE.

  4. Part Three of Three

    The information regarding Wendy Linow was a horse of a different took place only 2.5 years prior to her becoming a candidate for the SCA our opinion, was relevant due to it being RECENT HISTORY, and like the information the MACHINE blogger felt information was relevant for activities conducted 30 years ago, we disclosed it.

    Perhaps Mrs. Karrow might want to learn something about the activities of those SHE PRAISES in addition those she condemns for providing readers information each felt relevant.

    Then there was the accusation that "a resident sent out a disgusting email spreading lies" with using "illegal" mailing lists.

    Mrs. Karrow, THAT IS A LIE, we used a list that was public, just as your MACHINE did by way of the US Mail. Perhaps you can prove your LIE?

    We printed that "disgusting email" pointing out the history of YOUR MACHINE. The correspondence was 100% TRUTHFUL,that out of approximately 2,000 sent to resident of our community, only 6 asked us to remove their names, WHICH WE DID.

    That accusation quickly disappeared when we PRINTED both the MACHINE mailer and OUR EMAIL sent to property owners.

    Your MACHINE BLOG never bothered to print the contents of OUR EMAIL, yet, like you, made the same ACCUSATIONS.

    Finally, what you PERCEIVE as unacceptable behavior of a candidate to ask honest questions, many of us PERCEIVE you as unable to handle them and instead, publicly humiliate people for asking them, a sign of an insecure individual who "can dish it, but can't take it".

    Well, Ms. Karrow I received a number of calls one the MACHINE printed your article, and the common denominator in ALL of them was this question:

    "Was she talking about others or herself?"

    The community will make that decision, Ms. Karrow, and whether or not it chooses to elect you, at least you were able to "expose the real you...

    ...a woman filled with frustration who is incapable to looking at herself for the demeaning behavior shown others, considers herself beyond reproach with a dictatorial superior attitude toward them (including those with whom you serve on the SCA board), and is liked by few other than those associated with THE MACHINE.

  5. From Peter Opinions

    When I read this in the early AM the first thing that came to mind is the terms below as it relates to your psychology and a defense of the mind that won’t allow you to accept who you are and what you have done.

    So you attribute your traits and deception to those you dislike or disagree with....

    She didn’t accept one once of responsibility for the state of this community.

    It is sad indeed!

    Appropriately published on the sad little man’s blog.

    “Projection and transference are very similar. They both involve you attributing emotions or feelings to a person who doesn't actually have them.

    The difference between the two is where the mis-attributions occur.

    Projection occurs when you attribute a behavior or feeling you have about a person onto them.“
