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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ideas How to Organize Important Papers

A Task Many of Us Dread
Must Do
Organizing Important Papers

See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

1 comment:

  1. From Robert Opinions

    Fully concur.....organization also results in less daily stress. 

    Personally I keep virtually ALL files on flash drives; one of those little flash drives can keep an entire file cabinet's worth of paper in digital format.

    (just don't forget where you store the flash drive for 'safe keeping') 

    I even have every tax return I have ever filed dating back to circa 1985.

    Yes I am aware that legally you don't need to save the copies of the returns 'forever', but the flash drive takes up no room.

    And yes, the secret is to have some sort of system to know where you've stored the files on which flash drive.
