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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Relevant Questions Following a Thorough Analysis

Our Thoughts on a Properly Designed
Restaurant  / Re-Purpose Survey
(Part Three of Three)
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"Nevada Know How"


  1. From Jack Opinions 

    Your recent article on a survey presents a good list of concerns/expenses associated with a restaurant.  Nice job.  

    We need another list of concerns/expenses that should be included in the cost of re-appropriation of the restaurant area for other purposes. 

  2. From Bob Opinions 

    Two years ago I wrote a long letter detailing what real research would be when analyzing a potential restaurant.

    Your article is an excellent start toward that goal.

    Thank you.

  3. Part One of Two

    Bob, I dug through the archives and found your letter of two years ago. 

    I have reprinted here for all to see the wonderful analysis you provided on November 18, 2018.

    For our readers, this was Bob's response to the original "yes" or "no" survey. 

    It was EXCELLENT. In my estimation, if you add the complete uncertainty created by the pandemic, your letter has even more significance in 2020.

  4. Part Two of Two

    "Yesterday I received the association’s opinion poll and at first I was just going to mark my choice, multi-purpose rooms, and then drop it at the Anthem Center. 

    However, as I then began to read the accompanying fact sheet, I was left with glaring questions on what was written there.

    Please read the pro and con sheet and judge for yourself, the misleading information, at least that is my opinion of what I saw there.

    Starting with the statement that converting to multi-purpose rooms will cost SCA $2.3 million per year…

    Once built, all I see are a slight addition to the current cost for possibly more janitorial and utility costs. 

    (if you are interested in buying a bridge, I heard that the Brooklyn Bridge might be available!)

    Additionally, from what I understand without the restaurant and bar, SCA will not pay the property tax charged now because we will be entirely “not for profit”.

    Option 1 “reopen the restaurant:“

    The operator will pay not rent, property taxes, utilities.

    SCA will pay some operating costs like janitorial, linen service, advertising etc.” 

    The restaurant operator only pay for staff and food and cost to us (SCA) would be about $250,000 per year or $35 per home. 

    Pros offered:

    “Provides a unique dining experience?”  

    That is an assumption without foundation, with no vendor we don’t know that, and that idea has failed 5 or 6 times already. 

    “Excellent sales and marketing tool for home sales”

    According to real estate studies done this far, the lack of a restaurant has NOT hampered home sales at all.

    Cons offered:

    1: Our area has many other restaurant choices.

    2: A restaurant will attract non-residents!

    It does not and that is one of the reasons all past restaurants have failed.

    3: There will be NO pot-lucks or “drop & go’s (food delivery) in Anthem Center.

    The restaurant operator will have exclusive catering rights.

    This will restrict clubs from many food choices for their events o unless they go off campus.

    Option 2 Converting to multipurpose rooms “cons” listed:

    1: Before bids have ever been announced, they have listed the approximate cost at “$750,000 (or more)” and states that “a special assessment will be required”.

    However, when the board and GM agreed to $250,000 subsidy per year plus tons and tons or additional perks to the last restaurant asking to take the space, not one word was stated about a special assessment to support the place.

    2: “SCA already has many meeting rooms”

    Yes we do, BUT scheduling is already a problem for the few large rooms that clubs and residents may use for events.

    One at Liberty Center, one at Independence Center and the Delaware room/grand ballroom at Anthem Center.

    Many clubs vie for those rooms and perhaps if we had more, the cost to use them for residence would be a little less.

    3: “As our demographics change, in the future we may have less need for more meeting rooms” 

    In my opinion that is hogwash!

    Homes are being sold at SCA constantly, as more people move in often the age demographic changes too.

    Also, just because we are aging it does not mean we won’t want to meet with the respective clubs, our friends, or hold events without fighting for dates and spaces.

    Currently, for example, when the Women’s Club meets for their luncheons; Current Events Club must move to another location so their regular meeting room can be encompassed into the Grand Ballroom.

    In the second paragraph of this section it states; 

    “after conversion SCA’s annual cost would be approximately $160,000 per year or $22 per home” 

    I don’t believe that, and would like to see the bare cost of operating the meeting rooms in Anthem Center at this point."

  5. From Joe Opinions




  6. From Marcia Opinions

    While all three parts posted and comments which are very good, another issue is looming in the background which has not been addressed. 

    As the common properties owned by our association continue to age, there are more and more issues that have been brought to light.

    1. Retaining walls have been reported that need attention soon because they are crumbling and must either be repaired or replaced.  That in itself, is very costly.

    2. There are repairs that must be made on streets as well.

    3. The "good, bad and ugly" must be made clear in any HONEST survey so that every homeowner can assess what it will cost them to open another restaurant and more importantly, cost over time.

    4. Can anyone name an HOA which has a restaurant that is self-supporting here in Nevada as well as elsewhere? 


    5. Because of five previous restaurant failures, the scheduling problems for all our clubs, and more space needed to play games within the centers, it would make more sense to re-purpose the space and have a small catering kitchen which could be used by clubs who want a specific type of food for each event they plan. 

    The caterer would have to bear the cost of breakage, theft and insurance-NOT THE HOMEOWNERS.

    6. It is very important for Revere Golf Course and its restaurant Buckman's Grille to survive. 

    If they close and the property is sold, you can bet that developers will buy the land and build another community of condominiums and/or more homes which would cause many problems right in our backyard.

    7. With so many uncertainties facing our homeowners in today's world such as increasing expenses to remain in SCA, do you really think they will choose a subsidized restaurant over increasing costs for food, insurance, maintenance, vacations and more?

  7. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Many consider the restaurant an amenity, but we haven’t had that particular “amenity” in years.

    There’s been nothing there, so obviously this is no longer an “amenity”. 

    Perhaps it was previously, one subsidized first by the developer and then the residents’ funds- and still they all failed. 

    If a professional restaurateur wants to take a go at it, rent free, and feel they can eek out a living, then by all means - --Have at it.

    But if somebody who’s already in the business doesn’t feel that this is a viable venue for a successful restaurant, why in God's name would the residents want to take that on?

    Somehow, everybody’s managed to survive even through this pandemic when everybody is locked down.

    There are so many restaurants in this area that will deliver (grub hub, door dash, etc) or allow curbside pick up that it has become more evident than ever that we do not need one in the Anthem Center. 

    I can’t find a reason to incur the expense of a restaurant manager and staff with all the accompanying expenses along with the risk of being party to a lawsuit for trip and fall, food poisoning or an intoxication issue.

    People have bought and sold homes for years now with no restaurant.

    It’s time to give up the fight and go down the road to Buckman’s or Stove or Winchells or Black Mountain or Tuscany or Rounders, New Day, Kneaders, just to name a few local options - with more being built every day. 

  8. From Marty Opinions 

    So sorry to sound like a “broken record,” but as I have said countless times now; Run this entity as a “ARMS LENGTH TRANSACTION.”

    Sign the new entity with a TRIPLE NET LEASE. 

    This frees the homeowners from the constant source of being in business with all the insane demands of the daily operations,Along with the associated costs that drag on a business trying to make a bit of money. 

    Look at what is happening in our general area now?

    We have seen so many new restaurants in our area, and if I was a betting man living in a betting town, I’d say we now have at least a dozen (to two dozen) new restaurants in this area.  

    Should I make a list of all the choices we have to pick from? 

    The one argument always was “well,its close to the rec center for people to get to.” 

    That’s just plain old B.S. 

    The fact is we have Uber, and Lyft, along with at least a few other choices to get people moved to their destinations. 


    Find out specifically and purposely how many would go to this restaurant because we all know the reality of Only going to THAT ONE AND NO OTHER! 

    How many people living here would go to “this one” after the initial one time as a curiosity? 

    Look at Dick’s list of all the associated costs to run this insane “Del Webb Trumpets” marketing attraction? 

    We’re done, done, done….

  9. From Peter Opinions

    Dick, let me commend you for the 3 part series on a potential restaurant Survey; it was clear and comprehensive.

    In addition, all the comments previously presented, I am generally in complete agreement with.

    I am writing to give you my thoughts as to why the entire process is a waste of everyone's time as follows:

    1. If the survey is ever completed with the level of information needed to allow members to make an informed decision, there will be no consensus or conclusion; many members simply do not have the capacity to understand many of these issues and will not complete the survey; others will not complete it as they have no interest in the matter; likely about 2590 households will respond (35% of 7400 Homes); these are the people who really want the restaurant and the people who really don't want the restaurant.

    In the end nothing will emerge as a solution.

    2. A survey and the results are only as good as the people who will evaluate those results and make decisions with proper analysis and Judgement. 

    Honestly, other than our Board President, I have no confidence in the judgement of this Board to make an informed and appropriate decision.

    3. In a couple weeks, this Board will have completed 1/3 of their term; I don't believe there is adequate time to to assess all the information, have workshops and everything else needed to implement any decision during the remainder of this term. 

    Further, I believe there are many other issues and matters that should be resolved by the Board that have greater current importance.

    4. If the restaurant is viable, then rather than spending money on a members survey; use the time and money to send Letters to every restaurant in Henderson and Las Vegas that meet certain criteria that could be utilized at SCA.

    For example if 500 letters were mailed (to include some information, such as free rent and other matters) and only 2% respond (10) and after brief discussions, none are willing to proceed; then let's drop the restaurant for good; (of course if a willing candidate comes forth and is acceptable--give it a shot!) 

    To me the only other restaurant option is to allow as many SCA members who are confident of its success to have the same terms (Free Rent) and let them invest their money and recruit their own team.

    5. Otherwise for now, just open the area up for Clubs; Games and whatever.

    Yes, apparently that will cost some $$$$$......OK...up front then were done;

    Remember the SCA Board's recently disbursed $160,000 for a waterfall on the back-side of the Anthem Center;

    Also, $85,000 was disbursed to repair the Bocce Courts at Liberty that are rarely used.

    Of course there is the $600,000 each Year to the Anthem Council with no accountability.

    Essentially SCA currently has no representation on the Anthem Council Board.

    A Mr. Shuetz who decided not to run for SCA Board re-election, remains as our seat on the Board; this is simply inappropriate, beyond the fact he is inept.

    It is required to have a sitting SCA Board member on Anthem Council Board.

    I may have strayed a "bit" from my original thoughts, hopefully it is understandable. 

  10. From Elizabeth Opinions

    Remedy’s on St Rose - bar closed so they set up gaming in a separate area - why? because they can’t survive on food alone....

    Is this starting to become repetitive?  
