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Sunday, September 27, 2020

A Catholic Looks at the History & Meaning of Yom Kipper

 Yom Kippur: The Day of Atonement - YouTube

 The Holiest Day of the Jewish Faith

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"History & Holidays"


  1. From Rana Opinions

    BEAUTIFULLY DONE, thank you for sending it, I will be lighting the candles at sundown.

    Yiskor, by the way, can be said for all that passed no matter how long ago..

    My candles are lit for the many in my family that have passed, friends too and especially for my parents and son.

    Hugs, and blessings to Marla for a healthy and happy New Year.

  2. From Jill from Opinions

    Thanks so much Dick.

    Thanks for this. It’s beautifully written, and so comprehensive.

    Today is a somber day, with much to think about.

  3. From Renee Opinions

    Dick-if you want to post this, it's  up to you. 

    Thank you for writing such a beautiful piece about the holiest of holidays-.really appreciate it.

    As you know I am a Jew.

    Yesterday during our holiest of holy holidays I decided to find on youtube a Kol Neidre service to observe my Jewish faith for Yom Kippur. 

    I found a video--great music with our normal prayers from a temple in Boynton Beach, Florida. 

    The music was terrific-the scenery of Israel was just breathtaking.

    I was really getting into enjoying my holiday from my TV on youtube. 

    In the middle of the service the Rabbi started a sermon.

    He praised Ruth Bader Ginsberg for what an outstanding justice she was, which I agree with that she was a trail blazer, but did not agree with most of her decisions. 

    Now as you have stated, these 10 days of the Jewish faith are a time of reflection and forgiveness. 

    So you can imagine that when Rabbi Barry Silver of congregation L'Dor Vador started bashing our president, I was outraged. 

    This is how the country is supposed to heal when a man of God during this very holy day bashes our president on zoom and congregants there and gives his opinion of what should happen for this country?

    I am appalled and I will be writing a letter to the congregation.

    Thank You 

  4. Renee, this is a Day of Atonement, yet there are those who, despite a tribute to a holy day, seem to ignore that and instead concentrate on continuing politics at its worst.

    Sadly, that hatred continues all over the country. One can only hope that somehow our country can heal.

    Our existence as a lawful and peaceful society depends on it.
