Information Pages

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Did You Receive an Election Postcard? Nevada Secretary of States Says It Contained FALSE Information

Fraud in Nevada Mail-In Ballots?

GUYANA VOTES | 'Facts' unveiled in recount points to electoral fraud-  Aubrey Norton

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1 comment:

  1. From Robert Opinions


    Thank you for the article about the postcards Sisolak is having sent out and the flaws noted by Secretary of State Cegavske.

    The way that AB4 was written is clearly an open invitation for voter fraud, but the way our governor spared no expense in calling special legislative sessions, late hour votings, extra printings, advertising, and postage, to complete the virtue by mail mission before our general election, is wrong.

    The Postal Service is not the ultimate in an efficiently run agency with thousands on pieces of mail stolen annually, placing the burden on them to fulfill the responsibility of delivering our ballots is ludicrous.

    Mail theft is common, much is internal with carriers manage to snag envelopes possibly containing money (which I understand happened recently in Solera) but gift cards, medications (especially opioids) or anything of street value.

    Harvesting ballots could be a temptation since someone designated to deliver large amounts of mail from group home and the like.

    Unless very recently changes in the ballot return envelopes have an ID marking as a party affiliation, making this about as secure as the weekly grocery ads we all receive, the safest way to make your vote is to vote in person at the polling location, either on election day or early voting days.

    The machines are exempt from human errors and there is no disruption the chain of custody.

    Don't be surprised in being unable to get a response from Sisolak’s office.

    I am still waiting form ones from he and Senators Cortez Masto and Rosen. regarding if they were removing faith from their agenda by eliminating “Under God” in pledge to the flag during their convention, especially since those words were added on Flag Day on 1954 by HR 243 written by Congressman Louis Rapaut.

    I guess he knew we needed faith.
