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Monday, September 21, 2020

Rewrite History? How Do You Rewrite an Atrocity ?

 Some History Can't Be Rewritten

Adolph Hitler's Final Solution

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"History & Holidays"


  1. From Marilyn Opinions

    Great blog today.  Thank you.

  2. From Pual & Ellen Opinions

    Excellent articles on Holocaust and NFL.

    Too many of our young people have not been taught history.

    They have been taught to hate America and all we stand for as a nation.

    They have no concept of the suffering of the Jewish people, the people of Europe, and the sacrifices made by our troops.

    We agree with everything Col. Jeffery Powers wrote in his letter to Goodall. The NFL is a disgrace.

    My husband has been a football fan for 60 years and will never watch another NFL game.

    It is time for people to stand up and say no more disrespecting our flag and our National Anthem.
