Information Pages

Monday, October 26, 2020

A Letter From Rana


                                                 A LETTER FROM 

                                                RANA GOODMAN


I most sincerely thank all residents, friends and neighbors that took the time to write to the Board on my behalf objecting to the sudden reorganization of board officers.


 The result of this action may have removed me from the presidency (with just seven months remaining of my Board term), it did not however slow my determination to maintain a voice for all residents of SCA and all seniors in my travels to the  state legislature on matters of concern, i.e. veteran, estate planning, guardianship, HOA reform and such.


Your heartfelt words meant the world to me and I will never forget your kindness


Rana Goodman



Directors of Sun City Anthem,


Let me make clear that I recognize that the Board has the right to reorganize at any time. It is the underhanded and secretive way that this Board has conducted itself which is the cause of this letter. 


I first want to unconditionally reiterate that I have not, in anyway, caused any breach of my “fiduciary duties” to Sun City Anthem residents. 


The Board’s action and its so-call legal reasoning is based on something that

1.  I did not do, and

2. At best, a threat of a speculative future action by a SCA club, and, 

3. An assumption that our insurance coverage would no longer exist. 


Even worse, through a shameless Board authorized “cease & desist” letter, should I choose to defend myself, this Board’s position is that by doing so, I breach “confidentiality and good faith” requirements. 


To compound matters, the allegation that I breached “confidentiality” at the recent Executive Session by telling Dan that he cannot talk belies the fact that Sandy specifically advised that he could attend. Dan changed his schedule and plans to be present only for me to be told by counsel that it is forbidden.


And when I suggested to have Dan discuss the situation AFTER the executive session ended, my offer was ignored.


To top it off, at the Board meeting, I had to listen to Paul tell residents who questioned the reorganization (Paraphrasing) that “After what she has done, we had no choice.” 


Unfortunately, the straw that broke THIS camel’s back was the 2nd reprehensible statement by Paul. By questioning my friends (and ignoring the “friendship” that certain members have with a dishonorable and mean-spirited resident), he had the audacity to claim that if “only residents knew what she did”- but alas, he could not elaborate since he is bound by confidentiality.


I will eventually make clear to residents that this Board (and its counsel) had the wrong “C” word. It’s not “Confidentially” but rather “Cowardice.”


I will however remain sorry that the dreams of this new Board to work together and our pledges of transparency to SCA residents – something that has not existed for many years - could not be achieved.


Due to all of the above, I no longer have faith, respect or trust in my fellow Board members to do the right thing for Sun City Anthem and its residents. Accordingly, effective immediately I hereby resign from the SCA Board of Directors.


Rana Goodman 

  • For the best interest of our residents, we hopefully look forward to a board that can be led by one who understands and expresses the traits of empathy and compassion. Enough of the rage and distortions and excessive anger.

  • This comment has been removed by the author.

  • To Rana and Dan,

    First let me say you both have my support and confidence. This Board of SCA that promised transparency, communication and honesty has become a pathetic group of “scared” fools without integrity or purpose.

    perlstein is a joke and failure and hasn’t earned the right to suggest anything about Ms. Goodman; further his only purpose was the restaurant survey, “hell of a job so far”!

    The remaining Board of pope, quinn, hadrick, Linow and anderson are truly inept and have not seriously done their job or even attempted to keep their promises as they suggested when they ran for office.

    It amazes me that the SCA Legal Counsel has not been terminated. I suspect the reason is Clarkson has not given this Board permission to terminate his position. It seems Clarkson has trained this Board well; when he says “jump”, the Boards only question is “how high”!

    Rana, you don’t deserve or need this group and they certainly don’t deserve you. Be assured you are better off disassociated from this “pack” of misfits.

    I look forward to your extended remarks and I wish you and Dan success and good health. Finally, I look forward to Dan’s approach and success with his new blogs to add to his “ communication” empire.

    Peter Brown

  • From Valerie Opinions 

    It is reprehensible the way you have been treated!  

    As always I find politics to be a dirty business.  

    Your good name has been tarnished by this terrible Board who promised to be different than previous Boards.

    I have known you for many years and you deserve to be treated far better than how this Board has underhandedly treated you.  

  • From Paul Shea & Mary Opinions

    Wow,Never met Rana.  

    What was this egregious offense this lady committed?

    We’re new to community & don’t get involved with political shenanigans.

  • Paul & Mary,

    Your comment, though sad to hear regarding a desire not to be involved with community politics, is DEAD ON THE MONEY.

    For years reform has been attempted and constantly sabotaged by a man named David Berman. He will do anything to destroy a person's name and character and we have numerous individuals in the community who will attest to that belief.

    His latest LIE is trying to blame me for costing the association $40,000 for acts ORIGINATED BY JAMES COLEMAN.

    It was COLEMAN who demanded an outside mediator, while we consistently asked the COWARDLY BOARD to ignore him; but fear won out and they CONSPIRED to remove Rana Goodman as the scapegoat for an act THEY ALL HAD BEEN AN ACTIVE PART OF APPROVING.

    bERMAN'S long list of Board recommendations have been at best, embarrassments to our community.

    We had finally established reform until his underground network of control freaks managed to create this situation.

    My advice to you is BEWARE of such individuals who consist of the likes of Board member, Wendy Lindow, CLC Chairman Robert GoldFried, as well as past Board members Candace Karrow, Rex Weddle, and last but not least the most TOXIC of them all, James Coleman who will be forever known as the individual who introduced the ugly subject of RACISM to our community, as well as, condemning certain individuals in the community, especially accusing myself of a criminal act ON A PUBLIC and PRIVATE forum.

    Complaints have been filed against Coleman to PROVIDE HIS ALLEGATIONS, and as yet have not bee taken up by the SCA Board.

    He has an opportunity to demand a FORMAL HEARING BEFORE THE MEMBERSHIP to answer his complaint. I hope he chooses that option, because if that be the case, he will have to PUBLICLY PROVE THE ALLEGATIONS. My guess is that he, like his mentor, David Berman, will BE COWARDS and refuse the option.

  • From Virginia Opinions

    So the old Buzzard Berman is probably very pleased with himself.  

    More strife in the community.

    Can't control Rana so he wants her off board....between Coleman (BLM advocate calling the community racist)

    This is what's happened again.

    Harassment for Rana.  

    I don't blame her. 

  • From Royce Opinions 


    Goodbye and Good Luck.

    I no longer live in Sun City Anthem.  

    We moved from Sun City Anthem two years ago, but I retained my subscription to Anthem Opinions to better understand how my Henderson neighborhood was doing.  

    I am saddened to lose my eye into the community, but I certainly understand your need to move on.   

    I am also saddened to learn many of the community members for whom I have the highest regard have been so denigrated.  

    Thank you for defending these community heroes.  

    Hopefully Sun City Anthem will eventually recover from the scars it has endured.

  • From Roseann Opinions

    Dear Dick, I am TRULY shocked reading this. 

    I’m living here 16 years and have watched the DECLINE of respect for our community. 

    I have learned so much since you have started this wonderful Anthem Opinions.

    I so APPRECIATE all the time, effort, truth and heartfelt messages you conveyed in your articles.

    I looked forward to reading them; and now they will end. 

    Now regarding Rana ....I can’t believe Rana will be removed!

    What is going on here??How & Why is this happening?

    I was so HAPPY when she was elected President.

    All the good she has done!

    RANA...PLEASE FIGHT THIS COUP...we are counting on you!

  • Roseann,

    This entire matter was engineered by by a subversive group referred to as "the Machine" lead by their leader, David Berman, in coordination with a Club President, an Association Attorney, and 6 COWARDS ON the Sun City Anthem Board, who were more concerned with fear, then defending the TRUTH.

  • From Dixie Opinions

    Thank you, Dick , for all your years of service to our community.

    You will be missed.

    As for the shocking news about Rana, I have no words to describe the total disbelief I feel.

    Except, there went "hope"!

  • Dixie, please don't give up the ship. 

    Rana and I  are just two voices among many in our community.

    I know Dan Roberts of the Vegas Voice,  and I can assure you, he will continue to bring truth to SCA..

  • From John Opinions 

    Dear Dick: It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to one of the real forces of good in Anthem Sun City.

    You have done so much for the community, and helped expose, and change a corrupt force that had taken over our community.

    Unfortunately is sounds like they have returned with vengeance.

    THANK YOU for your service, and for fighting the good fight for all of us.Quite frankly no one knows of the extraordinary effort you have made for this community.

    You, as the creator of  Anthem Opinions will be sorely missed.

    Enjoy your new found freedom, and I hope you take a needed leave, rest, and clearing of the mind, and then join the fight again as a contributor in keeping our community free of the corruption that is always lurking!

  • From Paul and Jo Ellen Opinions 

    Hello Dick,First we would like to thank you for your excellent articles regarding the present unfortunate situation in our community.

    We wish you and Maria the very best going forward. 

    Second we are sad to know you will not be doing the blog any longer, but certainly understand the work and stress it has become.  

    We feel Dan Roberts will carry on your work in the best possible way.  

    We are great admirers of his Vegas Voice paper. We would like to comment on the most recent articles attacking Rana, Charlie and Forrest.

    It is sad when they are attacked so viciously when it is not in any way deserved.

    Rana has worked diligently and spent countless months to help the elderly all over Nevada while still working for SCA's best interest.

    She was elected by a large majority and should retain her position on the board.  

    We have lived in SCA for 18 years and Charlie is our good neighbor.  

    You never see Charlie without a smile on his face and he is always working for our community.

    Forrest is known for his willingness to assist anyone in our community. 

    As a side note we are the people David Berman attacked and called immoral and unethical because we had the audacity to put a sign in our yard opposing his buddy Carl Weinstein for the SCA board.  We were the Weinstein family's neighbor all the time we lived here and felt very strongly about him representing our community. No one asked us why we opposed Carl Weinstein.  

    In our opinion David Berman will attack, demean, and try to intimidate anyone who disagrees with him.

    We did not removed our sign as we will not be intimidated.

    When we see David Berman attacking others it brings back how he treated us.  He did not know us, we had seen him, but never met him but he choose to judge us. His character speaks for itself. 

    The problems we are now seeing in our community has done so much damage.  

    We had never heard the word racism or racist uttered in our community until suddenly we are accused of racism as a community.

    This is an attack on every resident with absolutely no proof we can see.

    Some people are just unhappy and want to be sure everyone else is too. They want to make their perceived problems the problems of everyone around them.

    Frankly we are not responsible for making them happy. We are all old people with limited years (hopefully years) left on this earth.Why spend those precious years being unhappy??? 

    Again, Thank you............

  • From Robert Opinions 

    I’ll have to say it was quite disturbing to read about your leaving the Anthem Opinion.

    Making a point to search my Emails daily for your words of wisdom became a part of my mornings as walking the dog and having my coffee.

    However, when you mentioned that they are possible health connected with your decision, that in it’s own right is a legitimate excuse to reevaluate your priorities.

    There are those in our community who side with those who, for whatever reasons, like to have maintain control the dollars coming in, mostly from dues paying  homeowners, regardless of the lunacy or lack on knowledge of how it will be spent, and I would venture that many, had it not been for warnings pointed out in Anthem Opinions, avoiding near catastrophic results.

    The format of featuring Anthem centered news & opinion, news from throughout the valley, sports and entertainment , and readers’ thoughts offered something for nearly everyone. 

    The Mr. Fix-It articles are great for the not-so-handy man.

    The amount of research must me tremendous, and encapsulating it into an interesting, accurate publication must require more than average patience by you and and understanding wife.

    Hopefully, Mr. Roberts, with his experience, will continue the service.

    Wishing you all the best and sincerely hoping and health issue are manageable


    1. For the best interest of our residents, we hopefully look forward to a board that can be led by one who understands and expresses the traits of empathy and compassion. Enough of the rage and distortions and excessive anger.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. To Rana and Dan,

      First let me say you both have my support and confidence. This Board of SCA that promised transparency, communication and honesty has become a pathetic group of “scared” fools without integrity or purpose.

      perlstein is a joke and failure and hasn’t earned the right to suggest anything about Ms. Goodman; further his only purpose was the restaurant survey, “hell of a job so far”!

      The remaining Board of pope, quinn, hadrick, Linow and anderson are truly inept and have not seriously done their job or even attempted to keep their promises as they suggested when they ran for office.

      It amazes me that the SCA Legal Counsel has not been terminated. I suspect the reason is Clarkson has not given this Board permission to terminate his position. It seems Clarkson has trained this Board well; when he says “jump”, the Boards only question is “how high”!

      Rana, you don’t deserve or need this group and they certainly don’t deserve you. Be assured you are better off disassociated from this “pack” of misfits.

      I look forward to your extended remarks and I wish you and Dan success and good health. Finally, I look forward to Dan’s approach and success with his new blogs to add to his “ communication” empire.

      Peter Brown

    4. From Valerie Opinions 

      It is reprehensible the way you have been treated!  

      As always I find politics to be a dirty business.  

      Your good name has been tarnished by this terrible Board who promised to be different than previous Boards.

      I have known you for many years and you deserve to be treated far better than how this Board has underhandedly treated you.  

    5. From Paul Shea & Mary Opinions

      Wow,Never met Rana.  

      What was this egregious offense this lady committed?

      We’re new to community & don’t get involved with political shenanigans.

    6. Paul & Mary,

      Your comment, though sad to hear regarding a desire not to be involved with community politics, is DEAD ON THE MONEY.

      For years reform has been attempted and constantly sabotaged by a man named David Berman. He will do anything to destroy a person's name and character and we have numerous individuals in the community who will attest to that belief.

      His latest LIE is trying to blame me for costing the association $40,000 for acts ORIGINATED BY JAMES COLEMAN.

      It was COLEMAN who demanded an outside mediator, while we consistently asked the COWARDLY BOARD to ignore him; but fear won out and they CONSPIRED to remove Rana Goodman as the scapegoat for an act THEY ALL HAD BEEN AN ACTIVE PART OF APPROVING.

      bERMAN'S long list of Board recommendations have been at best, embarrassments to our community.

      We had finally established reform until his underground network of control freaks managed to create this situation.

      My advice to you is BEWARE of such individuals who consist of the likes of Board member, Wendy Lindow, CLC Chairman Robert GoldFried, as well as past Board members Candace Karrow, Rex Weddle, and last but not least the most TOXIC of them all, James Coleman who will be forever known as the individual who introduced the ugly subject of RACISM to our community, as well as, condemning certain individuals in the community, especially accusing myself of a criminal act ON A PUBLIC and PRIVATE forum.

      Complaints have been filed against Coleman to PROVIDE HIS ALLEGATIONS, and as yet have not bee taken up by the SCA Board.

      He has an opportunity to demand a FORMAL HEARING BEFORE THE MEMBERSHIP to answer his complaint. I hope he chooses that option, because if that be the case, he will have to PUBLICLY PROVE THE ALLEGATIONS. My guess is that he, like his mentor, David Berman, will BE COWARDS and refuse the option.

    7. From Virginia Opinions

      So the old Buzzard Berman is probably very pleased with himself.  

      More strife in the community.

      Can't control Rana so he wants her off board....between Coleman (BLM advocate calling the community racist)

      This is what's happened again.

      Harassment for Rana.  

      I don't blame her. 

    8. From Royce Opinions 


      Goodbye and Good Luck.

      I no longer live in Sun City Anthem.  

      We moved from Sun City Anthem two years ago, but I retained my subscription to Anthem Opinions to better understand how my Henderson neighborhood was doing.  

      I am saddened to lose my eye into the community, but I certainly understand your need to move on.   

      I am also saddened to learn many of the community members for whom I have the highest regard have been so denigrated.  

      Thank you for defending these community heroes.  

      Hopefully Sun City Anthem will eventually recover from the scars it has endured.

    9. From Roseann Opinions

      Dear Dick, I am TRULY shocked reading this. 

      I’m living here 16 years and have watched the DECLINE of respect for our community. 

      I have learned so much since you have started this wonderful Anthem Opinions.

      I so APPRECIATE all the time, effort, truth and heartfelt messages you conveyed in your articles.

      I looked forward to reading them; and now they will end. 

      Now regarding Rana ....I can’t believe Rana will be removed!

      What is going on here??How & Why is this happening?

      I was so HAPPY when she was elected President.

      All the good she has done!

      RANA...PLEASE FIGHT THIS COUP...we are counting on you!

    10. Roseann,

      This entire matter was engineered by by a subversive group referred to as "the Machine" lead by their leader, David Berman, in coordination with a Club President, an Association Attorney, and 6 COWARDS ON the Sun City Anthem Board, who were more concerned with fear, then defending the TRUTH.

    11. From Dixie Opinions

      Thank you, Dick , for all your years of service to our community.

      You will be missed.

      As for the shocking news about Rana, I have no words to describe the total disbelief I feel.

      Except, there went "hope"!

    12. Dixie, please don't give up the ship. 

      Rana and I  are just two voices among many in our community.

      I know Dan Roberts of the Vegas Voice,  and I can assure you, he will continue to bring truth to SCA..

    13. From John Opinions 

      Dear Dick: It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to one of the real forces of good in Anthem Sun City.

      You have done so much for the community, and helped expose, and change a corrupt force that had taken over our community.

      Unfortunately is sounds like they have returned with vengeance.

      THANK YOU for your service, and for fighting the good fight for all of us.Quite frankly no one knows of the extraordinary effort you have made for this community.

      You, as the creator of  Anthem Opinions will be sorely missed.

      Enjoy your new found freedom, and I hope you take a needed leave, rest, and clearing of the mind, and then join the fight again as a contributor in keeping our community free of the corruption that is always lurking!

    14. From Paul and Jo Ellen Opinions 

      Hello Dick,First we would like to thank you for your excellent articles regarding the present unfortunate situation in our community.

      We wish you and Maria the very best going forward. 

      Second we are sad to know you will not be doing the blog any longer, but certainly understand the work and stress it has become.  

      We feel Dan Roberts will carry on your work in the best possible way.  

      We are great admirers of his Vegas Voice paper. We would like to comment on the most recent articles attacking Rana, Charlie and Forrest.

      It is sad when they are attacked so viciously when it is not in any way deserved.

      Rana has worked diligently and spent countless months to help the elderly all over Nevada while still working for SCA's best interest.

      She was elected by a large majority and should retain her position on the board.  

      We have lived in SCA for 18 years and Charlie is our good neighbor.  

      You never see Charlie without a smile on his face and he is always working for our community.

      Forrest is known for his willingness to assist anyone in our community. 

      As a side note we are the people David Berman attacked and called immoral and unethical because we had the audacity to put a sign in our yard opposing his buddy Carl Weinstein for the SCA board.  We were the Weinstein family's neighbor all the time we lived here and felt very strongly about him representing our community. No one asked us why we opposed Carl Weinstein.  

      In our opinion David Berman will attack, demean, and try to intimidate anyone who disagrees with him.

      We did not removed our sign as we will not be intimidated.

      When we see David Berman attacking others it brings back how he treated us.  He did not know us, we had seen him, but never met him but he choose to judge us. His character speaks for itself. 

      The problems we are now seeing in our community has done so much damage.  

      We had never heard the word racism or racist uttered in our community until suddenly we are accused of racism as a community.

      This is an attack on every resident with absolutely no proof we can see.

      Some people are just unhappy and want to be sure everyone else is too. They want to make their perceived problems the problems of everyone around them.

      Frankly we are not responsible for making them happy. We are all old people with limited years (hopefully years) left on this earth.Why spend those precious years being unhappy??? 

      Again, Thank you............

    15. From Robert Opinions 

      I’ll have to say it was quite disturbing to read about your leaving the Anthem Opinion.

      Making a point to search my Emails daily for your words of wisdom became a part of my mornings as walking the dog and having my coffee.

      However, when you mentioned that they are possible health connected with your decision, that in it’s own right is a legitimate excuse to reevaluate your priorities.

      There are those in our community who side with those who, for whatever reasons, like to have maintain control the dollars coming in, mostly from dues paying  homeowners, regardless of the lunacy or lack on knowledge of how it will be spent, and I would venture that many, had it not been for warnings pointed out in Anthem Opinions, avoiding near catastrophic results.

      The format of featuring Anthem centered news & opinion, news from throughout the valley, sports and entertainment , and readers’ thoughts offered something for nearly everyone. 

      The Mr. Fix-It articles are great for the not-so-handy man.

      The amount of research must me tremendous, and encapsulating it into an interesting, accurate publication must require more than average patience by you and and understanding wife.

      Hopefully, Mr. Roberts, with his experience, will continue the service.

      Wishing you all the best and sincerely hoping and health issue are manageable.
