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Friday, October 30, 2020

That's All Folks...A Final Thanks to Those Who Made Anthem Opinions a Success !


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Dear Readers, 

On October 20th, I mentioned that as of November 1, 2020 Anthem Opinions will be known as Anthem Opinions: A Vegas Voice Publication. 

As a result, this will be my final article as the owner of this blog. 

For the past 11 days I've sat quietly trying to figure out a way to say

bon voyage to a publication that my friend and fellow Sun City Anthem resident, Allen Weintraub, and I contrived 8 years ago. 

Many of you may be unaware of Allen since his "silence" has been hidden over the years, but without Allen Weintraub's technical assistance and knowledge of computer technology, there would never have been an Anthem Opinions. 

Anthem Opinions' ironic beginning began one day when we both went swimming at the Liberty Center indoor pool.  As we were changing into our street clothes, I got into a conversation with some guy who told me he was from Chicago, lived near where I did, and knew many of my friends from my college days. 

As we spoke, suddenly we looked at each other with a strange stare after he told me his name was Allen.  I said to him, "Allen ?", and he said back to me "Dick ?" 

...and over 40 years seemed to disappear as we began to laugh. 

(Though I did ask him why he got old and I didn't !) 

Allen and I were fraternity brothers that hadn't seen each other since our college days !  

As a matter of fact, he was one of the 12 original founders of our local fraternity, Sigma Delta Pi, which subsequently nationalized and became a chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu...."Sammies".  

In my garage to this very day, I have a fraternity paddle with Allen's name inscribed on it. Allen Weintraub, my dear friend whom I "lost" for 40 years, I want to thank you for the best of friendships these past 8 of them. 

Who would have ever "thunk it", huh Allen? 

There were some others who graciously contributed to Anthem Opinions over the years; first and foremost, another individual whose talent has provided many home improvement articles...and unselfish dedication in helping so many homeowners over the years. 

I'm speaking of Forrest Fetherolf...Mr. Fix-It...Mr. Friend of Sun City Anthem... a person whose assistance and kindness has been valued and appreciated whenever I've called him, day or night. 

For years, another lady named Valerie Lapin, provided us with so many valuable tips that graced our "Why Didn't I Think of That...Tips" Information page.  Thanks Valerie. 

We had a very special lady named Jackie Brett greatly assist us in her entertainment news.  Thank you Jackie.  Those "First Wednesday" breakfasts each month at Sunset Station have been sorely missed since the pandemic began in March. I can't wait until some form of normalcy exists again when we can get together again. 

Over the years, many of our articles have been edited by other members of Sun City spelling errors became evident that we were in need of editors and residents Marcia Kosterka, Liz Breier,  and Robert Nusser would step up the plate.  Thank you Marcia, Liz, and Robert. 

Last but not least is my wife, Marla.  What a gal !  

...and what a lucky guy I was to land a loving lady who the words "for better or worse, richer or poorer" to my life for the past 35 years. 

So...though my major involvement and ownership will cease on Sunday, November 1, 2020, the Vegas Voice has requested that both Forrest Fetherolf and I remain a part of their family.  

We happily accepted Dan Roberts invitation to join the Vegas Voice to the degree he wishes our input. 

Thank you Sun City Anthem for the opportunity to tell our story these past 8 years.  God bless all of you and PLEASE, I ask those who wish to make our community a better place, to do so without selfish motive in the future. 

After all,  without "the good guys", the "bad guys" will prevail for years to come.

 Once again, my heartfelt thanks to all of you allowing us in your homes over the years. 

Dick Arendt

  • From Arnie Opinions

    Good luck Dick!

    Enjoy your retirement.

    Thank you for all the information that you provided over the years.

  • From Peter Opinions


    Just read your final comments as owner of Anthem Opinions, it was well done and a positive way to say good-bye.

    It is good to know you will help Dan as needed.

    Plus in time we will see some articles and thoughts from you.

  • From David Opinions

    A tremendous contribution to this community !

    A tremendous contribution to my life !

    I don't know how you did it. The hours. The labor. The thought. The ingenuity.

    Blows my mind !

    Thank you, Dick !

  • From Dorothy Opinions 

    Thanks so much for all those 8 years unselfish contribution to the lucky Sun City Anthem residents.  

    Your blog will be missed by So Many Residents who all want our great community being a right one for all, without selfish nor political maneuvering motivations!!!

    (We have had enough of those before our retirement)

    Best of all, you revealed the ugly part of some dishonesty that exists in this community and voiced for the majority silent residents.  

    I appreciate getting to know you and Rana!  Your friendship is treasured!!!

    1. From Crystal Hendrickson...former Henderson Mayoral Anthem Opinions

      Lovely farewell message. Best wishes to you.

    2. From Kathleen Opinions

      As seniors we have had to  suffer  many a  “good-bye” over the years...temporary or permanent.   All  carry some degree of sadness, and it never gets easier. 

      Life teaches us that.

      I have enjoyed your articles and input over the years on the original Anthem Opinions, and look I look forward to your contributions in this new venture with the award winning VEGAS VOICE.

      And so this is not a “good-bye. 

      It is a “see you soon”!With appreciation.


      Kathleen VonderAhe

    1. Best wishes to you and all your really hard work to keep the Vermin away. Enjoy your well deserved retirement!

    2. From John Opinions


      Thank you for all your hard work over the years.

      We will miss your contributions to our community.

      The very best to you and Allen and of course your loving and beautiful wife Marla. 

      Now sit back and relax you earned the rest.  

    3. From Robert Opinions 

      VERY sad, but completely UNDERSTANDABLE.

    4. From Elizabeth Opinions 

      WOW - well I’m happy that you have that boulder off your shoulder. 

      The article really brought a tear to my eye.

      No matter what,  I guess it’s never easy to move on especially since it was your “baby“. 

      Thanks so much for the undeserved acknowledgment.

    1. From Roseann & Lenny Opinions 

      Dear Dick, 

      Thank you and your staff for the time & effort you put into this GREAT “Anthem Opinions!”.

      I’ve lived here for 15 years and saw the changes that you reported on.

      I only hope we , as a community, can get back to the way it was!  

      I looked forward to reading your articles; which now, I will GREATLY miss. 

      Good luck  and we look forward to your input in The Vegas Voice publications. 

      Thanks again.


    1. From Arnie Opinions

      Good luck Dick!

      Enjoy your retirement.

      Thank you for all the information that you provided over the years.

    2. From Peter Opinions


      Just read your final comments as owner of Anthem Opinions, it was well done and a positive way to say good-bye.

      It is good to know you will help Dan as needed.

      Plus in time we will see some articles and thoughts from you.

    3. From David Opinions

      A tremendous contribution to this community !

      A tremendous contribution to my life !

      I don't know how you did it. The hours. The labor. The thought. The ingenuity.

      Blows my mind !

      Thank you, Dick !

    4. From Dorothy Opinions 

      Thanks so much for all those 8 years unselfish contribution to the lucky Sun City Anthem residents.  

      Your blog will be missed by So Many Residents who all want our great community being a right one for all, without selfish nor political maneuvering motivations!!!

      (We have had enough of those before our retirement)

      Best of all, you revealed the ugly part of some dishonesty that exists in this community and voiced for the majority silent residents.  

      I appreciate getting to know you and Rana!  Your friendship is treasured!!!

    5. From Crystal Hendrickson...former Henderson Mayoral Anthem Opinions

      Lovely farewell message. Best wishes to you.

    6. From Kathleen Opinions

      As seniors we have had to  suffer  many a  “good-bye” over the years...temporary or permanent.   All  carry some degree of sadness, and it never gets easier. 

      Life teaches us that.

      I have enjoyed your articles and input over the years on the original Anthem Opinions, and look I look forward to your contributions in this new venture with the award winning VEGAS VOICE.

      And so this is not a “good-bye. 

      It is a “see you soon”!With appreciation.


      Kathleen VonderAhe

    7. Best wishes to you and all your really hard work to keep the Vermin away. Enjoy your well deserved retirement!

    8. From John Opinions


      Thank you for all your hard work over the years.

      We will miss your contributions to our community.

      The very best to you and Allen and of course your loving and beautiful wife Marla. 

      Now sit back and relax you earned the rest.  

    9. From Robert Opinions 

      VERY sad, but completely UNDERSTANDABLE.

    10. From Elizabeth Opinions 

      WOW - well I’m happy that you have that boulder off your shoulder. 

      The article really brought a tear to my eye.

      No matter what,  I guess it’s never easy to move on especially since it was your “baby“. 

      Thanks so much for the undeserved acknowledgment.

    11. From Roseann & Lenny Opinions 

      Dear Dick, 

      Thank you and your staff for the time & effort you put into this GREAT “Anthem Opinions!”.

      I’ve lived here for 15 years and saw the changes that you reported on.

      I only hope we , as a community, can get back to the way it was!  

      I looked forward to reading your articles; which now, I will GREATLY miss. 

      Good luck  and we look forward to your input in The Vegas Voice publications. 

      Thanks again.

    12. Just giving you Dick my wishes too! You have always been the voice of rational input regarding our issues, and thank you for your hard work.
