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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Mr, Fix-It Talks...Water Heaters !

 I Need a New Water Heater ! Which One Do I Need ?

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1 comment:

  1. From Marty Opinions

    As a side note to your commentary about water usage, this topic had me contact SNWA in regards to my “Water Heater.” It seems that since I have lived here I have had to replace it about every 4 years.

    Of course as it is told to me (many times) by SNWA our water is very hard (duh). It costs nearly a thousand dollars every time we replace it!

    As compared to Los Angeles water, a water heater needs replacing about every 25 to 30 years, and that’s without doing anything to it.

    The SNWA suggests removing the sediment about once a year, and its not a big deal to do, but I do it about 3 times a year.

    It is the main cause of all the problems (sediment) to destroying the water heater, aside of the fact I never drink the stuff, and do have an R.O. and always drink bottled water too.

    SNWA said the particulates don’t cause any serious problem, but none the less…”don’t drink the water!”

    Bottom line is as was told to me by the SNWA person (who was quite helpful) he’d try to see if there is any programs that help us, the consumer to rebate these issues to get an inline filter to alleviate the problem.

    This is of course help us to get some discount pricing on a filter (about $300-400), and plumbing costs.

    Another thing he said was, “they do about 300K checks a year,” and I said that is a minimum standard to meet the requirements set by our government.

    I know removing the particulates would pretty closely make the cost of delivery of water quite expensive and that’s why I want a consumer program to offset the costs involved for the inline filter for the water heater.
