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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Let's Begin the Sun City Anthem Election Season with A Plea for Civility: An Anthem Opinions Editorial


A Need to Respond to a Man Whose Actions Over Years
Has Led to Division and Machine Politics
Point-Counterpoint: The Worst Team In Baseball Is…? | Dubsism

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  1. From Marcia Opinions

    Your editorial is well worth reading especially by homeowners who have not lived in SCA as long as many of us.

    It is important that new members of our community understand the past.

    The best thing to do is to ignore what he says and stay away from him as if he doesn't exist. He cannot stand to be ignored and constantly seeks attention.

    Both Richard Pope and Forrest Fetherolf are the type of individuals running for the board that truly deserve your vote.

    They will put homeowners best interests first and give them a voice.

  2. From Mary Lee Anthem Opinions 

    Great editorial!  

    Sadly the nasty blogger is still alive and spewing his venom!

    Sounds like he’s been quiet for a while BUT now wants to TRY to control the elections.

    Some things never seem to change, but hopefully folks are smarter and don’t fall for his negatives about candidates.

  3. We are relatively new to SCA, since mid 2020. Can someone post a link to some of the blogger's posts. Without seeing what he/she is writing it is hard for me to put things in context.

    For the record, I am a huge supporter of Forrest for BOD. I know and respect him.

    1. Eltee, please send your email to us and I will be glad to send you a few samples.

  4. From Valerie Opinions

    Excellent, insightful, honest assessment of the unfortunate reality.

  5. From Bernie Horton...Former Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Finance Opinions

    I appreciated your article about that certain blogger who is himself one of the biggest liars I have met in SCA. 

    I stopped reading his blog when he lied to me about printing information that led me, as Chair, along with five other members of the SCA Finance Committee, to resign after extreme disrespect by the 2019 board President and her minions that were supported by that blogger. 

    He then went on to endorse her for reelection but fortunately for SCA, she lost. 

    Richard Pope is a breath of fresh air.

    He identified several huge mistakes in our operations and accounting that never were addressed by several boards. 

    He has given 40 to 80 hours a week working on problems like the Villa neighborhood property issues, finding assets not listed in our reserve funds, and pointing out the unfunded liability of $10-$20 million for Anthem Council to replace irrigation and landscape throughout Anthem. 

    He also found that hundreds of thousands collected from home sales for the "Asset Enhancement Fees" were not going into a separate fund for new community assets. 

    Instead, they have been used for operating expenses in violation of our governing documents. 

    He got that changed last year and much more as people will learn during his reelection campaign.    

  6. For all our readers:

    As we have stated, CREDIBILITY is important to any endorsement.

    We ask all to consider these facts as to the importance of that statement.

    Mr. Horton  was one very dedicated person who volunteered for 3.5 years to help protect the community.  One who recruited several CPAs and MBAs and assembled probably the most experienced group of volunteers ever for a Sun City Anthem Finance Committee, all of who resigned because of that blogger's endorsed preference who then bypassed the Finance Committee, to approve, in that committee's estimation, wasting nearly a million dollars alone on the parking lot that did not require replacement.
