Information Pages

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Sun City Anthem President Notification to all Property Owners

Sun City Anthem President Discusses Election Changes

 Vote for Stephen Anderson

In place of my President’s Report this month, I want to provide the latest regarding the election.  Please shred your ballot mailing that most of you should have received by now.  Only vote using the new ballot mailing that will go out Wednesday, 03/30/2022.


Due to the resignations of Board Members Brian Donahue and Forrest Quinn, which will be effective at midnight on April 28, 2022, the ballot package that was recently mailed to residents is no longer valid.

Residents should discard the initial ballot packet that has probably already arrived in your mailbox. A new, corrected ballot packet will arrive sometime next week.

The new ballot instructs residents to vote for no more than three (3) candidates. The three candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected to a two-year term. The candidates coming in fourth and fifth place will serve a one-year term on the board.

In addition, I can add the following information as to the specifics of the above.

The Official Revised Ballot Packet will be mailed out next Wednesday. The deadline to return the ballots will be May 2, 2022, at 4pm. The Rescheduled Membership Meeting and Election of the Board will be May 3, 2022, at 10am. The Board of Directors Organizational Meeting of the new Board will be on May 5, 2022, at 1:30 pm.

As the current President of the Board and a fellow candidate, I have sent my congratulations to each of the candidates and look forward to working with each of them.  Please know that I repeat my pledge to always respond to your issues and concerns.  Further, I will continue to hold Town Hall Meetings for residents who want to talk with members of the Board.  If you hear stories of shenanigans, please let me know as that is not my style in the least.

An upcoming issue to watch for is the revision of the Rules and Regulations and the Architectural (ARC) Guidelines.  A draft version has been developed and the next step is for the Board and the Task Force that made the revisions to review it and then there will be a community forum for residents to comment on it.

Some of the issues under review are the color of non-holiday lighting on your home, restrictions on the type of flag you can fly on your garage flag pole, and the plants that are restricted species.

Please vote when you get your ballot for the three candidates that you want elected to the three two year terms.  The 4th and 5th place finishers will be elected to serve out the two year terms of the two board members who resigned. In the last two elections all of the candidates on the ballot were automatically elected. It is a shame in a community of 12,000 to 13,000 people that we cannot attract at least 8 people in each election to run for the Board.  I have personally enjoyed my service over the past two years.  I find the work challenging, but very rewarding.  Further we do not spend untold hours serving on the board. Contrary to popular belief, it is not an unpleasant job.  Major qualifications for being on the board are to have common sense, work collaboratively with other board members and management, and to listen and be responsive to residents.  The backgrounds of board members are diverse and represent many different career paths.  Next year, please consider running for the Board.

Steve Anderson, President
Sun City Anthem Board of Directors

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