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Friday, March 25, 2022

Sun City Anthem Election...A Turn of Events...An Anthem Opinions Editorial


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  1. From Forrest Opinions

    Today I received notice from management, current board members have resigned, leaving five openings to be filled by the five candidates.

    I am very honored to become a board member to serve our SCA Community as I have been as "Forrest SCA Mr. Fix-It", helping others in the gym, and volunteering.

    I want all to know that I am not happy to become a board member by default.

    I was looking forward to allowing Sun City Anthem residents to choose their representatives through the election process.

    There are many highly qualified residents in SCA to help make our community the best of the best; but at the same time, unfortunately, there are also some individuals preferring to be so negative and derogatory toward candidates, causing some candidates to withdraw or not to run for the board at all.

    I know, I have been a victim of vicious attacks with untruths and lies by an undesirable blog owner resident and SCA Corporate Attorney.

    However, I have received so much support from many residents to “hang in there.”

    I have.

    There is no place in our SCA community “for mudslinging” and negativity toward others wanting to become involved in SCA activities.

    We are here to enjoy our remaining years of life and share knowledge.

    Even though voting now will not choose your favorite candidate(s), voting is necessary to show your support for whom you feel is most qualified and to serve a one year or two-year term.

    Regardless of what you decide, I want to thank all the residents that have shown their support for me to serve you as a SCA Board Director, and promise that I will do my best not to disappoint you at any time.

  2. From Marcia Opinions


    I know you would have wanted to be voted in by homeowner preference, but you have much to offer with your expertise.

    I have watched since 2006, certain past board members display a poor attitude of ignoring input from homeowners and spending money foolishly-homeowner money.

    In my opinion, we need new blood on the board and you certainly fit that category.

    I have also become aware of one board member who has constantly displayed arrogance, rudeness to homeowners and lying in the past and present.

    Since we can vote for up to three candidates, we can limit the term of this individual by not voting for this person.

    This way, they will be limited to one year until the next election.

    Lastly, you are not a person who expresses yourself with flowery phrases, but a doer and helpful to anyone who needs help with their home.
