Information Pages

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Special Guests....Tony Drake and Lisa Gay

Vegas Voice Show Saturday, May 31st 

Join  Radio host, Dick Arendt,  this Saturday, May 31st at 7:00am and again at noon on Sunday for The Vegas Voice Show on  KLAV radioAM 1230, on your dial.


Dick's Special Guests this week are...

Tony Drake and Lisa Gay...

...who will be performing this Friday evening, May 30th at  8:00pm in the newest "hotspot" for local entertainment in town !

 ONLY $10.00

Viva Las Vegas Event Center
1201 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas
(702) 384-0771

We'll get "up close and personal" with these outstanding personalities; talk about their beginnings, long careers, and discuss the many people they've joined over the years including Marvin Gaye, Lou Rawls, and Barry White.


If you've never been to this newest and elegant venue just north of the Stratosphere on Las Vegas Blvd., you have to see it to be believe it.

It is simply...

B...U...T...ful !

It's "Old Vegas" all over again...reborn" off the main strip offering food appetizers and drink specials...that are AFFORDABLE !
They even have the "Old Vegas" dress code, described as "Elegant, After Five"

Check out their website and make sure you take the virtual tour.

And...don't forget to read The Vegas Voice, the largest Age 50+ Senior newspaper in the Las Vegas valley.

Nevada home prices continue ascent as sales drop


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Summer's Almost Here...and that Means....Weekend Entertainment Venues Galore

Norm & Jackie's 
Weekend Entertainment News

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"What's Up in Weekend Entertainment"

The Weekend Has Some New Dining Options

Newest Valley Dining Options for Sun City Anthem Residents

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 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Will Demographics Change Las Vegas Amenities ?

Age of average Las Vegas visitor fell in 2013

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Don't Think Cactus Don't Need Tender Lovin' Care

Our Garden Wizard, Carol Van Camp, has some sound advice about those plants we all seem to take for granted.

Cactus Need Tender Lovin' Care

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 "The Garden Wizard"

Friday, May 23, 2014

Got Youngsters Coming for a Long Weekend ?

Got Young Visitors ?

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 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Sending our Best Wishes to a Friend in his time of Sadness

What Greater Love !

Many of you know that I am dear friends with concert pianist and composer, Danny Wright.

I've had the privilege of knowing Danny and his family, and this is a rather "different" article for me to write.

One important aspect of Danny's life is his dog...


("Booboo" is in the lower right corner)

Having been a "dog" owner myself, perhaps one of the saddest moments in my life was having to voluntarily terminate the life of my best pal, "Ash".

He was a welsh terrier that I loved for 15 years until the day came when seeing him suffer became as unbearable to it was to him.

I know many of you have had similar experiences, and today I tribute yet another "pal" named "Booboo".

"Booboo" was 24 years old !

And last night, Danny had to make the ultimate decision of love.....

...the unbearable decision of "letting go"

But Danny Wright is a special person who has talent and love...and like so many others he's touched and immortalized in his music, he said a final farewell in the manner in which God granted him the talent to do so.

And so....I am proud, yet sad,  to present...

"Booboo's Theme"

Want to send Danny Wright an email?

Here's the email address....

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Anthem Opinions Co-Owner Surprised by Medicare Coverage

Does Medicare Cover
an Annual Physical Exam?

Are you experiencing what I just did ?

I am wondering if any of you… medicare friends have had similar experiences under medicare.

Today was my annual physical.  I have both Medicare and a supplement.

The doctors office said….the annual physical is not covered by medicare

She said in the past (2 years ago) it was covered,  but now only a wellness visit to fill out a questionnaire is covered after the first year physical.  

Now….my supplement will cover the physical but it did seem strange to me.  

The office manager said that their office previously thought that other than the first year physical, Medicare covered one per year thereafter.  Now she said that following the first year…only the questionnaire visit is covered.
Any blood tests, EKG or other tests are not covered. She said the doctor's office was sloppy and they wound up not getting paid as they had anticipated and ate the loss.

Again, my supplement will cover the physical for me.
 Below is my internet search on the subject.


Preventive visit & yearly wellness exams

How often is it covered?

A "Welcome to Medicare"

"Preventive visit"
You can get this introductory visit only within the first 12 months you have Part B. This visit includes a review of your medical and social history related to your health and education and counseling about preventive services, including certain screenings, shots, and referrals for other care, if needed. It also includes:
This visit is covered one time.

You don’t need to have this visit to be covered for yearly "Wellness" visits

 Yearly "Wellness" visits: 

If you've had Part B for longer than 12 months, you can get this visit to develop or update a personalized prevention help plan to prevent disease and disability based on your current health and risk factors. Your provider will ask you to fill out a questionnaire, called a “Health Risk Assessment,” as part of this visit. Answering these questions can help you and your provider develop a personalized prevention plan to help you stay healthy and get the most out of your visit. It also includes:

  •  A review of your medical and family history
  •  Developing or updating a list of current providers and prescriptions
  • Height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements
  • Detection of any cognitive impairment
  • Personalized health advice
  • A list of risk factors and treatment options for you
  • A screening schedule (like a checklist) for appropriate preventive services. Get details about coverage for screenings, shots, and other preventive services.
This visit is covered once every 12 months (11 full months must have passed since the last visit).

Who's eligible?

All people with Medicare are covered.

Your costs in Original Medicare

You pay nothing for the “Welcome to Medicare” preventive visit or the yearly “Wellness” visit if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment. The Part B deductible doesn’t apply.

However, if your doctor or other health care provider performs additional tests or services during the same visit that aren’t covered under these preventive benefits, you may have to pay coinsurance, and the Part B deductible may apply.
Your doctor or other health care provider may recommend you get services more often than Medicare covers. Or, they may recommend services that Medicare doesn’t cover.

If this happens, you may have to pay some or all of the costs.

It’s important to ask questions so you understand why your doctor is recommending certain services and whether Medicare will pay for them.


Allen Weintraub

Anthem Opinions

Cox to Provide FREE Wi-Fi to Customers

Cox to roll out valley-wide Wi-Fi, ultra-fast Internet


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New Entertainment Being Planned

Newest Upcoming Entertainment Experiences 


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 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Get Out and Enjoy the Valley Cuisine

Newest Valley
Dining Experiences

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Click on our Information Page:
 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Review Journal Article...A Must for Seniors

Review Journal....May 20, 2014
Aging Americans Not Planning for Assisted Living

Having owned an insurance agency for over 30 years, I learned long ago that...
People Don't Plan to Fail
They Fail to Plan
I've heard every reason as to "why" people don't want to purchase insurance, but one thing I've never encountered.....
An Insured Refusing to Cash a Check !
No...this is not an advertisement to buy insurance, but it is a warning to PLAN.
It's easier for YOU to make a decision, rather than placing others in a position to make it for you.
Most of us are past that time of life where taking care of young kids is a concern....but we are at that point of life where THOSE SAME KIDS may have to someday take care of YOU...unless you've PLANNED.
The article in the Review Journal states that 70% of Americans will need some type of long-term care after the age of 65.
...and it's nothing to take lightly !
And those of you who never married, are now widowed, or never had children, are the most vulnerable.
Here are other FACTS...
50% of people age 40 and over have been caregivers to friends and relatives.
60% of people age 40 and over have provided care to a parent.
As the article also points out....
Care giving is not only an EMOTIONAL challenge, but a PHYSICAL one as well.
The average age of a spouse caregiver is 67, and 58 for those who have cared for a parent.
33% of Americans in these age groups are deeply concerned, yet 67% have done little or no planning.
Only 32% have set aside money for living assistance, and 28% have modified their homes to make it easier to live as they get older.
Just what does assisted living cost ?
Sit down !
53% of Americans underestimate the cost of a nursing home.
(nursing homes average $6,900 p/month)
33% of Americans underestimate the cost of assisted living, of which 20% believe a home health aid costs approximately $1,000 p/month.
(the actual cost of a home health aid is approximately $3,400 per month)
What's the answer?
Simply stated
If you are married, TALK to your spouse as to what your wishes would be.
If you are widowed with children,, TALK with your children as to what your wishes would be.
If you are single or widowed without children, TALK to  a professional counselor as to your wishes.
Most matter what category you find yourself in......
Long-term care insurance coverage may not be an OPTION, but instead, a REQUIREMENT.
Here's another article recently published in the Las Vegas Review Journal about this topic.  It's informative and thought provoking.
....because if you don't die at the right time, you will in all probability be the object of this it a care giver, or one who needs assistance.
You've lived your life on your terms to this point.....
Don't allow others to control it for you at the most vulnerable time of your life.
Dick Arendt


Monday, May 19, 2014

When "Lucky" met "Rusty"

This might not be a day of national historic significance, but holds a special meaning for the citizens of Las Vegas !

May 20, 1964


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 "History and Holidays"

Sunday, May 18, 2014

There's No Substitute for Common Sense

Mr. Fix-It receives calls and emails all the time, and he wants to share one with you.

Common Sense Can Not Only Save Your Property...but Your Life !

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"