Information Pages

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let Us Entertain You....with a Real Community Story

Criminal Captured After 15 Years
It took years but it was caught...and...the trial is soon to commence.
The Criminal...
Betty Bench
The Dastardly Act: 
Evading prosecution for 15 years while residing in an unauthorized area, using the alias "landscaping accessory".
...but then it happened !
The "heat" had caught on !
And a familiar sight showed up....
...with his friend....
...with a familiar sound...
But because they were unauthorized to arrest the fugitive, they made note of the situation and called in two others to investigate the atrocity !
And yet another sound could be heard as they approached the homeowner !
As they cautiously approached the "mouth piece" for the criminal fugitive from justice, one of the men said loudly....
"What's this all about?" asked the frightened homeowner.
"It's about the bench...and...eluding capture all these years.  It's considered "patio furniture", is not in an authorized location..and it has to go", said the man with the badge.
"But it's not patio furniture, it's a decorative landscaping accessory",  said the frightened woman.
It made no difference to the man.  All he would say was...
The "boys" say it's "patio furniture"....and what they say, it's the style of life they're concerned with, not you".
"But I am giving you the's not outdoor patio furniture, it's merely a decoration....a landscaping decoration that is made of cement, is hidden behind a tree, weighs over 500 pounds...and has been sitting there for 15 years", the woman pleaded.
So...the woman, petrified of "the boys", contacted others in the area who she believed would help her.
And  after searching and cruising the "hood", she eventually discovered  members of "the Bench Gang" that had been "laying low" over the years.
There was "Bottoms Bonnie" and  "Cushie Clyde".
 "Tiny Tush Tina"
The "Butts Combo" gang
"Cheap Louie the Loner"
" Willie the Wedgie"
"Roger the Rogue 

"Tiny Hiney"
" Flubby Fats" with "Daisy Donut" 
"Freddie the Frog Freak"
"Thunder Thigh Tina the Tuba"
"Sammie the Sea Snort"
And Finally....
"Iron Mamma Minnie" 

Yes...everywhere she turned, the "gang" had a presence. appeared that only she would bear the brunt of the prosecution.
So....will the prosecutors seek out the other offenders, or will they merely settle for prosecuting Betty Bench?
So...we now have the case before you...the community...the jury !
What say you?
Is Betty Bench a landscape ornament or is she patio furniture?
Should she be left alone to live out the rest of her life in peace, or should she suffer the fate of the wrecker's ball?
We think she and "The Bench Gang" deserve amnesty and be allowed to coexist along with the many other "lawn decorations" we discovered !

Ridiculous?  Sad, but true.
It's just a humorous way to tell a story of a woman in our community facing a violation of the Rules and being subjected to a substantial fine...because someone in power...has no common sense and...
"needs to get a life"

Monday, September 29, 2014

Are the "Good Times" Around the Corner ?

Latest Economic Valley Report...

Economy Advancing Strongly in Las Vegas

CLICK HERE for Full Information 


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The Trick to Properly Hanging a Picture Frame !


The problem with hanging a picture frame....
....are the holes you put in the wall...
Especially if you make a mistake !
We have the way to solve that problem

See our Information Page...
"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, September 28, 2014

We're Proud to Bring Anthem Opinions to the Residents of Sun City Anthem

Just a Friendly Reminder

Anthem Opinions has been in the process of sending notices to residents making them aware of our blog, along with descriptions of our various "Information Page" venues and an invitation to subscribe to our publication.

...and thus far...

....the success has been more than we could have ever expected.

Why has our subscriber base increased so substantially?

We believe that a POSITIVE experience is what the people want....not the opposite approach often demonstrated elsewhere.

As our mission statement clearly states, our objective is to entertain, as well as, provide helpful information many homeowners might wish to know in order to maintain the property values they spent their working lives achieving, and a retirement lifestyle that "keeps them young" !

We believe we have to date, successfully accomplished this mission as a result of now exceeding 400,000 views to our publication in less than two years of existence.

...but...we also believe we have a lot further to go....a distance that cannot be reached without YOU...our current readers...and those readers of the future.

We also believe that Anthem Opinions offers something NONE of the other Sun City Anthem blogs currently offer its readers....

...namely.....written articles produced by experienced, previously self-employed individuals holding professional business degrees and designations of expertise in their financial backgrounds...

....are "people friendly" toward all who treat others with kindness, respect, and equality...

...and most importantly, look out for "the little guy" as a social and moral responsibility. 

As a result....we want to say....

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU who look to Anthem Opinions as a valuable and happy information source that has stressed a POSITIVE experience, yet "calls it like it is" when a respectful and/or humorous manner.

We are proud to be the only Sun City Anthem community blog that has called for a...




SO....we hope you will tell your neighbors and friends to give us a visit as well. 

Dick Arendt
Allen Weintraub 
Anthem Opinions

Lint Can Create a Fire Hazard

Clothes Dryer Vent Blockage...
A Possible Fire Hazard

CLICK HERE for Full Information

Click on our Information Page...
 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Saturday, September 27, 2014

What's Going On in Henderson this week ?

Henderson Happenings

September 28th through October 4th


Click on our Information Page...

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Latest Las Vegas Valley Dining Bargains

Let's Eat !

CLICK HERE for Full information

Click on our Information Page:

 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Thursday, September 25, 2014

New Traffic Light Being Installed in Area

Crews installing light

at St. Rose and Maryland Pkwy


CLICK HERE for Full Information 


Click on our Information Page...


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Much Concern Still Exists

People Worried about Jumping into

Las Vegas Housing Market

CLICK HERE for Full Information 


Click on our Information Page...


Monday, September 22, 2014

Yet Another Use for a Product Most of Us Already Have

Have the grand kids invaded...leaving this art work on your walls?
Don't's easier to remove than you think...
...what it takes to do it is probably...
...already in Your Garage !
See our Information Page...
"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Broadway Play Made Many Aware of the Struggles of the Jewish People

With the Jewish high holidays beginning with Rosh Hashanah on Thursday, September 25th, we dedicate this article.

It was 50 Years Ago
The World Realized the Impact
The Pogroms

Click on our "Information Page"
"History and Holidays"

Saturday, September 20, 2014

You Can't Go Wrong with this List of Local Entertainment

It All Starts Sunday, September 21st !

CLICK HERE for Full Information


Click on our Information Page...

 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Henderson Happenings...This Week

What's Going on in Henderson this week ?

Henderson Happenings

September 21st through September 28th


Click on our Information Page...

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Let Us Entertain You...with...A Fractured Fairy Tale

... there was a kingdom in the "Land of Silver" that was created for elder citizens to enjoy their final years. 

 Its beauty was second to none and was built with nothing but the best of intentions to serve the people who would inhabit this shire.

They needed a governing body; and in doing so, those who constructed the kingdom, created a constitution that made it almost impossible for the citizens of the shire to make changes of any kind.   

In the spirit of how they redefined democracy, this document allowed changes in the shire in a rather peculiar manner....a clever maneuver that would greatly inhibit the ability to make change. 

What was the provision ? 

You see, most elections are decided by a majority of citizens who cast a ballot.


Those who founded the shire knew that this "normal" elective method might possibly affect their ability to rule the kingdom. avoid any subsequent revolution, the founders decided to construct a constitution that allowed changes only if the majority OF THE ENTIRE HOBBIT POPULATION would vote to make the change !

They cleverly knew that a sizable number of the hobbit owners often traveled, lived elsewhere using their abodes on a part time basis, and in a number of cases, leased their shacks to others....

....thus....paying little attention to the management of the kingdom....

...only being concerned with a sunny part time lifestyle or revenue from their rental agreements with strangers.

The result....knowing that rarely would more than 50% of the entire voting hobbit owners even cast a ballot, it would literally be an impossibility to obtain that number to make any substantial changes to their kingdom.

However...this method of "change" would not apply to those who would rule the kingdom

Those individuals would instead be chosen by a simple majority of those who took the time to vote !  

So...they created a governing body that consisted of seven individuals who would make all decisions for the kingdom.

And...those who had the desire to be a member of the "Magnificent 7" sought out a manner in which to be in that selected group. 

Over time a number of controlling hobbits who believed it was their destiny, created a system of meeting in a "smoke filled room" to choose the candidates who would make the decisions for the remaining trusting but naive hobbits... 

...a group that would evolve over time, increasing their power where they cared little as to what the resident hobbits desired....instead deciding policy based on "political correctness" and personal whims...

...somewhat influenced by a Troll in the kingdom whose publication drastically altered fact after fact in order to enhance the corruption !

How would they ensure the longevity of this controlled "spoils system" of government? 

They would search the shire to lure their handpicked "yes hobbits" to run committees; who in turn, would tell them exactly what they wished to hear.  

They knew that any "rebel" committee which would make a decision contrary to their wishes....meant little. 

After all, the constitution allowed them to override any recommendation they would make !

Now...this gets us to just who those seven "chosen ones" would be in each and every election.

...and...over time...a  strange phenomenon began to occur after each successive election. 

The kingdom would eventually be ruled by seven dwarfs !

This had little to do with their being small in stature, but instead, a rather small thinking capacity as to managing the financial well-being of the kingdom.

Over years they would spend frivolously, looking at the vast hobbit supplied revenue in a manner of "we better spend it, or we'll have to give it back to them"..... much so, that the Master Realm at one time charged the shire a substantial tax levy....only to have it reduced as a result of recruiting a smooth talking barrister...who charged "oodles" for his services.

...yet portrayed....

...not as a "senseless waste of some money", but instead, "saving money" by not giving the Master Kingdom the tax levy they originally demanded !

...and the naive innocent hobbits said...

 "Duh, that makes sense"...and so...reelected them to further service in the shire.

Now...the shire has been confronted with yet another financial decision....

Does it lend money to a business that hasn't been able to pay its bills since its inception ?

HmmmLet's consider this momentous decision.

*    The business has never paid on time. 

*    The business has had all of its equipment provided to them free of charge...including replacements. 

*    The business receives free advertising in shire publications.

*    The business has had its rental payments cut in half, thus creating a monthly loss that must be financed by the trusting hobbits who pay little attention to their shire's finances.

*    The business wants to renegotiate a loan....paying interest an interest rate WELL BELOW FINANCIAL INDUSTRY STANDARDS  at a modest 2.75%...(a full one-half point below the current 3.25% prime rate that is only granted to the BEST OF BUSINESSES WITH A SOLID FINANCIAL TRACK RECORD)

    ..... with an  eventual balloon payment at maturity. sweeten the deal....

The business says the loan will be personally guaranteed by three of the owners....a total sum of ONLY $35,000.... that....somehow, in all their success, one of which is a TV star.....

...can't (or won't) come up with only $11,667 each !

Sure, why not !

Now that certainly makes all the sense in the world, doesn't it ? the spirit of "cooperation without confrontation"  the seven hobbit dwarfs determined that a controlled kingdom needs a proper "anthem" that reflects the spirit it has steadfastly maintained....

And hobbit "malcontent" made the following suggestion that this be adopted on behalf of all the hobbits who inhabit the shire....

...while watching this video honoring the successful achievement of many dwarfs who have lead the realm over the past 8 years !

And they all lived happily ever after....


They Got Their Subsequent Assessment !

Dick Arendt

*All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or purely coincidental.