Information Pages

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Former Police Officer Questions Board's Closed Minded Policies in Reporting Various Crimes

Sun City Anthem Board
  Purposely Withholds Various Crimes
from Community
Says Former Police Officer 

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Click on our Information Page

"Resident Reports of Concerning Neighborhood Crime Activity"


  1. From Forrest Fetherolf...former LAPD Opinions

    As a retired LAPD Officer, I have lived in Sun City Anthem for 9 years.

    I have attended meeting after meeting trying to convince the Board of Directors to allow the Community Patrol, The Spirit, or eblasts to alert residents of crime statistics.

    I was a member of the Community Patrol for a very short while when I moved to SCA.

    I became very dismayed with the restrictions placed on the Community Patrol due to the liability aspect and total lack of training provided for the dedicated patrol members volunteering their retirement time to help keep us safe.

    The excuses I received from board members go like this:

    We don't want to scare the old people.

    We don't want new buyers or the public to know that crime exists in SCA.

    We think it will decrease property values.

    Yes, it is true crime is lower in Sun City Anthem and Solera...but it does exist, and should not be hushed.

    Reporting crime has two advantages.

    1) making residents aware and alerting them to be on the look-out for suspicious activity.

    2) showing crime is very low in our community and the safest place to live in the Las Vegas area.

    I reported a burglary in one of my rentals a few days ago.

    The tenants were totally unaware that crime occurred in Sun City Anthem and very concerned when the daylight burglary was committed with their 90 year old blind father asleep in the bedroom.

    This could have been a tragedy if the burglars became aggressive.

    Fortunately they decided to run.

    The tenants are in the process of installing exterior and interior cameras to help them safe.

    Within a day after I reported the Shadow Canyon burglary on Anthem Opinions describing the possible suspects as two young black men driving a older dark sedan...another resident reported observing suspects that fit that description driving a Charcoal Grey early 2000 Cadillac cruising Anthem Drive and Thunder Bay.

  2. The holiday season is always a special time of year. It is also time when busy people become careless and vulnerable to theft and other crimes. We can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware.

    Be cautious when throwing out cardboard boxes after the holidays. Boxes displaying the types of gifts you received such as televisions, stereos, etc. are like billboards to thieves. Cut boxes into small pieces and tape them together with the labels facing in. If possible, wait until the morning of your pick-up before putting them to the curb.

    Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave the house, even for a few minutes. When leaving home for an extended time, have a neighbor or family member watch your house and pick up your newspapers and mail. Indoor and outdoor lights should be on an automatic timer. Leave a radio or television on so the house looks and sounds occupied.

    If you have opened the garage door, to get some last minute yard work or other outside project completed, be sure to close those doors when you step inside for a lunch break. It only takes a minute for a criminal to grab items stored in the garage.

    Always lock your vehicle and store all items out of sight. Breaking into an empty car isn't worth a thief's time. However, anything left in plain view—from your holiday gifts to spare change, sunglasses, cell phones or briefcases—may tempt a thief.

  3. If you keep a garage door opener in your vehicle make sure it is out of sight, if your car gets broken into in your driveway they now have access to your garage/house.
