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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Liberty Center Re-Opening...The Result & Its Significance....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Those residing in Sun City Anthem have been without the usage of their recreational center, The LIberty Center, for over a year.

It was recently re-opened and is currently the subject of a request from a law firm and the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors to support a law suit against Pulte Homes of Nevada.

Those of you who have read our "opinion" believe a number of aspects of Nevada Law NRS 116 were violated in this request, specifically the negligence of not allowing any CON arguments to be published within a proper time frame, as well as, not disclosing the potential adverse results in home sales due to the law requiring any home seller to fully disclose any litigation prior to a sale.

The "celebration" took's reaction was obvious...

The Pulse of a Community
Was Evident
Liberty Center Re-Opening

logo_pulse.png (450×287)

If there was any question as to how a community felt about a topic, one only had to visit the Liberty Center "Grand Re-Opening" on Saturday, December 10th.

As you know, we at Anthem Opinions, believed the very idea of celebrating a FINANCIAL CATASTROPHE was senseless, and no matter what it cost, just another example of a COMPLETE WASTE of TIME & ASSOCIATION FUNDS.

It proved something even more important in our opinion, something VERY IMPORTANT...





Reports from some who did attend, noted that there was a SCANT number of residents who attended...and the greatest number of those  who did, did so in our belief,  not to celebrate ANYTHING, but get free cake and beverages !

All this on perhaps one of the most beautiful late fall days one could imagine.  

The sun was shining, the temperatures were more than moderate, and  there wasn't a breath of cold winter air to be felt.

There was a color guard, clowns, and members of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors ( Director Jim Mayfield did not attend), in addition to a number of Sun City Anthem management personnel....

...and when the number of people not having to do with organizing this fiasco were counted, there were so few....

...even the Community Patrol left early.

Parking was no problem for one reason...HARDLY ANYONE SHOWED UP !

Who decided to have this ridiculous affair take place ?

Who believed that the "people" would rally in support ?


Who said, "you have to be kidding" to celebrate and waste precious funds on such an affair?


Is there something to be learned from this experience?


As far as Sun City Anthem leadership is concerned....

All of them "read" this one all wrong, and come the next election...

Perhaps it's time Sun City Anthem...

"Drained Their Swamp"

Anthem Opinions Administration
Got a comment?

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  1. We just received word that, following the Liberty Center's re-opening, a resident, after swimming in the renovated indoor pool, decided to wring out her bathing suit by using the hand cranked machine in the ladies locker room.

    As she was attempting to begin the process, she placed her bathing suit in the wringer, and as she was about to start...


    We were told that....

    "The GM and her staff oversaw completion of the renovation. . She has dealt with the engineering Oversight company we used (AMOR)."

    Now we know why she earns $250,000, received a $20,000 bonus, and will also receive a 4% raise in 2017. ($10,000).

    And...after looking at the 2017 Sun City Anthem budget, an amount has been allocated for 4% raises for association employees.

    Of course, all of our residents who are receiving social security payments received a .3% rate, and with the increase in medicare premiums exceeding that amount, 2017 benefit payments will be LESS than those received in 2016.

    And the dues increased in 2017 with a proposed additional increase in 2018....why ?????

    Because a Board said so !

    Still think it's not time to "drain the SCA swamp" folks?
    1. The SCA residents' "Pulse" was also evident at the previous meeting regarding the future of a restaurant at the Anthem Center....clearly the majority of the attendees did N O T want yet another 'formal restaurant' debacle. Only time will tell if this current Board of Directors demonstrates arrogance and disdain for the residents and installs yet another White Elephant.....such an endeavor will cost far more than a cake and a bunch of cupcakes.
      1. Dick,
        It really is a quite funny soap opera, were it not that it is our money the Board is throwing away and treating so recklessly. Perhaps their actions would be better if noted on the Crime Watch blog?

      2. From Marty Opinions

        Seems that as long as the community keeps electing these same people year after year we are going to get the same results.

        Oh sure, I can mention names, and go off the deep end but why bother.

        Obviously with some exceptions, what does anyone expect?

        I'm waiting for the results for this upcoming restaurant debacle, like we don't have enough in the greater area already. Even if you use the excuse; well, "I'm already at the rec center…" Or try, "I don't have transportation." Really? how'd you get to the Rec center. Did you get your annual report and see the cost of that monster equipment list? Do you have any idea what the labor will cost?

        Does anyone know what a "triple net lease" is, I didn't think so.
      3. Marty, you asked, and here's the answer:

        A triple net lease is a lease agreement that designates the lessee, which is the tenant, as being solely responsible for all the costs relating to the asset being leased, in addition to the rent fee applied under the lease. The structure of this type of lease requires the lessee to pay the net amount for three types of costs, including net real estate taxes on the leased asset, net building insurance and net common area maintenance. This type of lease can also be referred to as a net-net-net lease.

        For example, if a property owner leases out a building to a business using a triple net lease, the tenant is responsible for paying the building's property taxes, building insurance and the cost of any maintenance or repairs the building may require during the term of the lease. Because the tenant is covering these costs, which would otherwise be the responsibility of the property owner, the rent charged in the triple net lease is generally lower than the rent charged in a standard lease agreement. The capitalization rate, which is used to calculate the lease amount, is determined by the credit worthiness of the tenant.


  1. We just received word that, following the Liberty Center's re-opening, a resident, after swimming in the renovated indoor pool, decided to wring out her bathing suit by using the hand cranked machine in the ladies locker room.

    As she was attempting to begin the process, she placed her bathing suit in the wringer, and as she was about to start...


    We were told that....

    "The GM and her staff oversaw completion of the renovation. . She has dealt with the engineering Oversight company we used (AMOR)."

    Now we know why she earns $250,000, received a $20,000 bonus, and will also receive a 4% raise in 2017. ($10,000).

    And...after looking at the 2017 Sun City Anthem budget, an amount has been allocated for 4% raises for association employees.

    Of course, all of our residents who are receiving social security payments received a .3% rate, and with the increase in medicare premiums exceeding that amount, 2017 benefit payments will be LESS than those received in 2016.

    And the dues increased in 2017 with a proposed additional increase in 2018....why ?????

    Because a Board said so !

    Still think it's not time to "drain the SCA swamp" folks?

  2. the SCA residents' "Pulse" was also evident at the previous meeting regarding the future of a restaurant at the Anthem Center....clearly the majority of the attendees did N O T want yet another 'formal restaurant' debacle. Only time will tell if this current Board of Directors demonstrates arrogance and disdain for the residents and installs yet another White Elephant.....such an endeavor will cost far more than a cake and a bunch of cupcakes.

  3. Dick,
    It really is a quite funny soap opera, were it not that it is our money the Board is throwing away and treating so recklessly. Perhaps their actions would be better if noted on the Crime Watch blog?

  4. From Marty Opinions

    Seems that as long as the community keeps electing these same people year after year we are going to get the same results.

    Oh sure, I can mention names, and go off the deep end but why bother.

    Obviously with some exceptions, what does anyone expect?

    I'm waiting for the results for this upcoming restaurant debacle, like we don't have enough in the greater area already. Even if you use the excuse; well, "I'm already at the rec center…" Or try, "I don't have transportation." Really? how'd you get to the Rec center. Did you get your annual report and see the cost of that monster equipment list? Do you have any idea what the labor will cost?

    Does anyone know what a "triple net lease" is, I didn't think so.

  5. Marty, you asked, and here's the answer:

    A triple net lease is a lease agreement that designates the lessee, which is the tenant, as being solely responsible for all the costs relating to the asset being leased, in addition to the rent fee applied under the lease. The structure of this type of lease requires the lessee to pay the net amount for three types of costs, including net real estate taxes on the leased asset, net building insurance and net common area maintenance. This type of lease can also be referred to as a net-net-net lease.

    For example, if a property owner leases out a building to a business using a triple net lease, the tenant is responsible for paying the building's property taxes, building insurance and the cost of any maintenance or repairs the building may require during the term of the lease. Because the tenant is covering these costs, which would otherwise be the responsibility of the property owner, the rent charged in the triple net lease is generally lower than the rent charged in a standard lease agreement. The capitalization rate, which is used to calculate the lease amount, is determined by the credit worthiness of the tenant.
