Information Pages

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Latest Reportings from Anthem Communities

Sun City Anthem Neighborhood Watch Coordinator
Provides Additional Safety Information
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Click on our Information Page
"Resident Reports of Concerning Neighborhood Crime Activity"


  1. Forwarded excerpts of correspondence from a Sun City Anthem Neighborhood Watch Opinions

    This is the latest I have received on the issue of burglaries...Keep alert, vigilant and call the police for any suspicious activity especially in lieu of the holiday times where people can be unfortunately vulnerable as we go about our busier than normal days and trips to see loved ones....

    Be safe, keep your neighborhood safe and look out for everyone and report things you see that do not seem right....take pictures of cars license plates. get car model and colors that have been around and not held accounted for...and then report them so the police have something to work with. Get people's descriptions as much as possible.

    I get my info from HPD.

    Captain Mattoon sends me and the patrol a monthly report of reported incidents.

    Since January 2016, there have been a total of 43 burglaries reported through 11/30 in Solera and Anthem.

    The 43 incidents include incidents that occurred in Solera.

    I have to separate the Solera info from the Anthem info.

    Even so, that is STILL Less than 1% for our 7144 homes. If the number of incidents exceeds 75 that's over 1%.

    We are sorry for the victims of any type of crime. We have to be more proactive.

    Everyone should report ALL suspicious people and incidents.

    Our people seem to be afraid to call the police.


    Some people love excitement and they love to excite.

    A year's summary will be sent to each facilitator for their village's HPD Incident Report, sometime in January after we receive the December HPD report.

    These are FACTS from earlier years:

    Burglary Incidents in Anthem from Alert ID - 2015 = 32, 2014 = 35

    We should expect more incidents since we have larger roadways and more people surrounding us.

    When I sent info about the city's proposed growth - people complained, saying it has nothing to do with Neighborhood Watch.

    I guess people do not realize that what happens in our surroundings has a lot to do with our safety.

    Some people do not report crime. Therefore, there is no record.

    We have been trying to get anybody, yes, anybody to follow up on the police's suggestion of getting a license reader at each our 3 entrances.

  2. From Tim Opinions


    You have written some great articles about the recent robberies/burglaries in our area.

    A couple of neighbors have told me they got their home insurance bill in for 2017 - and it took a big jump over 2016.

    They contacted their insurance company to inquire and were told the increase was due to "a lot of burglaries in your area".

    That issue could affect all of us.
