Information Pages

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Board Overstepping It's Bounds...Can Cost All Residents Big Bucks

Channel 8 News has a story about a homeowners association that went too far !

HOA to Pay $65K After Banning Family's Ambulance

For full information, just click on our Information Page, "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...News Happenings"
(located to the right of the Welcome Screen)

Special Guests...The Swing City Dolls

Vegas Voice Show Saturday, November 2nd 
Join  Radio host, Dick Arendt,  this Saturday, November 2nd at 7:00am and again at noon on Sunday for "The Vegas Voice Show" on  KLAV radio, AM 1230, on your dial.
Dick's Special Guests this week are The Swing City Dolls, who will be appearing at both the Admission FREE...Vegas Voice "Better Living Expo" at Palace Station on Saturday, November 8th from 11:00am-2:00pm...
A special "Veteran's Day Musical Tribute to the Armed Forces" on Sunday, November 10th, at 4:00pm, at MacDonald Ranch. (702) 270-7016 for ONLY $15.00.
...and if you love the music of the Andrews Sisters and McGuire Sisters, complete with costumes of the 40s and 50s, THESE GALS are a MUST SEE SHOW...only minutes from Sun City Anthem, located at 2020 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy in Henderson.

Join Robin Berry-Vincent, Natalie Carson, and Connie Murray of the "Dolls" in a fun filled interview meeting them "up close and personal" as they discuss their road to "The Entertainment Capital of the World" and their dedication to "The Great American Songbook" with love for all who have been a part of our nation's armed forces. 
And...if you miss the broadcast, you can always download it on "The Vegas Voice" website.  Just go the "Radio" link, click on it, all past shows are archived for your convenience.
And don't forget to read The Vegas Voice, the largest Age 50+ Senior newspaper in the Las Vegas valley.

A Weekend Full of Fun

As usual, you can't get bored if you live in Las long as you GET OUT and ENJOY IT !

Upcoming "Stuff" for Your Entertainment Pleasure

Just click on our Information Page, "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents".

Norm has a "Whale of a Tale"

Norm Johnson has the fun spots to check out this
Norm Johnson's Weekend Entertainment News
For complete details, just click on our Information Page, "What's Up in Weekend Entertainment"

(located to the right of the Welcome Screen)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It Happened on Halloween....87 Years Ago Today

He was the son of a Jewish rabbi who immigrated from Hungary before the turn of the 20th century...
...and the world, as well as, those who would follow him, have always considered him the "Master" of his trade.
But his death on Halloween...87 years ago...caused a controversy that has  questions to this day....could he come back ? 
October 31, 1926...the Day... Ehrich Weisz...Died

Just click on our Information Page, "History and Holidays" for full details.
(located to the right of the Welcome Screen)


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Casino Shuttered Tuesday Morning, October 29th

CBS-TV Station 8 has reported that MonteLago Casino has ceased least temporarily.

MonteLago Casino Closed

For details, click on  our Information Page, "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada... News Happenings".

(located to the right of the Welcome Screen)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Vegas Voice: An Afternoon Affair...This Time at Sunset Station

Vegas Voice to Debut "An Afternoon Affair" Show This Wednesday, October 30th,  at Sunset Station 

The Vegas Voice, in yet another dedication to the Senior Age 50+ community of the Las Vegas valley, proudly announces the debut of their newest "An Afternoon Affair" show on Wednesday, October 30, 2013, in the Club Madrid showroom, at Sunset Station Hotel & Casino.

Admission  is FREE !

The first show, presented on October 16, 2013 at Red Rock Hotel & Casino was a resounding success that had an estimated 350 attend.

Here are a few memories The Vegas Voice would like to share of that memorable day.

Sunset Station Host Mark O'Toole Greets the Red Rock Crowd

Vegas Voice President Ray Sarbacker Says Hi to the Crowds

Red Rock Capacity Crowd Awaiting the first "An Afternoon Affair"

Kat Ray...Miss Senior Nevada Graced the Stage in Song

Genevieve Dew...Brings Down the House

Sunset Station is located at 1301 W. Sunset Road in Henderson, and hosted by former "Star Search" winner and 2013 "Lounge Entertainer of the Year", Mark O'Toole, a favorite of Sun City Anthem residents.

The show will begin at 1:30pm and doors will open on a first come first serve basis at 12:30pm. The show is expected to be approximately 75-90 minutes in length. suggestion....if the initial Red Rock Casino show response is any indication...I would STRONGLY ADVISE you to get there early to get a seat....this WILL FILL QUICKLY !

In the past Anthem Opinions has fully supported making our readers aware of the many entertainment venues available to the Las Vegas/Henderson community...for two reasons....

TO KEEP YOU YOUNG and to GET YOU OUT OF YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD in order to enjoy life "the way it's supposed to be enjoyed"... creating Information Pages to keep you abreast as to the many options you have.
These Information Pages include:

..."Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

...Norm Johnson's "What's Up in Weekend Entertainment"


..."Dennis Bono Show Weekly Guest List"

We've now added  TWO MORE...

...."An Afternoon Affair...Red Rock Guest List"...


..."An Afternoon Affair...Sunset Station Guest List".

As both a columnist and Radio Talk Show Host for The Vegas Voice, we at the Vegas Voice want to welcome all of you to these new entertainment options in our continuing desire to be....

"The Voice for your health, wealth, and good times".

All of us hope you'll not only attend the shows, but take a few moments to say hi to all of the Vegas Voice staff as well.

The guest list for the Sunset Station October 30, 2013 show is now available and posted.

Please check our Information Page, "An Afternoon Affair...Sunset Station Guest List"  TODAY...for the October 30th line-up.

By the way...Wedneday is SENIOR DAY at Sunset Station.  All seniors can enjoy the Feast Buffet at 50% off with a players card.

And...Make sure you watch the October 29th "The Morning Blend" on Channel 13 at 9:00am. Both Mark O'Toole and Gary Anthony will be making guest appearances and talking about the shows.

It's located to the right of the Welcome Screen.

See you there.

Dick Arendt

Medicare: The First of an Eight Part Series

Medicare & You...An Eight Part Series...Part One...
Open Enrollment

A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of hosting a seminar in Anthem Center on behalf of the Henderson Senior Citizens Action Commission along with two prominent individuals in the insurance industry; Mark Robertson, CFP, an author and instructor at the University of Nevada---Las Vegas, and Gavin Walker, president of Risk Coordinators, a local insurance firm.

Gavin Walker is also a member of the Senior Citizens Action Commission alongside Anthem Today's Rana Goodman,  and has offered to write a series of articles for Anthem Opinions covering the many aspects of medicare that seniors should be aware of as they enter 2014.

This is the first in a series of eight articles authored by Gavin Walker.


Medicare Open Enrollment

The first in a series of eight articles to help you make informed Medicare coverage decisions. 

Our goal is to help you prepare and feel confident about making your 2014 Medicare coverage decisions. 

Medicare Open Enrollment starts on October 15 and runs through December 7.
This is the time each year when you can change your coverage choices. The changes go into effect on January 1 of the following year. So any changes you make during this year’s Open Enrollment will go into effect on January 1, 2014.

During Medicare Open Enrollment you can: 

1. Switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage plan or vice versa. 

2. Switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another.

3. Switch from one Medicare prescription drug plan to another.

4Keep the coverage you currently have.

What’s In It for You?

If your coverage worked for you this year, why bother to think about it at all?

It may seem that simple.

But... there are good reasons to give some attention to Medicare Open Enrollment. 

Things change !

Medicare, or your current plan, may have changed its coverage, or how much you have to pay, or your own needs may be different now. If you keep your current coverage, you may find that some things aren’t covered that you thought would be...or that they cost more.

Medicare Open Enrollment is your chance to make sure that you have the coverage that may best fit your needs.  

Here are just a few examples of what we’ll cover: 

What the Health Care Marketplace (Health Exchanges) means for Medicare.

How to assess your current Medicare coverage and how it’s working for you.

Ways you can customize Medicare coverage to fit your needs.

Where to find information about Medicare plans offered where you live.

How to compare coverage and costs. 

Look for our weekly posts in the Medicare Open Enrollment Boot Camp series.

Then, if necessary...

Be prepared to make an informed decision about your Medicare coverage for 2014.


We want to sincerely thank Gavin Walker for his valuable assistance, and also want to make you aware of FREE consultations he makes available to Seniors each TuesdayThursday, and Saturday, from 9:30am to 2:00pm, at Vons in the shopping Center located at 2511 Anthem Village Drive.

Stop by and meet Gavin and ask him any questions. He's always been helpful to those seeking guidance.

Want a PERSONAL consultation with Gavin Walker?

Call him at...

Phone Number: (702) 325-9595

The Affordable Care Act is NOW law...this is your opportunity to find out its affects on you.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

A Change We Needed to Make

You spoke...and we listened.

When Anthem Opinions first conceived the idea to provide our readers an avenue for home improvements, we looked long and hard to find the right person for the job.

...and when we realized that we had known him all along, we approached   Forrest Fetherolf, to join the Anthem Opinions staff to share the vast knowledge he's acquired over the years with his experience in the construction industry.

What we never realized was just how valuable he would become to residents by writing these helpful articles --- so helpful, that many people now call him "Mr. Fix-It" instead of his real name.

And so...because so many people still ask, "Where's the Mr. Fix-It article?"...

We're Making it Easier to Find Mr. Fix-It


We've changed the name of our Information Page "Tips to Make Your Home More Efficient...$$$$"


"Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

We want to thank all of you for your suggestion. and we want to express our appreciation to Forrest for making us a better publication with his great advice !

Dick Arendt and Allen Weintraub
Anthem Opinions

Filipinana Club President's Persistence...Responsible for Catering Changes

Clubs Now May Choose Their Catering Preference...Everywhere

Despite the uproar created by the Sun City Anthem Board's unanimous vote to substantially subsidize Vic's Restaurant, there was one...
Due to the efforts of Filipiniana Club President, Carmelo Beley, clubs are now able to enjoy usage of all our facilities they pay for as residents of Sun City Anthem.

Dan Forgeron, Vic's owner Larry Hughes, and Maurice Talley (FSR Activities Director) had previously conspired to secretly impose club rules restricting large clubs usage of the Grand Ball Room forcing them to cater with Vic's Restaurant.

Lifestyles Committee and the remainder of the BOD disagreed voting yesterday,  allowing Clubs to once again have freedom of choice.

It was certainly the right decision...SCA Residents and Clubs desires and needs should take priority over any outside vendor renting our facilities for profit.

Friday, October 25, 2013

A Vote of 7-0 Brings Out the Ugliness of the Past

The Significance of a 7-0 vote to "finance" an Independent Business

By now Sun City Anthem residents are aware that their board of directors made the decision to in effect, BETRAY their constituents, and continue to waste community funds on a business that has obviously been flowing more red ink than the federal government.

7-0...just what does that signify?

In our opinion it signifies that "cooperation without confrontation" is ALIVE and WELL despite the constant denials that the destructive force,  formerly ABOVE GROUND, is NOW UNDERGROUND....


...that "group" of controlling individuals, who have been responsible for WASTE, negative television broadcasts, irresponsible spending, is still here...

...that the names may have changed....

...but the belief that YOU are THEIRS, to do with as they please, is every bit part of this group of directors, as those who had achieved citywide attention as those previously admitted to the "HOA Hall of Shame".

For those of you not a part of our community for a long period of time, the words "Unity Party" belong to a group of people who decided to create a "political machine" in order to gain control of Sun City Anthem community affairs.

For years they handpicked candidates and "slated" them in groups to run for office together "in unity" in order to gain a necessary majority of board positions.  Backers of that belief spent large sums with newspaper ads and mailings...especially to those who resided in Sun City Anthem on a part time basis, sending the mailings out of state, to gain their votes in order to be elected to office. talked...and it worked.

Unfortunately for our association, that "block thinking" wrought destructive financial results on our community, as well as actions against residents which even caused Channel 13 investigative reporterDarcy Spears, to make a special visit, corner a former Sun City Anthem President, and name Sun City Anthem's leadership to the "HOA Hall of Shame".

Let's look back at February, 2011...and...The Unity Party....

...and it's affect on Sun City Anthem. a result of that expose, this "Unity Party" went "underground" saying they no longer existed...but in reality, they continued to meet, finance, and gain even further control by "packing" committees with "their people", and "grooming" some of them in order to continue their domination.

Though the above dispute was FINALLY rectified in favor of the resident, IT TOOK 2 YEARS...and constant PUBLIC accomplish it !

...through the intervention of several caring individuals, including Anthem Today's Rana Goodman, and Anthem Opinions, Mr. Fix-It, Forrest Fetherolf, to do to !

... individuals who have been referred to as "malcontents" by those who insist on maintaining the controlling system they developed.

And...that controlling "Unity" system continues to this very evidenced by this recent 7-0 vote...

...a blatant action in which they determined that each resident should lose money....

...under a selfish belief that "the people" want a high priced restaurant despite few patronizing it...

...under the "contrived" belief that not having one, will affect property values....

...under the media controlled belief that THEY REPRESENT YOUR WISHES in this matter !

It is time to finally look at the meaning of what that unanimous vote signifies.....


The question to YOU, is that WILL YOU CONTINUE to TOLERATE this year after year ? do you bring this catastrophic "unified" bunch to an end ?

YOU make sure you tell all of your neighbors what they have done.

YOU make sure that once you inform your neighbors, that they in turn, tell their neighbors,  what they have done.

...and then...WATCH if any of them or "their kind" become candidates to replace them.

I believe I speak  not only on behalf of Anthem Opinions but on behalf of a number of community blogs/forums.

...that...with one glaring exception, these community blogs/forums who have tried for years to enlighten you of the financial destruction this group has wrought on our association... ACCURATE...and...CARING...

...that "misinformation" has not been provided to you by those publications that have no motive other than protecting its people...

...but by those who control official mediacontrol the manner in which you live, and control the means by which your hard earned retirement dollars are spent....

A mission...NOT to REPRESENT YOU...but...TO USE maintain a stranglehold on selfish goals that have proven to be ineffective.

The future of your lifestyle is imperative to recognizing the destructive force they represent, and how important is it to remove them and that "philosophy" at the earliest opportunity...namely in our coming board elections.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Board Votes Unanimously...Tells Residents "Let Them Eat Cake"

Sun City Anthem Board Votes 7-0 to Give Vic's Concessions

In a unanimous vote on Thursday afternoon, October 24th, the Board voted to DEMAND RESIDENTS PAY TO HAVE A RESTAURANT !

That's've read it right....YOU...the residents...are going to pay up for the $2,000 loss that Sun City Anthem will sustain EACH and EVERY a few can eat at Vic's Restaurant...

That's SCA..NOMICS...

Oh, according to one guy, Jerry Gardberg, we should have lost $4,000 per month, but that didn't seem to go very far.

Then we had another guy, Dan Forgeron, say "It's the Club's Fault", while the huge crowd of about 40 laughed at his educated theory...

...the same conclusion always drawn when something goes wrong..."It's their fault...never ours!"

And then there is some woman with gray hair, Jean Capillupo, who furthered entertained the laughing audience by saying, "It's only pennies per big deal"

And when a stove breaks or something else needs fixing...we even get to pay for that too !

Again....that's SCA..NOMICS at its best !

And these guys thought they beat the people, huh? 

Does this board really believe they can MAKE RESIDENTS LOSE MONEY so they have a place to eat dinnor or down a brewsky  ????

....that...their latest act of "genius" is going to stimulate everyone into saying...

... we're NOW going to "rush" to Vic's to solve HIS RIVER of DEBT...


It's so ridiculous, it defies logic that WE ELECTED THIS CALIBER of people, doesn't it ?

Well Board...guess what ?

Ain't gonna happen...

...because once the word is out YOUR DECISION WILL COST those know...the ones you look at as "ignorant peons" whose purpose is simply to pay for your party favors...

...common sense is going to finally sink in and everybody will  come to this conclusion....

You may make us pay now...but...

...let's make sure we don't pay very long.

And how is that accomplished? 

Speak up using your wallet...that's how !

And so...with that in mind, perhaps we should say "shame on you" to the various parties who seem to enjoy "selling us down a river without a paddle" by prolonging that MONTHLY losing venture....



..because those few diners who do go there, are the people who will be contributing to your loss each and every month by extending the stay of this financially strapped money pit.

Folks....the time has finally come to teach this board a lesson that the word is ECOMONICS...NOT...SCA..NOMICS...and that when the people say NO, they MEAN IT...

....and they know how to make you DO WHAT THEY TELL YOU ....

So, board, listen up.

You may  tell us to "
eat cake" now, but we're going to tell you...

... we're going to eat it elsewhere !

Special Guests...The Legendary "Lettermen"

Vegas Voice Show Saturday, October 26th 

Join  Radio host, Dick Arendt,  this Saturday, October 26th at 7:00am and again at noon on Sunday for The Vegas Voice Show on  KLAV radio, AM 1230, on your dial.

Dick's Special Guests this week are The Lettermen, winners of hundreds of awards over the years.  You'll meet original member, Tony Butala, along with Donovan Tea, and Bobby Poynton, in an interview that will trace their past 50+ years of concerts and records that many of us "boomers" loved in our teenage years.  

Bobby Poynton...Donovan Tea...Tony Butala
The Lettermen

And...if you miss the broadcast, you can always download it from The Vegas Voice website.  Just go the "Radio" link, click on it, all past shows are archived for your convenience.

And don't forget to read The Vegas Voice, the largest Age 50+ Senior newspaper in the Las Vegas valley.