Information Pages

Friday, October 31, 2014

Ballot Question 2....Should Mining Continue to Receive Tax Incentives ?


Ballot Measure Would Remove Cap on Mining Taxes


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Thursday, October 30, 2014

So How Did this Holiday Get its Start ?

Did any of you actually believe Anthem Opinions could simply say "Happy Halloween" or "Trick of Treat" ?

Not us...we think you should know something about it before you go hit the neighbors up for the candy !

The History of Halloween 


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"History and Holidays"

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting Rid of a "Ding" in that Beautiful Furniture

Need a quick fix to a ding in your furniture?

Try one of these...


See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Part Two of Three

Join us in this second installment of the story of a woman who married a man 20 years her senior, left her comfortable California home, and moved to a foreclosed Nevada ranch... become... 
Helen J. Stewart
The First Lady of Las Vegas

(Part Two of Three)


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"History and Holidays"

Is the Real Estate Market Improving ?

Nevada Retains Highest Percentage of Underwater Homes


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Monday, October 27, 2014

Anonymous Nurses Have Strong Disagreement with St. Rose Hospital Administration

Nurses at St. Rose Hospital Say ER

 Not Ready for Ebola


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Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Story of The First Lady of Las Vegas (Part One of Three)

 There is little doubt that Las Vegas was once a part of the "wild west"....

...and the story of its "First Lady" is one that fits that scenerio.

Helen J. Stewart

The First Lady of Las Vegas

(Part One of Three)


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"History and Holidays"

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dennis Bono Show....signs Coast to Coast Radio Contract for Thursday afternoon Shows

No...we don't have the weekly guest list YET, but we do have some great news about The Dennis Bono Show, a weekly FREE show each Thursday afternoon at 2:00pm at the South Point showroom.

And our columnist, Norm Johnson, wanted to tell you all about it.

Join us in congratulating Dennis Bono...he's now heard coast to coast.

Dennis Bono Show Expands To More than 11 Million Homes


Click on our Information Page:

"The Dennis Bono Show Weekly Guest List"

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Election: Question 3...What Does it Mean ?

Question 3 Creates Confusion for Voters

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Got a Problem with a Dimmer Switch ?

Replacing a Dimmer Switch

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

New Hotel Downtown Project

Downtown Project Opens First Hotel:

Oasis at Gold Spike

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 "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

Wednesday Belongs to Sam's Town for Valley Senior Buffet Bargains

Sam's Town Senior Day
The Best in the Valley

Click on our Information Page:
 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Monday, October 20, 2014

It's Probably Sitting Somewhere in Your Garage...

What's the easiest way to sharpen one of these ?

See our Information Page...
"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, October 19, 2014

What the Silver States Is Doing....Just In Case !


The Facts...How Nevada is Coping
Cruise Ship Turned Away in Mexico


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After You've Had That Morning Coffee...

Waste Not...Want Not !

Don't Toss those Coffee Grounds
The Garden Loves Them


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 "The Garden Wizard"

Friday, October 17, 2014

State and Las Vegas Valley Unemployment Rate Falls

Nevada's Unemployment Rate Falls to

7.3 %


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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Newest Show in Town....Should Make Him the "Heir Apparent" to the Best Ever !

You saw icons like The Rat Pack, Keeley Smith and Louie Prima in the 50s.  The 60s and 70s brought us Liberace and Wayne Newton, and the 90s and 00s brought us Clint Holmes and Danny Gans...

...but move over...

the '10s now have a new kid in town that will surely make his mark as the best of this decade.

His name is...Eric Jordan Young with a new show that just opened October 4th....

And we have a review of....

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 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

A Few New Items to Keep you Busy this Weekend

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 See our Information Page...  

"What's Up in Weekend Entertainment"

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Let Us Entertain You

Tales of Living in a Senior Community

For those of you who can actually "make it" to Late Night TV, Jimmy Kimmel...

....has an "Aunt Chippy" whom he adores.

She's ..a widow living in a senior retirement community...right here in Las Vegas.

...and loves her Ceramics Class.
That is...

....until Jimmy sent "Gene Prescott III" to join the class.

And so...."Aunt Chippy" welcomed the newest member to her class.....

...and it reminded me of the wonderful community we all live in !

Dick Arendt

Moving Furniture Means the "pain" of Carpet Dents

Can't get rid of dents in your carpet?

See our Information Page...
"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Fall is Here...and that Means Increased Crime

Police Warn of Crime as Temperatures Cool

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Las Vegas Taking No Chances....Preparations Being Made


Ebola Fears Escalate

 UMC Prepares to Handle Potential Victims

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Monday, October 13, 2014

Aging Homes Mean Aging Electrical Outlets...It Could Mean the Difference Between Life & Death !

Why is a periodic check helpful? 

We'll tell you can save your life !

Home Electrical Safety Inspection 

CLICK HERE for Full Information


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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Now an Amenity !

Gilcrease Orchard
a true
Las Vegas Amenity


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"History and Holidays"

Friday, October 10, 2014

The Latest in Valley Eaties

Let's Eat

Click on our Information Page:
 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Local Entertainment...The Best Bang for Your Buck

CLICK HERE for Full Information


Click on our Information Page...

 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Resident HOA Expert Expounds on Original "Amenity" Article

 Due to the overwhelming number of emails we received regarding the article entitled "What is an Amenity?" we contacted the author of the editorial, Tim Stebbins, to clarify a few of his comments.

Mr. Stebbins graciously accepted our invitation, and has written this 
follow-up to that article.

More on Amenities and the Restaurant 

The Sun City Anthem Public Offering Statement guarantees and promises all home owners in our community the following:

The right to use the recreational facilities described herein is limited to members in good standing and their guests. Homeowners who do not reside in the community with an age-qualified resident do not have the right to utilize the recreational facilities.”

It goes on to list the recreational facilities (amenities).

That list includes the restaurant and bar.

Thus the restaurant and bar are for us homeowners only and are not to be available to the public at large for dining or catering events.

So far our boards of directors have chosen to ignore or reject the portions of the Public Offering Statement pertaining to the restaurant and bar.

Nevada law requires the developer to provide the Public Offering Statement to all buyers and to include all amenities or planned amenities as well as the use rights by homeowners.

Nevada law goes on to say this is a form of express warranty or implied warranty.

Those warranty and promise obligations apply not only to the initial buyer but “run with the propertyand are fully transferred to all future buyers.

Nevada law also states warranties may only beexcluded or modified by agreement of the parties”.

So unless you agreed, or a majority of SCA unit owners agreed, to forfeit the members only exclusive right to use the restaurant and bar, the board of directors alone does not have the authority to deny or deprive you of the promises and guarantees in the Public Offering Statement.

I am not aware of any such agreement by previous and new SCA homeowners to forfeit the rights, promises and warranties contained in the Public Offering Statement.

Anthem Opinions Commentary

This follow-up editorial deserves a clarification from our board of directors. 

Let us fully stress....

Anthem Opinions is NOT being accusatory in any way; this is NOT a witch hunt; and, we wish to be fair in EVERY way; however, the supposed use of resident dues contributions, subjecting the financial well-being of our community to unnecessary real estate taxation, by violating the Public Offering Statement, deserves a proper explanation.

We urge you to write each member of our board to clarify this matter, specifically asking what legal justification they have to apparently ignore the terms of the Public Offering Statement

If you receive a response stating it does not apply, ASK WHY it does not apply.

Here are the email addresses of the various Sun City Anthem board members. 

All you need do, is click on the respective email address, and the email to that board member should appear on your computer screen.

Jean Capillupo...Pres.

James Mayfield...V.P.

Bella Meese...V.P.

James Long...Sec.

Tom Nissen...Treas.

Michael Carey     

Donald Schramski

We will GLADLY publish ANY board response directly sent to Anthem Opinions at

In addition, we will also "suspend" our "anonymous" policy in this particular case, and publish ANY board member responses made to residents that our readers wish to forward to us.

We would also like to know if any of our readers send queries to the board members, and do NOT receive any response.

Anthem Opinions strongly believes....

Accountability is not a desire; it is a RIGHT !