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Sunday, November 30, 2014

An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Riding a Bike...
   Suicidal on Main Drags   

It's been two weeks since a hit and run driver struck and killed a man that had been married only briefly while driving his bike on Eastern Avenue near Evansville Avenue on Saturday, November 15th, in BROAD DAYLIGHT at  2:00pm.

Eastern Avenue near Evansville Avenue.....familiar

It should be for anyone traveling into Sun City Anthem driving south toward Sun City Anthem Parkway.

You know...the stretch of road that has a 35 mph speed limit that for some reason, anyone traveling at that speed must be passed for some cockamamie reason !

And as you pass that part of Eastern Avenue, look closely under a tree where you will see a white bicycle draped with flowers where that young man died...that is, unless of course you're obsessed passing another driver at a speed which approaches that of the sound barrier !

It's tragic...if could have been avoided....but the obsession with SPEED on the part of drivers...many of which are SENIORS, while driving in our community...and LACK OF COMMON SENSE of those who ride their bikes on main drags, contributed to this catastrophe....and IT NEEDS TO STOP !

They got the plate number (Nevada 871-LZH) but the driver is still out there waiting to get caught.

Hard to believe that law enforcement can't locate a deadly automobile knowing the license number of the car, isn't it ?

Should the driver be punished....absolutely....but what about the guy who road the bike?

He paid the ultimate price...a price that frankly, didn't have to be paid...because of his LACK OF COMMON SENSE...believing he had the RIGHT to ride that bike on a busy street.

Bikes on busy streets?  You have to be kidding !

What a ridiculous choice in a city that goes 24/7, often with senior sight and reflex impaired drivers or drivers coming and going from one bar to another with who knows what in their systems...soon to possibly add legalized marijuana to the mix !

Over the summer I witnessed both single individuals and large numbers of bicycle groups riding all over town....and they all seem to share one common belief......

...that because they have the "right of way", they believe they are safe and invincible...until of course, something tragic happens...tragedies that are now almost commonplace in the Las Vegas valley.

And to those people...THINK...about the consequences of  your believing the other guy IS CONCERNED about those "rights" as he or she is turning on a car radio, or trying to make it in time for the lunch all likelihood...on their cell phones !

Your having the "right of way" doesn't cut any mustard with a coroner....or to a spouse....or that certain special someone who gets that frightening knock on the door by a police officer....informing them of your maimed or lifeless body.

Don't get me wrong....riding a bike is great exercise and can be a passion to some....

...but to others....

...many  bike riders PRESENT A DANGER to themselves AND OTHERS where and when they choose to ride those bikes !

Just about every day, I see the same "Rhodes Scholar" on his full costume flying down the Scotts Valley Drive hill in his zest "to make time" going nowhere....

(yes, some really resemble this guy)

...similar I might add, to the another "genius" who also zooms down the same hill on his golf cart.

Think about it....the streets are close to each other, the people driving the cars entering the main drag are SENIORS who in some cases, shouldn't be driving because of their impaired reflexes and eye sight....

...and "Speedo" comes down the hill....believing he or she is invulnerable...because....of  "rights".

Who do you think is going to win this battle of the vehicles?  

"Speedo" on the bike, or the aged driver in a  10,000 pound pick-up truck or SUV ? those avid bike riders....if you insist on your "rights"amongst these circumstances....

Chance are, unless you stick to SIDE STREETS and drive those vehicles at a SAFE RATE OF SPEED, if something does happen...

...if might be as minor as this.....

..but if you insist on your "rights" and don't use some good old fashion common sense....then don't be surprised if this is the outcome to your lack of "thinking"...

Let's hope the hit and run driver that killed that bicyclist  
can be apprehended and punished accordingly, but  to all of you who ride those bikes, try to have a little common sense as to where you ride them....and the speed at which you travel as well. 

No one wants to kill...or be a result of...


Local Entertainment to Start the Holiday Season

Another Senior Tuesday Daily Double


A Downtown Hoedown

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 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents

Saturday, November 29, 2014

What's Going on in Henderson This Week ?

Henderson Happenings

November 30th thru December 6th


Click on our Information Page...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Black Friday....It May BeTime for that New Computer !

Is it time for a new computer?

Black Friday....may be the day to buy it !


Use Windows?

 Your Operating System May Go Belly Up

End of support

End of support refers to the date when Microsoft no longer provides automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance.

This is the time to make sure you have the latest available update or service pack installed.

Without Microsoft support, you will no longer receive security updates that can help protect your PC from harmful viruses, spyware, and other malicious software that can steal your personal information.

For more information go to Microsoft Support Lifecycle .

Client operating systems
Latest update or service pack
End of mainstream support
End of extended support
Windows XP
April 14, 2009
Windows Vista
April 10, 2012
April 11, 2017
Windows 7 *
January 13, 2015
January 14, 2020
Windows 8
January 9, 2018
January 10, 2023

What is the difference between mainstream support and extended support?

Mainstream support

Micrrosoft will offer mainstream support for a minimum of 5 years from the date of a product's general availability, or for 2 years after the successor product is released, whichever is longer. For example, if you buy a new version of Windows and five years later another version is released, you will still have two years of support left for the previous version.

Extended support
Microsoft will offer extended support for either a minimum of 5 years from the date of a product's general availability, or for 2 years after the second successor product (two versions later) is released, whichever is longer.

Tired of Turkey? Here are the latest valley dining tips

CLICK HERE for Full information

Click on our Information Page:
 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Part Three of Three

Getting ready for that annual feast ?  We've given you a few ideas how to cook the turkey, but there's one major step left before you "dig in"....

...carving it !

Not a pro when it comes to carving the bird?

Well...not to worry...we have the answers in....

The "art" of...

How to Carve a Turkey


See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Lake Mead at Record Lows Requiring Immediate Action

New Pump at Lake Mead Could Mean Water Rate Increase


CLICK HERE for Full Information 


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Monday, November 24, 2014

Part Two of Three

In our second article during "Thanksgiving Week", we have an idea you might want to try when you cook that Thursday feast !

 (Second of Three articles)

See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Part One of Three

Thanksgiving is time for FAMILY...and...FRIENDS..

And we've declared the next few days before the actual holiday....

Thanksgiving Week

In our "opinion" that means an old fashioned holiday of taking the time, effort, and dedication of keeping a true American tradition alive !

This is the first of three articles on how to give that turkey the TLC it deserves before it's served on Thursday....
Cookin' the Bird

(first of three artcies) 


See our Information Page...

"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A Special Edition in Memory of a Fallen Leader

In Lasting Memory
November 22, 1963

a husband

a father

a brother

Let us Never Forget that Tragic Day


Wednesday, November 19, 2014

How to Find It....The Easy Way

Frustrated looking for the end of a roll of tape?
We have a quick solution
Finding the end of a roll of tape !

See our Information Page...
"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Loads of New Valley Eatery Specials

CLICK HERE for Full information

Click on our Information Page:

 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Former Nevada Lt. Governor Speaks about Tasks Facing Nevada in 2015


Lorraine Hunt Bono
(Former Lt. Governor (1999-2007)

CLICK HERE for Full Information 


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Monday, November 17, 2014

After Years of Water....It May be Time to Caulk Your Tub

Caulking Your Tub

CLICK HERE for Full Information

Click on our Information Page...

 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Sunday, November 16, 2014

An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Come On...Vic's Cafe...
Give us a Break on Thanksgiving !

Have you seen the "special" Thanksgiving dinner menu and price offered at Vic's Cafe?

$24.95 + Tax

Strip Prices.....10 miles away from The Strip !

...from a restaurant...WE, the residents, FINANCE to the tune of $2,000 each and every month...

...from a restaurant...that has been delinquent in their bills....

...from a restaurant... that was granted a below prime interest rate loan for 3 years with interest ONLY payments for that duration....

...from a restaurant...that our Finance Committee is unable to substantiate...or refuses to substantiate....any record of their rent and/or utilities payments !

 And the owner wonders why people don't patronize his place !!

You have to see the ad.....

This "feast" includes a salad bar, a green bean casserole, stuffing,  mashed potatoes, a slice of apple or pumpkin pie, and a non-alcoholic beverage.

And to show his "generosity"....two other pluses included in this "bargain" are GRAVY....and...a dinner roll WITH BUTTER. you contemplate if you should partake in this....we believe it's PAYBACK TIME to all who have contributed to his business...not only by way of those who patronize it, but  by way of the "freebies" he seems to enjoy at resident expense.

We know Vic's can't pay us cash,  but what he can do at the very least, is give this community A BREAK ON A VERY INEXPENSIVE THANKSGIVING DINNER !

HE OWES US....and that should be HIS THANKS to us !

Now.... let's take a look at what some others are charging in order that you can evaluate this "bargain". 

Coronado Cafe....South Point Hotel
Traditional Roast Turkey Platter
Cocktail of Your Choice

Choice of: 
Corn Chowder or Dinner Salad
Platter Includes:
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Glazed Yams Fresh Seasonal Vegetables
Cranberry Sauce
Pumpkin Pie
(Ala Mode $1 Extra)


Claim Jumper

601 N Green Valley Pkwy
(702) 933-0880

Roasted turkey with gravy, stuffing, orange-cranberry relish, mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables and biscuit.


Courtyard Cafe...The Orleans

4500 W. Tropicana Ave.

Soup or salad; turkey, baked ham or crab-stuffed rainbow trout; and dessert.


Primarily Prime Rib...South Point Hotel

9777 Las Vegas Blvd. South

Butternut squash soup or dinner salad tossed table side; roasted turkey with sage dressing, vegetables, yams, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce, or South Point cut prime rib, or herb-rubbed chicken breast over wild mushrooms and leeks, or Salmon Oscar, or pork scaloppini Francaise over braised cabbage (all served with Brussels sprouts and chateau, baked or mashed potatoes); chocolate cake, pumpkin pie or apple and pear Brown Betty with cinnamon ice cream; and glass of wine or cocktail.


Mon Ami Gabi...Paris Las Vegas

Menu to-go: 

Herb roast turkey, garlic and sage stuffing, sweet potato gratin and Jack Daniels gravy are just some of the menu items available for pick up Thanksgiving Day.

Maybe you don’t want to cook, or you want to celebrate Thanksgiving in the comfort of your home.

Whatever the occasion, Mon Ami Gabi’s turkey to-go is one of my favorite ideas of the holiday.

Not only because it’s a no-clean-up dinner, but because the food is delicious.

Details: Advance order your turkey to-go. Orders are preferred one week in advance.

To place your order, call (702) 944-4224.

Available: Your order is available Thanksgiving Day beginning at 10 a.m. from Mon Ami Gabi in Paris Las Vegas or El Segundo Sol in the Fashion Show Mall.



The Flame Steakhouse...El Cortez

Menu: This three-course meal offers guests savory items like traditional turkey, sides and pumpkin cheesecake  at an affordable price.

Available: Thanksgiving Day, 4 p.m. – 10 p.m.


Emerald Island Grille...Emerald Island Casino

120 Market Street
(702) 567-9160

Complete turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and gravy, corn bread dressing, candied yams, green beans, and pumpkin pie with whipped dream...beverage included.


If you choose to dine out this holiday, do yourself a favor and make a few calls before you decide how and where you'll be having Thanksgiving dinner this year.

Then again....there's nothing like a good home cooked meal, is there?

Grocery stores literally "give" turkeys away at this time of year....and if can get a total of 800 points at the South Point between now and November 23rd, they'll not only give you the turkey FREE, but they'll even include the platter !

One thing for sure....get with the times, Vic....and start becoming more competitively priced before your ship sails into another Sun City Anthem restaurant ABYSS !

This  Vic "feast" is no way to impress anyone !

How about it, Vic ?

Don't you think it's time for PAYBACK ?

Only this time...include the entire community...not just a select few chosen by a board of directors when you wined and dined us to get the contract !

Anthem Opinions