Information Pages

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cafe V....More Concerns Face Sun City Anthem

Restaurant Has Other Financial Woes in Addition to 
Sun City Anthem

"Just when you (were hoping) it was safe to come out of the water"...

... more concerning news has been uncovered about
"Anthem Restaurant Partners LLC", the company that owns Cafe V.

When our initial articles commenced regarding Cafe V's inability to present a "Certificate of Insurance" following the disclosure they were also in financial default of utility bills...

...our years of  "business sense curiosity" seemed to raise a red flag ...


If they owed Sun City Anthem money, could that also be the case elsewhere?

We had good reason to raise that concern.

A couple of years ago, we desperately made every attempt to make two former board members aware that the previous restaurant owner had an outstanding judgment of $150,000 against him prior to being accepted in the Sun CIty Anthem community...that from the time of that judgment, more than a year had passed...and still remained unpaid.

It was based on that fact, we wholeheartedly believed  THAT INDIVIDUAL was not a "good fit" for Sun City Anthem. 

We won't embarrass those two former Sun City Anthem Board members,  but suffice to left town before his term expired (he's back now as a resident), and the other spent 2 years as the president of Sun City Anthem.

The result ?

That fact went unheeded; the tenant was approved despite our providing that vital information, and one day shortly thereafter....


...the doors were suddenly shuddered, and the owner was spotted making attempts to cart our restaurant equipment out the back door loading it into a truck bound for who knows where !

Well now....there's a saying that bears repeating again and again....

"Those unfamiliar with the past, are condemned to repeat it"

And low and behold....

..."Poof"... we go again !

We learned that "Anthem Restaurant Partners LLC" is being SUED by an organization named "Pinpoint Publications" for...
Here are the details:

a. The Plaintiff is "Pinpoint Publications", having filed a formal complaint on 9/25/14, asking for a judgment of $5,200.00.

b.  On 10/15/14 and 12/29/14 the court tried unsuccessfullly serving "Anthem Restaurant Partners LLC" with the legal documents.

c.  On 3/15/15  a court server was finally able to complete the restaurant on Hampton Road.

d.  The  subpoena was finally signed by "Jane Doe" and the description of the recipient was "5'7" 140 lbs blond hair 40s W".

e.  On 7/2/15, the plaintiff's attorney,  filed what is believed was a motion to add attorneys fees and costs to the complaint.

f.  The case is still open; no trial date has been set;  and is being heard by Judge Rodney Burr.

We would like all of you to know that this information is PUBLIC RECORD...and was obtained within 2 MINUTES.

We are NOT board members, and we are NOT attorneys, yet we were able to find it with a simple CLICK OF A BUTTON....

...because we used our common sense considering the experience with the prior restaurant ...AND... looked !

What does that have to do with Sun CIty Anthem?

You see....if "Pinpoint Publications" all likelihood they would hold a FIRST LIEN against "Anthem Restaurant Partners LLC"...

...and it would place Sun City Anthem SECOND IN LINE to recover any funds owed.

Had our "board members", "management company officials", or "legal counsel" thought to do the same simple check...especially in light of the TRUE horror story of the previous restaurant tenant?

Evidently, "common sense" and LISTENING to the FACTS of the PAST...never seem to make much sense to some....even though, more often than not,  our concerns are DEAD ON.

And as a result of paying little attention TO THE PAST, and IGNORING individuals who have had experience at recognizing "red flags"...

...we are once again confronted with a similar situation...


The last guy walked out with the furniture....this one
could walk out WITH YOUR WALLET.... if someone gets sick or is injured in an uninsured environment.

It has now been in excess of THREE WEEKS since it was publicly disclosed that "Anthem Restaurant Partners LLC" has not been in compliance with the Sun CIty Anthem lease agreement....

...yet Cafe V is not only allowed to continue to operate while in default, it also has yet to provide PROOF OF LIABILITY INSURANCE....

...and to further complicate the issue, Cafe V CONTINUES TO BE  ADVERTISED by official Sun CIty Anthem communication through resident eblasts !

The logic of these decisions after all previous facts are considered,  is mind our opinion....

...demonstrates a complete disregard of fiduciary responsibility.

So...with these facts in mind, we drew the following conclusions that bring up the word...

1. This lawsuit by "Pinpoint Publications" was filed on September 25, 2014.

2. At the end of December, 2014, THREE MONTHS AFTER the "Pinpoint Publications" lawsuit was filed, the outgoing board voted to CUT THE RENT for the restaurant IN HALF...for the SECOND the same year.

(Were any of these board members aware of that litigation?)

(Isn't that the responsibility of the management company to do regular due diligence and check such SIMPLE YET VITAL MATTERS...and...THE BOARD TO OVERSEE THEM...ESPECIALLY IN LIGHT OF PAST RESTAURANT EXPERIENCE?)

3. Six months into 2015 ...this "new board" allowed that restaurant to continue operating....suddenly becoming aware they likely were UNINSURED at the June 25, 2015 board meeting....while for months...knowing they were in default of utility payments.

4. At the same board meeting the above was disclosed, June 25, 2015...the Sun City Anthem Board voted to GIVE $90,000 to FSR, our management company...for the purpose of rewarding THEIR employees...

...ALLOWING THAT COMPANY FULL AUTHORITY TO SPEND THAT SUM IN ANY WAY THEY SAW FIT...without requiring ANY VERIFICATION pertaining to who, how, or in what amounts, any individual or individuals will receive the funds.

In other words, THERE IS NO GUARANTEE that any of that money will go to any employee....

...while at the same time, KNOWING FULL WELL that our association would shortly transition to self-management....

...eliminating their services.

...ALSO REALIZING that the early contract termination would cost Sun CIty Anthem residents an "early termination fee" of what would likely amount to in excess of $100,000...

...despite that organization failing to provide basic information regarding Cafe V litigation that could affect the solvency of the association.

5. As late as July 10, 2015, officially sponsored Sun City Anthem eblasts continued to be sent to residents which in effect, ENDORSE Cafe V.

Now...our readers, it's your turn !

First, we believe the opening step is to be RESPONSIBLE and STOP all further EBLASTS that ADVERTISE an APPARENTLY UNINSURED FIRM...that now...HAS EXISTING PENDING LITIGATION AGAINST IT !

Second, because of our articles and the massive number of comments made by you, our valued readers...this board is NOW FULLY AWARE of your concerns (and displeasure) of their current and past actions...

...but...YOU CAN, AND SHOULD, DO MORE; namely WRITE THEM and EXPRESS YOUR FEELINGS and DEMAND TO KNOW WHAT AND WHEN ACTION WILL BE TAKEN to protect our association's financial integrity.

We have an Information Page entitled "Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Information" that can easily be assessed by clicking on this link:

Third, do everything possible to make your neighbors aware of this problem...and tell them to read and subscribe to Anthem order to get THE FULL TRUTH rather than selective "bits and pieces" received elsewhere that serves little purpose other than DECEPTION.

A half-truth is also a HALF LIE.

Here's our subscription link:

Finally, continue your thoughts and send us an email as to what your feelings are...and what, if any actions you believe should be taken to end this financial nightmare that appears to worsens each day.

We'll publish each and every comment you send.

Our email address is:

In closing, we have made a number of efforts to ask this Board to act responsibly pending any further litigation....


This is a matter of VITAL IMPORTANCE to SUN CITY ANTHEM that must be responsibly addressed NOW.

Anthem Opinions Administration

  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Thanks for your update on the restaurant.

    I feel the board does not listen to the residents. I have tried to get things changed in the lower gallery, to no avail. Went to P&G, facilities, board meeting and they just don't care.

    I still think we should call the state and tell them the restaurant has no insurance and have them closed.

    Is this a possibility?
  2. Good for you, Barbara.

    The silence is deafening already. I don't believe it is illegal not to carry liability insurance, but it is against the lease agreement.

    ...and no matter what is said by anyone...IT CREATES HUGH LIABILITY to Sun City Anthem's residents.

    As the article stated, it is shocking that eblasts continue.

    I'd like to send all of the board a clip from Dr. Phil....."What Were You Thinking?
    1. From Scherry Opinions

      What is the City of Henderson doing about this business working without insurance?

      Do they know? Does it matter to them? We are in a mess….

      We could be sued by "V" employees if something happens there, right? Also anyone who goes there.

      This is not very responsible, to say the least.

      Not only that, but they are using our name “Anthem” in their business….it is embarrassing!

      Sun City Anthem Board is beyond terrible.

      We can’t hold the board financially responsible,so my hard earned retirement and others are paying for their mistakes.
      1. From Burt Opinions

        Frankly, I am in favor of a restaurant at Anthem Center.

        This memo does not comment on all the financial and legal issues you have documented.

        My concern is with the quality of the finished product.

        My wife and I were entertaining out of town guests on Tuesday July 7. We thought we would show them our restaurant and dine there..

        She called the restaurant's answering service in the afternoon to inquire about any specials and other details and never received a response.

        We went to the restaurant any way at about 530 PM. It was dreary and there was no salad bar.

        I asked about the salad bar and was told that they had had an ant infestation and the salad bar was shut down.

        After wondering where else the ants could be, we decided to leave the restaurant and went to one of the many choices on Eastern Ave.
        1. Burt,

          Assuming Cafe V is a "goner", I hope IF another restaurant is considered, we look toward a major modification over our previous unsuccessful ventures, avoiding tenants who will bleed us dry.

          As a matter of fact, I would avoid ALL tenants.

          Let's face it, we're now 0 for 4; reality has to set in, and new rules would have to apply for any chance of success.

          My choice....a very small area...

          ...we own it, and provide limited "finger food" service with a happy hour...and the proceeds applied to perhaps having a weekly singer or small combo playing for a couple of hours during that short period of time (5:00 to 7:00pm).

          ...and I would be wholeheartedly in favor of some video poker machines in the bar area.

          Originally I opposed this idea, but self-ownership would mean we would keep 100% of the proceeds.

          We would also eliminate all property taxes due by avoiding an outside vendor.

          It would be a place for the mah jong people, the pool and card players, and those going to miscellaneous meetings who  could patronize it for something simple and a drink.

          With self-management right around the corner, my guess is that we could staff the place with 100% volunteers for a couple of hours each day, and I know we have a number of retired bartenders that would love a paid part-time job...with tips.

          There are plenty of restaurants available in the valley to eat that 5 star meal. If one can get to Anthem Center, they can get to some other place on Eastern Avenue as well.

          All of that could be inexpensively constructed using the existing bar space with a few tables.

          The entire huge area remaining would solve a problem for the space the residents have been yearning to have for their various entertainment venues.

          The old adage, KISS, (keep it simple, stupid) would be applied.

          Anyone else out there have any thoughts?

          Profitability would be a secondary consideration with the belief this modified idea would literally pay for itself.

          One VERY IMPORTANT difference no matter what is decided...allow the PEOPLE TO MAKE THE DECISION through a formal mailing to ALL RESIDENTS with complete information including projected costs and returns.

          This formal mailing should include not just the question, but A MINIMUM of 5 pros and 5 cons as to the merit of the proposal.

          Slanted and deceptive surveys to favor one particular idea should be avoided at all costs.
          1. From Laura from Opinions

            Wow. This just gets better about Cafe V.

            I am tempted to call the Review Journal and find out if it's against the law to operate a restaurant without insurance.

            Maybe this nonsense needs to get out in the open.

            I wish someone would tell me why this restaurant is still open!
          2. Laura, when you get that answer, all of Sun City Anthem would love to know it.

            Let's learn a lesson from this is the people we elect that make the decisions.

            Unqualified people without relevant experience are simply not capable of making qualified decisions.

            We've preached that for some time now.

            Let's hope that those who do care about our community, will take the time to do the proper homework before they cast a ballot, rather than asking a neighbor "Who Should I Vote For?"

            We have come to a point where callous decisions can no longer be tolerated.

            We may live in a desert, but our financial future is on "thin ice" if we continue that path that we have traveled in the past 7 years.

            1. From Forrest Opinions


              How many times over the years have you heard me say since restaurant attempt #2
              (Tirzo) failed…

              1. Arts and Crafts needs more space.

              2. Table tennis has no place to play other than sharing the Independence multipurpose
              rooms requiring tables to be stored and set up for each play.

              3. Woodchips has been begging for more space for more than 4 years to accommodate
              their 150 members working on their projects and building items for residents.

              4. Billiard tables are scattered in Anthem Center and Independence Center.

              5. Lower gallery card playing tables are jammed together because 4 billiard tables are
              stuck in the middle.

              6. Residents and leadership want a simple place to meat during meetings and evenings.

              7. Residents would like a bar to socialize.

              8. Residents like to gamble.

              Simple solution…

              1. Remove the catering kitchen area (approx. 40 sq ft) to make room for Billiards and
              Table Tennis.

              2. Move Arts and Crafts into the larger existing Billiards room.

              3. Convert existing Arts and Crafts room into another multipurpose room.

              4. Convert the Independence Center Penn room to a Woodchips project assembly area.

              5. Remove billiard tables from lower gallery to improve card table spacing.

              6. Provide area next to bar for a small Deli style eat in or take out restaurant.

              7. Leave the bar and install video gaming in bar area.

              Al these modifications could be accomplished under existing roof minimizing cost.

              Just look at all the positives this would bring to Residents, Leadership and Clubs.


  1. From Barbara Opinions

    Thanks for your update on the restaurant.

    I feel the board does not listen to the residents. I have tried to get things changed in the lower gallery, to no avail. Went to P&G, facilities, board meeting and they just don't care.

    I still think we should call the state and tell them the restaurant has no insurance and have them closed.

    Is this a possibility?

  2. Good for you, Barbara.

    The silence is deafening already. I don't believe it is illegal not to carry liability insurance, but it is against the lease agreement.

    ...and no matter what is said by anyone...IT CREATES HUGH LIABILITY to Sun City Anthem's residents.

    As the article stated, it is shocking that eblasts continue.

    I'd like to send all of the board a clip from Dr. Phil....."What Were You Thinking?

  3. From Scherry Opinions

    What is the City of Henderson doing about this business working without insurance?

    Do they know? Does it matter to them? We are in a mess….

    We could be sued by "V" employees if something happens there, right? Also anyone who goes there.

    This is not very responsible, to say the least.

    Not only that, but they are using our name “Anthem” in their business….it is embarrassing!

    Sun City Anthem Board is beyond terrible.

    We can’t hold the board financially responsible,so my hard earned retirement and others are paying for their mistakes.

  4. From Burt Opinions

    Frankly, I am in favor of a restaurant at Anthem Center.

    This memo does not comment on all the financial and legal issues you have documented.

    My concern is with the quality of the finished product.

    My wife and I were entertaining out of town guests on Tuesday July 7. We thought we would show them our restaurant and dine there..

    She called the restaurant's answering service in the afternoon to inquire about any specials and other details and never received a response.

    We went to the restaurant any way at about 530 PM. It was dreary and there was no salad bar.

    I asked about the salad bar and was told that they had had an ant infestation and the salad bar was shut down.

    After wondering where else the ants could be, we decided to leave the restaurant and went to one of the many choices on Eastern Ave.

  5. Burt,

    Assuming Cafe V is a "goner", I hope IF another restaurant is considered, we look toward a major modification over our previous unsuccessful ventures, avoiding tenants who will bleed us dry.

    As a matter of fact, I would avoid ALL tenants.

    Let's face it, we're now 0 for 4, reality has to set in, and new rules would have to apply for any chance of success.

    My choice....a very small area...

    ...we own it, and provide limited "finger food" service with a happy hour...and the proceeds applied to perhaps having a weekly singer or small combo playing for a couple of hours during that short period of time (5:00 to 7:00pm).

    ...and I would be wholeheartedly in favor of some video poker machines in the bar area.

    Originally I opposed this idea, but self-ownership would mean we would keep 100% of the proceeds.

    We would also eliminate all property taxes due by avoiding an outside vendor.

    It would be a place for the mah jong people, the pool and card players, and those going to miscellaneous meetings could patronize for something simple and a drink.

    With self-management right around the corner, my guess is that we could staff the place with 100% volunteers for a couple of hours each day, and I know we have a number of retired bartenders that would love a paid part-time job...with tips.

    There are plenty of restaurants available in the valley to eat that 5 star meal. If one can get to Anthem Center, they can get to some other place on Eastern Avenue as well.

    All of that could be inexpensively constructed using the existing bar space with a few tables.

    The entire huge area remaining would solve a problem for the space the residents have been yearning to have for their various entertainment venues.

    The old adage, KISS, (keep it simple, stupid) would be applied.

    Anyone else out there have any thoughts?

    Profitability would be a secondary consideration with the belief this modified idea would literally pay for itself.

    One VERY IMPORTANT difference no matter what is decided...allow the PEOPLE TO MAKE THE DECISION through a formal mailing to ALL RESIDENTS with complete information including projected costs and returns.

    This formal mailing should include not just the question, but A MINIMUM of 5 pros and 5 cons as to the merit of the proposal.

    Slanted and deceptive surveys to favor one particular idea should be avoided at all costs.

  6. From Laura from Opinions

    Wow. This just gets better about Cafe V.

    I am tempted to call the Review Journal and find out if it's against the law to operate a restaurant without insurance.

    Maybe this nonsense needs to get out in the open.

    I wish someone would tell me why this restaurant is still open!

  7. Laura, when you get that answer, all of Sun City Anthem would love to know it.

    Let's learn a lesson from this is the people we elect that make the decisions.

    Unqualified people without relevant experience are simply not capable of making qualified decisions.

    We've preached that for some time now.

    Let's hope that those who do care about our community, will take the time to do the proper homework before they cast a ballot, rather than asking a neighbor "Who Should I Vote For?"

    We have come to a point where callous decisions can no longer be tolerated.

    We may live in a desert, but our financial future is on "thin ice" if we continue that path that we have traveled in the past 7 years.

  8. From Forrest Opinions


    How many times over the years have you heard me say since restaurant attempt #2
    (Tirzo) failed…

    1. Arts and Crafts needs more space.

    2. Table tennis has no place to play other than sharing the Independence multipurpose
    rooms requiring tables to be stored and set up for each play.

    3. Woodchips has been begging for more space for more than 4 years to accommodate
    their 150 members working on their projects and building items for residents.

    4. Billiard tables are scattered in Anthem Center and Independence Center.

    5. Lower gallery card playing tables are jammed together because 4 billiard tables are
    stuck in the middle.

    6. Residents and leadership want a simple place to meat during meetings and evenings.

    7. Residents would like a bar to socialize.

    8. Residents like to gamble.

    Simple solution…

    1. Remove the catering kitchen area (approx. 40 sq ft) to make room for Billiards and
    Table Tennis.

    2. Move Arts and Crafts into the larger existing Billiards room.

    3. Convert existing Arts and Crafts room into another multipurpose room.

    4. Convert the Independence Center Penn room to a Woodchips project assembly area.

    5. Remove billiard tables from lower gallery to improve card table spacing.

    6. Provide area next to bar for a small Deli style eat in or take out restaurant.

    7. Leave the bar and install video gaming in bar area.

    Al these modifications could be accomplished under existing roof minimizing cost.

    Just look at all the positives this would bring to Residents, Leadership and Clubs.
