Information Pages

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Will the Sun City Anthem Board LISTEN to the People's Dissatisfaction with General Manager' s Latest Rules?

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Well now, have the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors finally put on their "listening ears"?  

Or have they ????

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...TO "OVERTHROW" the latest ridiculous rules established by General Manager and self-crowned Queen of Sun City Anthem, Sandy Seddon...

...we think. 

The Board Book for the June 22, 2017 Board of Directors meeting, scheduled for 1:30pm in the Anthem Center's Delaware Room,  has been published and the following items have been included on the agenda:

New Business

TULIP Insurance

What is a TULIP?

TULIP is a Tenants’ and Users’ Liability Insurance Policy, also known as “Events Coverage.”

It is used by institutions who permit “third parties” to use their facilities for specific events.

It is not intended for institutions to shift any of their specific operational risks away from their own general liability policies

Rather, it protects both the “facility user” (e.g., event host or visiting organization) and the institution against claims by third parties who may be injured or lose property as a result of participating in an event.

Events may range from very low-risk events such as classroom seminars, receptions, or weddings to higher-risk events including festivals and fairs, sports events, or rock concerts.

Costs for the facility users are based on the risk of the activity, the number of days of the activity, the number of participants, and if there are any special requirements, including alcohol liability, participant coverage, and so forth.

Tenant Users Liability Insurance Protection (TULIP) is insurance uniquely designed to provide short term liability insurance coverage for tenants of facilities or venues for events which cannot be covered under their current insurance or for which they have no other coverage

By purchasing the coverage under a policy written for all tenant users of a specific facility or venue, the tenant user not only meets the contractual obligations required by the venue, but obtains coverage that is more competitive than purchasing a single special event policy.

A simple one page questionnaire is all that is needed to apply.

Typical facilities or venues needing TULIP coverage include stadiums, arenas, convention centers, religious institutions, performing arts centers and schools.

(This would lead you to believe that the association will be paying for the coverage, which is NOT THE CASE...evidently, this new business item might lead you to believe all is well, when in fact, THE INSURANCE COSTS WILL LIKELY CONTINUE TO BE BORNE BY THE CLUB HOLDING THE EVENT...

...which in our opinion is just another "slippery" deceptive move on the part of the General Manager.)

New Business

Motion to suspend the current requirements for vendor insurance, licensing, and security.

(Special thanks to Rana Goodman for her coordination of Club presidents in bringing forth this item.)

Nona Tobin, Sun City Anthem Board member, will introduce the following motion:

Here is the resolution:


WHEREAS, several months ago the General Manager instituted new, or previously unenforced, requirements for increased insurance, licensing and security applicable to vendors, Chartered Clubs, and/or members who are holding events on SCA property; and  

WHEREAS, many Owners and Club representatives have attempted unsuccessfully to get the General Manager to institute less burdensome methods to address an as-yet unidentified risk management problem that precipitated the change;

WHEREAS, there has been no satisfactory response to mitigate Members concerns, or to create a more benign system, or to allow the long-used and accepted practice to stand;

WHEREAS, The Community Lifestyle Committee reported to the May 25, 2017 Board of Directors meeting:

Until management is certain about all aspects of these requirements for insurance and business licenses, and can document the need for these requirements, CLC asks management to consider suspending both requirements.

Community Lifestyle Committee will continue to work with management to come up with reasonable requirements that protect the association from any sanctions and penalties that might come from non-compliance, but we look to management to make these requirements as clear and benign as possible for the clubs.

WHEREAS, many Members believe that continuing a seemingly arbitrary and capricious policy without adequate justification may create more risk than is mitigated, i.e., by reducing SCAs reputation, threatening property values, loss of quiet enjoyment of the common areas, negatively impacting our quality of lifestyle by reducing the variety and quality of entertainment options;

WHEREAS, the Board Policy Manual 2 defines four expected organizational results the GM is to achieve, 2A is relevant to this issue:

Board Pollcy Manual 2A

Homeowners have a variety of entertainment options and social, creative and physical activities that promote a sense of community and well-being.

WHEREAS, the Board Policy Manual 3 defines limitations on the GM in terms of the conditions which are to be avoided:

The GM must not cause or allow any practice, activity, decision, or organizational circumstance which is either unlawful, imprudent, damaged the public image of the Association or is in violation of the Governing Documents, Board Policy, or commonly accepted business and professional ethics and practices.

WHEREAS, the Board Policy Manual 3.2 requires:

With respect to interactions with Members, Residents and visitors, the GM shall not cause or allow conditions, procedures, or decisions that are unsafe, discourteous, or unnecessarily intrusive.

The GM must not allow or cause Members, Residents and visitors to be confused about what may be expected and what may not be expected from any service or amenity offered by the Association.  (BPM 3.2C)


No insurance, security, or business license requirements are to be implemented that hurt SCAs ability to achieve the expected result of the organization as defined in BPM 2A (a variety of entertainment options) unless the actual claims history at SCA specifically involving vendors is documented to be significant enough to warrant the new requirement and there is no feasible, less burdensome alternative that would resolve the issue while better promoting a sense of well being and community among the membership.

New Business

Motion to direct GM to develop a protocol allowing emails or other written materials be included in the minutes of the Executive Board without the individual being present at the Board meeting.

Thank's about time.

For those of you who attend these boring sessions, waiting at times for hours to "speak your peace" for all of 2 minutes, this would be a welcome change... 

...but the GM developing a "protocol" to allow emails?  

How about just sending them to her with a copy to Board members TO BE READ at the meeting for all to hear? about Channel 99 televising the meeting in such a way you can FAST FORWARD to hear them, at the same time watching the actions of Board members on HOW they vote for measures?

In that way you will know your email was read and included.

New Business

Motion for 2017 Board training and development.

(Special thanks for Sun City Anthem resident, Tim Stebbins, for being the driving force behind this item)

New Business

Reconsideration of the motion to accept the December 31, 2016 Audited Financial Statements and Management Letter.

(Special thanks to Sun City Anthem resident, Nelson Orth, for being the driving force behind this final item.)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Though these items are on the agenda, there still remain issues brought out by Anthem Opinions regarding the following requirements that we find offensive to our community and will create a hindrance to future entertainment:

a. Forced use of specifically approved Production Company, serving no purpose other than to reduce entertainer income.

b. Forced use of Security Guards.

c. Forced fee to entertainer of $1 per ticket for online purchases of sponsored events.

d. Forced High Fee for use of Freedom Hall for sponsored programs amounting to 30% of ticket sales (often amounting to $1,800 for room usage.)

So...we ask you...

Should Sun City Anthem make a "profit" on entertainment at the expense of the entertainer?  

Do you believe these rules will affect the entertainment community's willingness to perform at Freedom Hall, since these additional costs will not allow them a livable wage?

Let us know...


...know your feelings.

The Board email addresses can be obtained in our Information Page, "Sun City Anthem Board of Directors Information" of by clicking on this link:
  1. From Robert Opinions

    SCA would not have to charge the entertainer for the use of Freedom Hall, charge $1 per on-line ticket (which, by the way is really cheesy and an embarrassment to all residents), etc. IF our HOA Fees weren't squandered away on quarter million dollar salaries and over-priced contractors.

    Memo to SCA: "It's not what you earn - it's what you keep that counts".
  2. From Eleanor Opihions

    Sandy needs to be retrained or fired. 

    1. From V. Opinions

      Sandy Seddon also fired Meg Paulson who was wonderful and worked really hard. 

      Sandy hired a physical therapist who does no training for the people that work under her.
      1. From Patty Opinions

        Dick, thanks to you, Rana, Nona and whomever else is responsible for bringing sense to this insurance question.

        I am a member of a college community band and liaison for many concerts around the valley, all of which are done to benefit great charities.

        In the 30 years our director has done events and the 30 years I’ve been involved as an events planner, we never heard of such a thing until we organized a recent concert.

        As far as SCA making a profit on these events, I’ll be taking them off my venue list for sure.

        Proceeds from our concerts, as mentioned, go to charities

        Musicians volunteer their services.

        For greedy SCA to try and make a buck on this is reprehensible.

        I would appreciate if your not naming the college, as I am not their official spokesperson, but I can tell you that the officials at the college thought SCA was crazy.
      2. Patty,

        Your comment was so heartfelt. As requested the name of the college was omitted and your comments were edited in order to protect you, but know there are many in SCA that wish you well, and that your endeavors are so appreciated by the masses.

        Unfortunately, those in control, are so concerned with their own well-being and overpaid incomes, they believe they are beyond reproach.

        We will try our best to make people aware of this in order to rectify the problem.

        The plight of local entertainment is at stake, and the line to protect those dedicated professionals HAS NOW BEEN DRAWN.
        1. How did we ever get along without all those "add-on's" that encumber the entertainer and audience? It sure seems that our new G.M. has $$ in mind because of course she isn't getting paid the salary she thinks she really deserves, does she? Time to re-think her. Way to many things are falling under table and we are starting to see her slippery methods to keep us in line...


  1. From Robert Opinions

    SCA would not have to charge the entertainer for the use of Freedom Hall, charge $1 per on-line ticket (which, by the way is really cheesy and an embarrassment to all residents), etc. IF our HOA Fees weren't squandered away on quarter million dollar salaries and over-priced contractors.

    Memo to SCA: "It's not what you earn - it's what you keep that counts".

  2. From Eleanor Opihions

    Sandy needs to be retrained or fired.

    The latter is very acceptable.

  3. From V. Opinions

    Sandy Seddon also fired Meg Paulson who was wonderful and worked really hard.

    Sandy hired a physical therapist who does no training for the people that work under her.

  4. From Patty Opinions

    Dick, thanks to you, Rana, Nona and whomever else is responsible for bringing sense to this insurance question.

    I am a member of a college community band and liaison for many concerts around the valley, all of which are done to benefit great charities.

    In the 30 years our director has done events and the 30 years I’ve been involved as an events planner, we never heard of such a thing until we organized a recent concert.

    As far as SCA making a profit on these events, I’ll be taking them off my venue list for sure.

    Proceeds from our concerts, as mentioned, go to charities

    Musicians volunteer their services.

    For greedy SCA to try and make a buck on this is reprehensible.

    I would appreciate if your not naming the college, as I am not their official spokesperson, but I can tell you that the officials at the college thought SCA was crazy.

  5. Patty,

    Your comment was so heartfelt. As requested the name of the college was omitted and your comments were edited in order to protect you, but know there are many in SCA that wish you well, and that endeavors are so appreciated by the masses.

    Unfortunately, those in control, are so concerned with their own well-being and overpaid incomes, they believe they are beyond reproach.

    We will try our best to make people aware of this in order to rectify the problem.

    The plight of local entertainment is at stake, and the line to protect those dedicated professionals HAS NOW BEEN DRAWN.

  6. How did we ever get along without all those "add-on's" that encumber the entertainer and audience? It sure seems that our new G.M. has $$ in mind because of course she isn't getting paid the salary she thinks she really deserves, does she. Time to re-think her. Way to many things are falling under table and we are starting to see her slippery methods to keep us in line...
