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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Reflecting on a Year Lost...An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Goodbye 2020

A Year that Taught Us the Meaning of Valuing Life

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It was a year all of us will never forget, but would like to in so many ways !

 It  began with such cautious optimism, but a strange new illness would strike the inhabitants of the world, and it would forever change the meaning of life for so many of us. 

Yes, it was  a year filled with a changing lifestyle and despite the sacrifices so many made for the past 9 months, one has to look to something positive.... 

...because man needs a positive attitude to survive. 

Our wonderful city and community were forced to endure the trials and tribulations many of us in a senior community believed would never be a part of the remainder of our lives... 

..but they did, and we (for the most part) acclimated ourselves to changes at a time in our lives when "change" was the farthest thing from our minds... 

...and somehow, we did it ! 

Our community closed so many of its amenities; the entertainment industry all but evaporated, restaurants closed that had for years, prospered; a new professional football team would have to delay the public from enjoying its new stadium; and a state that began with such optimism, gradually faced massive unemployment...

 We were forced to accept it....and...we survived. 

But...2020, despite its life changing effect, can, if you allow it, teach us a lesson that I hope will ring in with the New Year. 

..a lesson so many of us seem to have forgotten. 

People...both our neighbors and friends far and away...are the most precious commodities we all share.... 

...not THINGS...but PEOPLE... 

...and as 2021 begins, let's look at 2020 as the year we learned how to APPRECIATE those who have been a part of our lives for years.'s my first New Year resolution I hope many of you will make.  It's a easy one, and it can all be accomplished in a single day. 

Just pick up your phone, and from morning to night, call every person you know who has been your friend and simply tell them... 

"Having you in my life, has been a bright light in a time of such darkness. Thank you for being part of it." 

We wish you a Happy and optimistic New Year.

And one more might want to click on this says it all !

 Anthem Opinions
  • From Cary Chubin of  Ft. Lauderdale FL to Anthem Opinions

    5 Stars, Dick. 

  • From Dorothy Opinions   

    Hopefully future celebrations will all be in good health where you can engage with others.

    Looking forward to helping you celebrate all of them.

  • From Barry Opinions 

    Nice message Dick. Happy New Year.

  • From Mary Lee Opinions 

    Beautifully written, as usual, thanks for sharing!

    “Having you in my life, has been a bright light in a time of such darkness! ThankYou for being a Part of  it.”  

    Sincere Friendships are treasures beyond words and you are such a special one in my life.

    Wishing you and Marla a fabulous 2021!

    Hugs to both of you.

  • From Dan Opinions

    Excellent. Happy New Year

  • From Margaret McKee of Grayslake Opinions

    Happy New Year.

    Stay safe.  

    Let’s hope things will be better in 2021. 

  • From John Opinions

    Very nice Dick,thank you.

    A Happy,Healthy New Year to Marla and you.

    1. Very healthy and a very happy new year to you and Marla and of course happiest of birthdays. Let’s try and spend the next 12 months in the best of health!!!!

    2. From Dennis Bono & Lorraine Hunt Opinions

      “Amen” Richard! Words of Wisdom for 2021.

      Happy New Year and “Look To The Future”!

    3. From Michelle Opinions

      Thank you for sharing this... did you write it?  

      It's beautiful and is so poignant.  

      I hope you and Marla have a wonderful new year ahead and praying we all get back to normal real soon. 

    4. Guilty as charged, Michelle.

      The world needs a positive start to a new year.

  • From Joe Opinions

    RIGHT ON LIZ...............

    1. From Peter Opinions 

      Dick,Excellent article!

      The manner it is written speaks to the sincerity of your words.

      “Having you in my life, has been a bright light in a time of such darkness. Thank you for being part of it." 

      A couple of additional thoughts.......

      **I first used your words above to my best friend, my wife of 39 years.

      **A friend, a neighbor, an acquaintance, a buddy and so on are all important parts of our lives.....

      ...yet a friend is a friend indeed!

      **Integrity, Honesty and Character should be the pillars of whom you include in your circle of life.

      **Include those in your life who are positive and stay away from negative influences.

      **Be smart! The vast majority of the SCA community are thoughtful and pleasant people...

      ...yet there are some snakes in the tall grass.

  • Wednesday, December 30, 2020

    Former SCA President Expresses Disappointment in Board Behavior Toward Community Landscaping and Restaurant Issue


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    Those We Lost in 2020....Part One of Four

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    Monday, December 21, 2020

    A Bit of History about the Reindeer with the Glowing Nose....Merry Christmas

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    Tuesday, December 8, 2020

    Foundation Assisting Seniors Robbed over Thanksgiving holiday....They are now in DIRE need of your support.

     The Foundation Assisting Seniors Needs Your Help More then Ever !

    Senior Assistance | The Foundation Assisting Seniors | United States

    A week ago we asked that you consider a donation to the Foundation Assisting Seniors due to their inability to hold many fund raising events during the pandemic. 

    This morning, while returning medical equipment, we were informed that during the Thanksgiving holiday, the building that houses the Foundation was broken into and the safe was stolen that included gift cards totaling approximately $2,000. 

    It is hard to comprehend that a season designed to provide "peace on earth and goodwill toward men" would include taking items from a charitable organization; but that is the sad world we live in today. 

    As a result, it is more then important that you PLEASE consider any donation possible to the this marvelous giving organization. 

    There are three methods in which funds my be donated: 

    1. Mail your contribution.

    2. Drop if off at their office located at: 

    2518 Anthem Village Drive  Suite 102

    Henderson, NV 89052

     3. Use the GoFundMe link by clicking here:  

     For further information, please feel free to contact the Foundation at:

    (702) 242-4200

    Here is the Foundation website for your convenience.;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzIEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1607490378/RO=10/ 

    ...and don't forget...they always need volunteers.

    Please tell your friends and neighbors of this crisis situation and ask them to consider their support as well.

    They are a very special group of individuals. 

    The Foundation thanks you in advance for any assistance you might provide them.

    Henderson-based group assists Las Vegas Valley's seniors | Las Vegas  Review-Journal

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    Wednesday, December 2, 2020

    Sun City Anthem Board....a Mess Due to Relying on Paranoia to Make Decisions

     Spirit Magazine December 2020 Issue Proves Board Paranoia in Goodman "Coup"

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    Some things have to be said.

    After receiving The Spirit magazine, I received a number of calls regarding an article included in the latest published issue.

    It was so insulting that a number of Sun City Anthem residents asked that a fitting response be published by myself.

    Though it's my desire to sharply curtail many writing activities due to the sale of Anthem Opinions to The Vegas Voice, I wish to thank Dan Roberts for allowing me to write this  editorial.

    With all of this in mind, let me warn you that Alka Seltzer is the only way to stomach the Spirit article.

    Before you read the December, 2020 issue of the community Spirit Magazine, we suggest that you not eat breakfast, because if you do, get ready to "upchuck" after you read Page 16's article entitled " "Sticks and Stones...".

     We couldn't help but notice that the article was signed by the entire remaining members of the Sun City Anthem Board of Directors, whose only way of "saving face" in the disgraceful manner in which they first coerced former President Rana Goodman into signing a ridiculous apology letter to the African American Heritage Club, then in the most unprofessional manner, told the Association Attorney to send her a letter (while she was in the hospital following back surgery) that she resign her position as President.

    They used a blog post written by Vegas Voice publisher, Dan Roberts, about the letter as the reason for removing her.

     What they never acknowledged was that the Goodman "apology letter" was FULLY SANCTIONED BY EACH OF THEM PRIOR TO HER SIGNING IT.  

    She constantly REFUSED to do so time and again, until she was COERCED into believing that in doing so, it would defuse a volatile racial community situation that a Club president was accusing the Board of creating.

    And once she did...the hammer was dropped on her head like a mallet at a carnival !

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     Yet to appease a Club whose public display of racial remarks along with the underground support of a blogger whose intention from the "get-go" was to "get" Goodman...

     ...out of fear....they needed a scapegoat...

    Scapegoating: The Moving Target | Psychological Healing Center

     ...and Goodman was the most convenient target they could find.

     ...and they actually, after publicly insulting her for something EACH OF THEM CONTRIVED and APPROVED, were surprised that she subsequently told them to "go to the nearest mountain and jump off without a parachute" by resigning from the Board.

    What kind of individuals would expect that after a backdoor insult?  A group of these !

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     ...and the result of "dumping" the person who received more votes in 2018 than any other candidate and who received a gubernatorial award for her successful guardianship efforts to SAVE SENIORS from financial "hell" ???

     They are reeling in a world of "no confidence" that obviously was so great that the Page 16 December, 2020 article appeared.

     So who is to blame for all the problems they have, according the six remaining members of the "distinguished" leaders?

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     Blogs...the easiest targets.  Forget their actions that created the blogs over the years, right?

    And forget... unlike THEM, a blog is something that a person VOLUNTARILY receives while theirs is MANDATORY.

     This bunch of "leaders" are now so paranoiac that they have taken a community publication and sent it to 7,144 homes telling them...and I quote:

     "We cannot make the blogs disappear, but we can individually avoid reading them."

     And to those who write comments, their "words of wisdom" also tell you:

     "Please don't take reader's comments to heart and feel the need to respond. Move on and don't make the situation worse by weighing in."

     Readers, this is like saying if you're a Democrat, you're a sinner if you watch Fox or if you are a Republican, the fires of hell will fall upon you if you view CNN.

     It simply is a call for the end of freedom of speech...

     These "control freaks" actually want you to believe someone simply because they tell you to do so ...that they are an omnipotent Board who should dictate your conscience.

     But believe me, this latest epistle on the part of the remaining members of the Sun City Anthem Board will ring loud as they continue to demand you believe everything they tell you...

     ...and the intelligent members of our society will be look at them for such unprofessional rhetoric, and respond as follows:

     This is America.  

    We have something called freedom of speech and that includes telling this bunch to...

     Go to Hell for even suggesting it be abandoned...especially after the despicable actions they displayed in the Goodman situation.

     As long as any of them remain in a Board position, a lingering bad taste in the mouths of a community will haunt each of them.

     SCA Board of Directors...each of you demonstrated by your actions, that you do not deserve credibility, and you have yourselves and the weakness you have demonstrated, to blame for it.

    And from us to you...we would like to present you this kudo for your recent Spirt article...

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     ...with this advice...

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  • When I read the December Spirit article from the Board my first reaction was “here we go again.”Social media and main stream news channels want to filter what we can read and hear. Apparently our Board of Directors has the same philosophy- One stream of information that they can control. Can it get more Orwellian than this? If someone doesn’t like what’s written on a certain blog they don’t have to read it. The same way I don’t have to watch MSNBC or CNN as I don’t read Berman’s blog. The point is- We should have a choice and should not be controlled by one person or group.
    If somebody joins the board and they can’t take criticism or questioning then they had no business running for the board in the first place.

  • From Barry Opinions

    Those same board members had no problem aggressively seeking support from the bloggers to get elected.

    Such hypocrisy.

    I wonder if the ones that run for the board again will seek the support of bloggers?

    I would suggest the bloggers let them get elected on their own merits.

    There is probably one blogger, in his thirst for power that will still show support for certain candidates.

    1. From Hollis Opinions

      GOD..... We miss you Dick...!!