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Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Sun City Anthem Shines in Association Water Conservation

 Some Las Vegas Homeowner Associations Lead Efforts to Conserve Water


We're One of Them

Beware of water waste: How to prevent violations that could cost you - Las  Vegas Sun Newspaper

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 "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

Mr, Fix-It Talks...Water Heaters !

 I Need a New Water Heater ! Which One Do I Need ?

water_heaters.jpg (375×362)

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

S.C.A.R.L.E.T. .... Sun City Anthems "Unofficial Club" of America's Men in Blue


 S.C.A.R.L.E.T. Success Exceeds Expectations

(Sun City Anthem Retired Law Enforcement Team)

Last November, our “Mr. Fix-It”, Forrest Fetherolf, came up with an idea to create a club for retired law enforcement individuals in our community.

One specific objective was to create this organization as an unofficial club” to avoid official Club bureaucracy that exists in the Sun City Anthem community.

At the same time, while establishing himself as a “star” on the “Neighbor” blog with his home improvement tips and the hundreds of responses he receives each week while fighting a second hip replacement surgery that has plagued him for months, the “bionic” man, continues to serve his community.

Forrest was at one time a member of L.A's finest until he suffered an injury that required months of being placed in a body cast and his subsequent forced disability. He has had close to 30 surgeries since that time, but rather than give up on life, he subsequently established “Fetherolf Development Co.” in southern California, which after he retired, his son, Scott, continues to operate.

Forrest's reputation in the construction industry was stellar; so much so, that in all the years he was an active part of the company, he never placed a single ad in any newspaper. His work was 100% on a referral basis.

Ask any person in the Anthem communities if he has ever NOT assisted any individual with personal help or referral, and you'll be hard pressed to find that individual. He's always been there !

He unsuccessfully ran for the Sun City Anthem Board on two occasions, but where a “machine” may have defeated him politically, he instead has won the hearts of the people...and...knowing him like I have for these past 12 years, that means more to him than any election. Where as past Sun City Anthem board members have come and gone and few residents can even remember their names, you won't have to go far to know “Mr. Fix-It”.

Getting back to S.C.A.R.L.E.T., Anthem Opinions first brought this “club” to the attention of our readers in an article we published on March 28, 2021....and its success has grown despite a pandemic that constantly brings “normalcy” to a halt again and again, month after month.

Here's that original article:

At the time of that writing, 33 individuals had signed on to become members.

As of now, that total is 68, and he and his “best bud”, Danny Cordero, a fellow Sun City Anthem resident and former retired member of New York's “finest” and current consultant to Las Vegas Metro, have brought it to heights even they never expected.

On Wednesday, September 15, 2021 a recent meeting of the “unofficial Sun City Anthem Club, S.C.A.R.L.E.T. was held, and we managed to get a hold of the latest news email sent to its members; and with permission, we thought you might wish to read it as well:

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Hello Everyone,

Today, 9/15, at SCARLET's lunch meeting, 46 members and guests had the opportunity to meet Sheriff Joe Lombardo as guest speaker.

The Sheriff spoke for about 1 hour on many topics of interest and his concerns with how Nevada could improve under his leadership as the next Governor of Nevada.

Several members had the opportunity to ask questions.

The Sheriff talked about the crime increase in the Las Vegas area, immigration, water shortage, lack of workers for available jobs, and the adversity of recent rulings limiting law enforcement from doing their job and holding criminals accountable.

The Sheriff was very knowledgeable with statistics comparing the Las Vegas area to other cities, both good and bad.

It appeared everyone enjoyed the time spent socializing with other members and listening to Sheriff Lombardo.

Thanks to Danny Cordero for arranging Sheriff Lombardo to speak to our group. 

Forrest Fetherolf...Sheriff Joe Lombardo...Danny Cordero

Another retired Law Enforcer signed up to be our 67 SCARLET member.

SCARLET's next meeting TBA either 10/13 or 10/20.

Village Pub agreed to allow SCARLET to occupy the main dining room for future meetings and guest speakers. The main dining room will accommodate 75 people.

Mr. Fix-It needs help and suggestions planning a Holiday Party for members and guests in December. 

Thanks to everyone attending the meeting...Danny and my efforts are well worth the time spent planning.

Take Care, Stay Healthy and Safe.


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We salute Forrest Fetherolf and Danny Cordero for establishing this “fraternity” of former members of law enforcement.

That, in our opinion, is the REAL AMERICA at work.

If you are a former member of law enforcement and would enjoy an opportunity to meet your fellow “men in blue” from all over the United States, give Forrest Fetherolf a call or send him an email.

Forrest Fetherolf

Cell: (818) 207-1868


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

A Catholic's Understanding of the Jewish High Holy Days

 Understanding the Jewish High Holy Days

Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur

Sep 8 | Rosh Hashanah Day 2 | Aliso Viejo, CA Patch

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"History & Holidays"

Sunday, September 12, 2021

C-Pap Recall Latest Update

 Further Information on Philips C-Pap Machine Recall

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"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

Some Serious Concerns Facing Sun City Anthem Within the Next Few Months

 Don't Forget the Past

The Future is Sooner Then You Think

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"Nevada Know How"

Monday, September 6, 2021

Former Sun City Anthem Vice President Comments on Recent Association Accounting Director Resignation

 Announcement of Resignation of SCA 

Accounting Director

an editorial


Anthem Opinions: Nevada Know How (Archives...Page Six)

James Mayfield, CPA


Former SCA Vice President

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"Nevada Know How"

Did You Remember to Reset Your Water Sprinklers ?

 Fall Watering Restrictions

September 1st thru October 31st

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 "The Garden Wizard"