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Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Are the Unsolicited Calls Becoming Unbearable ?

Are You Sick & Tired
Unwanted Telephone Solicitations ?

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It's bad enough that we are BARRAGED by such garbage on our home land lines from the moment you awaken until the time you go to sleep,  but now on CELL phones?

Cell phones, unlike most land lines with unlimited calling, can in many cases, have minute charges...

...and that means when...


Caller ID does little to avoid an expense to you when THEY CALL...and making matters even worse, these creeps often have the audacity of leaving a VOICE MAIL...

....which further increases you cost in some cases.

So....let's let these jerks have fighting back.

You may be on the Federal Do Not Call Registry, but if you aren't, you should subscribe IMMEDIATELY.
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All you need to is click on this website and fill-in the blanks....and make sure you do this for EVERY PHONE LINE YOU HAVE...whether it be a LAND or CELL number.

There's even a link to check if your phones lines are already registered and one to make a formal complaint.

Will this make any difference ?

Who knows...but when the feds get emails again and again regarding the same telephone number, they will become aware of it...and...hopefully watch it closely.

The fine for making an illegal call?


Anthem Opinions Administration

 Got any other suggestions?  Send them to us at...

Support them...or...They Have to Close...Another Entertainment Casualty

Curtain Coming Down
on Another Vegas Show
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 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Former Sun City Anthem Finance Chairman Says...Association Accounting Practices Distort Actual Results

Sun City Anthem


The Main Operating Fund's Surplus

Forrest Quinn

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Forrest Quinn is a CPA with an MBA in Finance

He was on SCA's Finance Committee for nearly three years, including serving as its Chairman. 


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"Nevada Know How"

Nearby Restaurant Favorite the Site of Multiple Shooting

2 Shot Outside Nearby Henderson Restaurant
2 Suspects Arrested
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Monday, June 27, 2016

Cannery & East Side Cannery the Latest to be Purchased

Boyd Gaming to Buy Cannery Properties

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"Jersey Boys"...Walking Away from Long Running Show

"Jersey Boys"
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 "Entertainment Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Going on a trip? Don't forget the medicines you might need

A Medical Checklist  For Travelers

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Floor Tiles Getting Loose? Change the Grouting

Are your bathroom or floor tiles cracking or starting to look dirty ?  It may be time for...

Removing Grout

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Latest Valley Dining Venues

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 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

The Safest Way to Forward an Email

Forwarding Emails...a Potential Violation of Privacy

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Monday, June 20, 2016

Using Rocks to Beautify Your Home

Rocks...Make for Beautiful Landscaping
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 "The Garden Wizard"

Las Vegas Finally Breaks the "Major Market" in Sports

Ice in the Desert
NHL to Award Las Vegas Franchise
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Sunday, June 19, 2016

Nevada Real Estate Commission Stuns Anthem Highlands Board President

Our "Nevada Know How" advisor, Tim Stebbins,  recently became aware of a startling decision by the Nevada Real Estate Division....

Essentially..Members of HOA Boards are not "bullet proof" when it comes to corruption.

Corruption on H.O.A. Boards Will No Longer Be Tolerated

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Anthem Highlands President Removed
Must Personally Pay Hearing Costs & Legal Fees


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"Nevada Know How"

Be Careful of Air Conditioning Scams

Mr. Fix-It Has a Warning

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Got A Favorite TV Dad?

Happy Father's Day !

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We have 25 different "TV Dads" we believe were the best in television history.

Have a favorite "TV Dad"? 

Did any one of them remind you of your dad?

Check out our list, look back in time, and tell us your favorite !


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"History & Holidays"

The Latest Valey Dining Options...including Father's Day Specials

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 "Dining Bargains for Sun City Anthem Residents"

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Reader Looks at Liberty Center Litigation as a Result of Poor Leadership Allowing the Problem to Exist

Our Anthem Opinions valued reader, Robert N. is at it again..this time commenting on the Liberty Center litigation.

For those unfamiliar with Robert, it was his dedication to uncover facts regarding wasteful board spending, despite the former management company's and one current and one former board member's interference to refuse him access to that information.
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The Chickens are Coming Home to Roost

Robert N.

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As many of us realize, some of life’s decision(s) come back to haunt you many years later. Such is the case with our Liberty Center.

In my many years of real estate experience, I have NEVER heard of accepting new construction “as is” (without a final inspection by a trained individual). 

Yet such was the case with our Liberty Center.

Out of sheer Arrogant Stupidity (or was it sheer Stupid Arrogance?) someone on a prior Board of Directors decided to accept this disaster-waiting-to happen “as is”.

Perhaps such an inspection could have identified one or more defects responsible for our current dilemma?

Who could have possibly done that... and... WHY was it done? 

I was not living in SCA at the time of this debacle, but rest assured, I would have raised enough hell about it to perhaps change someone’s mind (I know, a long shot, but I would have given it my best try).

To compound the problem, we retain our own version of ‘My Cousin Vinnie’ to represent us in our litigation with the builder (Pulte).

Of course Pulte denies any liability. 

‘My Cousin Vinnie’ agrees to hire an outside mediator from Santa Monica, California.

Why wasn’t a local Mediator retained?

It’s almost like our Board has some kind of morbid fascination with people in California.

Of course, following the typical transparency of this Board, the estimated costs were not revealed – it’s not as if it’s OUR money involved.

The only thing missing is what room at the M Casino will be rented to hold the mediation, and where everyone will be wined and dined.

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Send it to us at:
  1. From Lloyd Opinions

    I think that the board president who signed for Liberty Center should pay for the repairs.

    Who signs off on a project like this without getting a complete inspection of the building?
  2. Lloyd, that would be then president, Roz Berman, .

    As Robert N. so aptly put it, in our opinion that was either "arrogantly stupid" or "stupidly arrogant".

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Liberty Center May Be Beginning Repairs But We're In For A Long Haul on the Legal Front....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

Liberty Center
Re-Construction Begins June 15th

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Legal Action Following Shortly Thereafter

By now if you are a unit owner in Sun City Anthem, you have probably received a copy of a letter sent by  a Mr. Francis Lynch of The Law Offices of Lynch Hopper Smith, LLP, the law firm representing Sun City Anthem, to the association unit owners. 

This firm has been retained to represent our association against Pulte regarding supposed construction defects associated with the Liberty Center.

On the back of the correspondence of the letter sent to association unit owners is a response to Mr. Lynch from a Mr. Jason Williams of The Law Offices of Koeller, Nebecker, Carlson & Haluck, LLP , who is representing the interests of Del Webb Communities, Inc. and PN II, Inc. (d.b.a. Pulte Homes of Nevada).

As you examine the contents of the letter from Mr. Williams to Mr. Lynch, Pulte rejects the claim that the purported defects "constitute threats to health and safety", calling attention to Sun City Anthem's repairs of the structure in October, 2015 and their not being informed of any claim until they were served notice.

Mr. Lynch's letter further states that Pulte understands that the association is making claims relating to the following aspects of the Liberty Center building:

1. Roof
2. Solar Panels
3. Floors
4. Heating & Air Conditioning
5. Electrical
6. Locker Rooms
7. Mold

...and (not surprisingly) denies any liability.

However, apparently both parties have agreed to a meeting scheduled for September 20-21, 2016 with a mediator named Keith Hunter.

Anthem Opinions made an attempt to identify Keith Hunter, and the only individual we could find by that name was through a web site called

Though we "assume" that both parties have agreed to this individual initially being retained to "mediate" the dispute, if this be the case, one has to question WHY a mediator was retained from a law firm on "Wilshire Blvd" in Santa Monica, California to handle a Nevada dispute....

...the cost of which was not disclosed...and in all likelihood ASTRONOMICAL !

The September date was evidently chosen to allow FULL REPAIRS to the Liberty Center to be completed by that date.

Our "opinion"  ?

Get ready for a LONG and COSTLY process against a company that will probably resist any form of  settlement due to the complications it would create for the many other Pulte / Del Webb communities across the United States.

In the meanwhile, the Liberty Center repairs will be made, and BE PAID FOR THROUGH FUNDS CONTRIBUTED BY UNIT OWNERS transferred from association reserves.

...and rumor mill has it...

...that tab will be approximately $500,000...

...on top of the $100,000 already paid by the insurer.

The attorney representing Sun City Anthem has been retained on a contingency basis, but additional miscellaneous costs are paid by the association and subtracted from any settlement in addition to those fees.

Adding those expenses together...

...the anticipated increase in insurance premiums due to the adverse claims experience...

...and the time involved to litigate this affair...

... and our guess is this will be a long nightmare that will inevitably result of some form of additional cost to unit owners...

...whether that be an inevitable increase in annual dues or some form of special one time assessment.

We want to be wrong, but our years of experience in the insurance industry involving such legal matters leads us to this inevitable conclusion.

Got a comment ?  Send it to us at:

 Anthem  Opinions Administration
  1. The same foolish group of folks that got us into this mess are still running the Board. The outcome will be as poorly guided as most of their other decisions have been. The residents of Anthem, and who knows how many of those undelivered ballots, put these folks back in power. Maybe next time the residents will really research the credentials (and past performance) of the individuals running for those seats. Obviously they didn't do so this last election.
  2. From Al Opinions

    Has any work been done yet?

    The center has been closed almost a year (it seems) I was under the impression that work has already began.

    Does all of the work have to be completed to open back up?

    Certainly the mold, and I guess the solar.
  3. Al, I called Board Director, Carl Weinstein and he's told me he will gladly respond to your question shortly. 
  4. From Lloyd Opinions

    You can bet that it's going to cost us big time.

    Why a California mediator and not one from here?

    A dues increase is looking good for all of us.

    Liberty center has been closed for months.

    Why not wait and see if we win the case and then fix it?
  5. Lloyd, my guess is that it will take over 3 years to settle this matter, and I don't see our community very happy if the place was closed for that period of time.

    Perhaps Carl Weinstein can address your question as well ?
    1. From Marty & Donna Opinions

      Hi Dick,

      Just wondering, what would Bob Massi say to all of this, as though we don't have a local lawyers firm that couldn't handle an almost seemingly small case?

      Money, money, money…makes the last bunch of board members appear to be middle management at best, and I'm trying to give them the benefit of doubt.
      1. From Board Director Carl Weinstein to Anthem Opinions

        I wish people would just ask questions and get answers instead of speculating in a negative fashion.

        To answer one question, the mold remediation was accomplished some time ago and we received $50,000 from our insurance to pay for it.

        During the mold remediation, many interior structures had to be opened/removed to make certain we removed all of the mold. In doing so, we found many of the other structural deficiencies that need repairs.

        It could take over a year if we win our case. That's why we are fixing the building NOW!

        Liberty cannot be shut down for a year or more while we litigate.

        When you select and arbitrator you want to find one that has a history of finding for the homeowners and NOT the builder.

        That's why the selection was made from California

        It is my understanding that the initial cost of repairs will be paid by transferring funds from the Reserves to the operating fund. If and when we win the case, the money will go back into the reserve fund.

        That's seems to be a better option than keeping the building closed for what might be a LONG period.

        While I am writing this I might as well tell you that the boiler for the Anthem indoor pool is being installed this week!

        I would like to remind residents that not ALL of the Board members do stupid things.

        Those of us who try to do the right thing are sometimes outvoted by the "not so bright" majority.