Information Pages

Monday, December 31, 2018

Our Best Wishes to All of You...Welcome 2019 !

On behalf of all of us here at Anthem Opinions...

May all of you...

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"We Wish You the Merriest New Year"

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  1. From Dorothy Opinions

    Thanks so much for all your postings!!!

    We are grateful having this blog informing us of the many issues existing in this community!

    As I always say:

    "We Are Retired, but, We Are Not Retarded, Yet!"

    Volunteers need to have a clear view to serve in any organization with understanding that the mission is to serve the organization for the benefit of the entire organization!

    We all need to learn from past mistakes in order to make better decisions for the future!

    To You and To All the other True Volunteers, "Have A Great 2019 !!!"

    Enjoy!!!  Life Is Good!!!!  We Are The Lucky Ones!!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

A Musical Good-Bye to 2018

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For those of you who were at the December 27th Dennis Bono Show, Co-Host (and Sun City Anthem resident) Corrie Sachs chose a song to open the show...and...close 2018.

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I had never heard it before, and the melody and lyrics were so touching, I thought this would be the perfect way in which to end yet another year.

I was to learn from my friend, Dennis Bono, that it was a song recorded by Barry Manilow.

...and with that in mind....this is our way of saying farewell to 2018.

To all of you, from all of us at Anthem Opinions...

 "It's Just Another New Years Eve"

It's New Years Eve...Don't Spill the Bubbly

How to Open a Champagne Bottle

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Archives...Page Two

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Are you Ready for the Best in College Football ?

Are you a college football fan?

It's the best time of the year to watch the best of the best face off against each other.

So...sit back, fire up the Barbie, grab a few "cold ones", and enjoy it all.

Major College Football Bowl Games
NCAA Championship 

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"Let's Talk Sports"

Gonna Start Getting Cold...Some Advice on Frozen Pipes

What to Do if Your Pipes Freeze

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Back to Reality...Sun City Anthem Restaurant Folly will Likely Proceed Due to Biased Poll Results

The Effect of a Financially Unsophisticated 
Community Decision

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The Queen


Her Board Servants

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"Nevada Know How"

Sunday, December 23, 2018

For Those Who Support "Rudolph"

If any of you have been watching the news recently, you may have been made aware that a number of Christmas songs have been deemed "politically incorrect".  

The first to make the news was "Baby It's Cold Outside", and claimed to express "harassment" toward ladies.

What never made the news is that it was the other way around in a 1949 movie entitled "Neptune's Daughter"....when a man became a "victim".

Well now, that was just the beginning of the "loonies" escaping the bin, but they eventually went too far when that same bunch decided  to take aim at "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer", when he too would make the "condemned" list, this time for "bullying"...

...and to those who want to take Rudolph away from me...

...and every other 72 year old "kid" in this world...

...I dedicate this article !

Just Where Did the Song
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer"
Originate ???

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"History & Holidays"

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Enjoy Christmas at The Strip Before the Tourists Arrive

See the Best of the Strip  at "Christmas" for a Buck

That's right....

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  "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Got a Problem with a Poddy ? We Have a Check List How to Fix It !

What's the Toilet Doing Wrong ?
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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Monday, December 17, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem Board Member Says Good-Bye to a Dedicated Resident

Tribute to Tim Stebbins

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Jim Mayfield
Former Board Vice-President
Former Finance Committee Chairman
Sun City Anthem

When Sara and I closed on our home in SCA ten years ago, members of the Board approached me to serve on the Finance Committee. 

The following spring, the Board appointed me to the Finance Committee. 

During my first year on the Finance Committee, I learned two fundamental lessons. 

One, Nevada laws and regulations to protect homeowner associations (“HOAs”) are different, indeed more convoluted, than what I experienced in the other states. 

Two, enforcement by the State of the laws and regulations designed to protect Nevada homeowners is negligible.

While climbing up the leaning curve on Nevada homeowner laws, regulations and their enforcement, I was mentored by three experienced, knowledgeable people at SCA, one of whom was Tim Stebbins

 This week, Tim passed away. 

 I will miss Tim, and SCA has lost a valuable member of our community who devoted much time to protecting the rights of SCA homeowners. 

Besides his knowledge and faithful devotion to attending SCA Board meetings and Nevada Real Estate Division (“NRED”) board meetings, Tim brought a pleasant, cordial countenance to his efforts. 

Plus, no matter how many times he was disappointed by SCA Board members and NRED officials, he quietly and methodically continued his efforts to understand Nevada laws and to protect the rights of SCA homeowners. 

Tim also generously gave of his time to educate and mentor new members of the SCA Board and committees.

Public apathy, ignorance of the law, and disregard for the law because you can get away with it , are undermining good government from Washington, DC to SCA. 

Tim’s examples of civic responsibility, standing for respect for the law, and holding persons accountable who are entrusted with governance are attributes from which all of us can learn and should emulate.

Farewell to a much-appreciated mentor and an admired example of civic responsibility and courteous behavior.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

A Tribute to A Man Whose Contributions to a Community Never Ceased

Sun City Anthem Loses

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It is with the deepest sadness that Anthem Opinions reports the passing of a man who, in our opinion, was the greatest "unsung hero" who has ever resided in Sun City Anthem...

Tim Stebbins

For those of us who were privileged to know this kind and gentle man, Tim was "always there" to show his love for Sun City Anthem, whether it be...

...attending almost all Board meetings...

... traveling 15 miles each way to attend many Nevada Real Estate Division sessions...

...journeying to Carson City  every two years to lobby members of the State Legislature and Senate to obtain more favorable rights for HOA homeowners...

.. and joining numerous Community Committee meeting sessions...

...all of which were solely intended to MAKE SUN CITY ANTHEM a "better place" for all.

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Rana Goodman & TIm Stebbins

 His knowledge of NRS 116 was remarkable, and was often contacted by many in the community for his advice.

We at Anthem Opinions were honored by his writing a number of helpful articles over the years pertaining to a topic he embodied:

Proper & fair governance of a Homeowners Association according to Nevada law

Of course no one will ever forget the non-stop purge and obsession by an alternative blogger and many of his disturbed readers, in addition to,  those members of various past Boards who relentlessly pursued destroying this man's character again and again, year after year... cover up their costly and inept decisions.

And for those distasteful actions, a lesson should be learned as to the amount of destruction and constant insults individuals can inflict on another simply because of disagreement while that person's sole intention was exposing problems in order that they may be solved.

Those of us residing in Sun City Anthem know how terribly Tim Stebbins suffered immeasurable embarrassment when he and Bob Frank were arrested for a trumped up charge of filing a false police report...

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Bob Frank & Tim Stebbins

...a charge that was subsequently dismissed by the court.

His crime?  

Trying to expose the incompetence of Sun City Anthem's improperly retaining funds that should have been returned to property owners...

...that resulted in Sun City Anthem's incurring an IRS fine of $100,000 plus accounting and legal fees.

Knowing Tim Stebbins for the 13+ years of my residence in Sun City Anthem, there is no greater honor that can be given this man than...

...realizing his dream of a competent, corrupt-free, and resident friendly Sun City Anthem

He tried to his final day in believing that dream could someday come true.

Tim was truly the "Don Quixote" of Sun City Anthem. 
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He believed in the goodness of people.  

In short...

Tim Stebbins was a GOOD MAN.

He never wavered in his dedication to truth and honesty no matter what consequences he ever experienced.

He placed meaning in the saying coined by George Bernard Shaw:

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God bless you Tim Stebbins.  

You will be missed by every person who believes in honesty, integrity, and a fighting spirit filled with kindness without malice.

Your dedication and humility should be the standard of all who ever serve their community.

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Claudia & Tim Stebbins

How can we properly honor this man's memory?

By simply making his one Sun City Anthem dedication come true...

...electing a different type of Board who, unlike those who have dominated the past,  will honor and respect those they represent.

Our deepest sympathy to his lovely wife, Claudia.

Want to express a thought about Tim?

Send it to us at:
  1. From Rana Opinions

    Tim and I had been friends for many years and I will miss not only his friendship and advice on HOA issues, but also the sweet, kind, soft spoken man that he was.
    1. From Mary Lee Opinions

      Tim Stebbins truly was the “unsung hero” of Sun City Anthem and those taking the time to attend meetings, would have heard Tim’s attempts at educating the SCA Board of Directors, Staff, and residents.

      Tim was one of the most honest, knowledgeable,  caring, considerate, and RESPECTFUL residents I met in SCA.  

      He, graciously, pointed out  specific laws that were being ignored or broken to the attention of the SCA Board and Staff,  and requested compliance to all laws governing our HOA.  

      Tim was the most knowledgeable resident on NRS116 in our community and was always available  to research further and get answers for any questions about SCA and NRS116 issues that residents were concerned about.

      I could elaborate for hours but, suffice to say, he will be greatly missed more than words can say.

      His passing is a tremendous loss to us as friends and to the entire SCA community.

      Tim’s love for SCA and his quest for the “best run HOA” was endless and his efforts were greatly appreciated.

       In my opinion, the  NEW  residents of SCA will have NO idea that the reference to NRS116 is the state statutes that govern ALL Home Owners Associations. Sadly, they will not have Tim to call or anyone with his vast expertise.

      Dick said it best…”Tim will be missed by every person who believes in honesty, integrity, and a fighting spirit filled with KINDNESS  without malice.

      Our hearts, prayers, and deepest sympathy are with Claudia, Tim’s lovely wife.

      R.I.P. Tim

Christmas at The Bellagio and Palazzo...2018

Christmas on the Strip

Image result for christmas in las vegas

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 "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Sun City Anthem Restaurant Poll...A Final Critique

Sun City Anthem Restaurant Poll
December 14th Deadline
 Rapidly Approaching

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"Nevada Know How"

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Vegas Voice Needs Your Help in Governor Rejecting Judge for Appellate Court Appointment

Applicant for Nevada Appellate Court
Must be Stopped
Your Help is Needed

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Judge Charles Hoskin

The judge that presided and is responsible for the guardianship scandal (and was subsequently removed from all cases) , Charles Hoskin, has the audacity to submit his application to be selected to the Nevada Court of Appeals.

For him to seek a promotion (instead of an indictment) would be an insult to all the work & efforts The Vegas Voice and Rana Goodman have accomplished in the guardianship scandal.

Rana Goodman is asking for your help and assistance, as well as, guidance in alerting the public through social media to immediately submit an email in opposition.

We need to get 500 of these letters to the Commission by no later than 1/4/19.

This is indeed urgent.

If we can "stop" his appointment, it would be a godsend to seniors everywhere.

Can you imagine one of our guardianship cases going to the appellate court with him on the bench?

This is The Vegas Voice draft of the letter to the Judicial committee tasked with picking the top three applicants.

Those three will then be sent to Governor-elect Steve Sisolak for him to name the new Appellate judge.

Below is a sample of the email we suggest you send to the individuals listed below

Both are members of the Judicial Committee charged with recommending the top three candidates to the Governor for selection.

The email addresses are below: Your help would be sincerely appreciated.

Robin Sweet 

Debra Crews

Attached please find my letter in opposition to the appointment of Charles Hoskin to the Nevada Court of Appeals.

Kindly include my letter to the Commission as opposing this individual and making it a permanent part of the written public comments regarding this individual applicant's (non)qualifications.

Thank you

Your name here

  1. From Rana Anthem Opinions

    Please copy Rana Goodman at: that we can track the amount of letters going in.

    Thank you all so very much for pitching in.

    We cannot let this man make it to the Appellate Court.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Former Sun City Anthem Director Warns Current Restaurant Poll Sets Precedent for Future Special Assessments & Negative Real Estate Reaction

Restaurant Poll
A Last Ditch Plea to Please Vote

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Jim Mayfield

Former 2 Term Sun City Anthem Board Vice President
Former Chair of the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

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"Nevada Know How"

Keeping "Fido" Safe

Plants Toxic to Dogs

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"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"