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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Former Sun City Anthem Board Member and Finance Committee Chairman Looks Back at Bob Frank &Tim Stebbins Sun City Anthem Contributions

Time to Remember, Learn Lessons & Move-On

Image result for jim mayfield sun city anthem
Jim Mayfield
Former Board Vice President 
Chairman of the Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

Within the last year, the SCA community lost two of its long-time activist homeowners--Bob Frank and Tim Stebbins.  

They shared as common goals the governance of SCA in accordance with the law, both state and Federal, and promoting the rights of homeowners.  

Their commitment to these principles led to a long-term (over 10 years), bitter dispute with the faction in the SCA community, led by David Berman, who didn't agree with them.

Like most feuds, the original reasons for the feud are only vaguely remembered or aren't known by those living in SCA today.  

Most homeowners living in SCA today, including myself, didn't live here when the feud began, but, the divisions caused by the feud within our community remain self-perpetuating.  

The governance of SCA and the SCA board election process remain adversely affected by the feud.

When I served on the Finance Committee and subsequently on the Board, I got to know both Tim and Bob.  

I didn't always agree with their interpretation of law or the best ways to address and remedy the violations, but, I never doubted the sincerity of their beliefs or their basis in protecting the rights of SCA homeowners and open governance at SCA.  

I learned to respect both men and the benefit to SCA their activism brought to homeowners.

Now is also the time to learn the lessons resulting from their efforts and move on to a different governance environment at SCA--one that is centered in homeowner rights, respecting different perspectives, and maximizing the quality of life within our community.

I offer a final salute to Col. Frank for his service to his country, the State of Nevada and our community. 

My sympathy to Bob's surviving spouse and family.

From Hollis Opinions


We need Jim Mayfield….and Barry Goldstein BADLY… to fix this mess that Meese. Berman, Weddle, Waterhouse, etc, etc….have created.
  1. From Robert Opinions

    With regard to Messrs Frank and Stebbins:

    "Their commitment to these principles led to a long-term (over 10 years), bitter dispute with the faction in the SCA community, led by David Berman, who didn't agree with them."

    Perhaps Mr. Berman cut Law School the day they taught about the First Amendment?

A Smart Phone Safety Tip !

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Friday, June 28, 2019

Weekend Closings of Volunteer Road

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Saying Good-Bye to a very GOOD...Yet Misunderstood...MAN

Bob Frank
Former Sun City Anthem Board Member
Homeowner Rights Advocate

Perhaps there is not a single person in Sun City Anthem that could have been more misunderstood...and RUTHLESSLY criticized by blogger, David Berman, than Bob Frank.

Mr. Frank was a GOOD man, no matter what you may have read elsewhere, and was the constant "target" and "obsession" of blogger, David Berman, for years.

He proudly served his nation as a career US Air Force Officer, retiring with the rank of Colonel.

He was (and to my knowledge) still is, the #1 vote-getter in a Sun City Anthem Board election, only to suffer criticism again and again for "rocking" the Sun City Anthem "boat" year after year.

Those of us who were here in the previous decade will never forget the humiliation he suffered by first being chosen as the association Vice President in a backdoor deal rather than as President despite his overwhelming vote total, instead of the individual who placed third in the election.

His constantly asking questions...trying to make Sun City Anthem an honest community...met with such opposition that he was deposed by "the machine' in a meeting that took the Henderson Police Department to break up what almost came to a riot.


Because he warned a Board that retaining excess funds that should have been distributed to homeowners, was against NRS 116....that it could lead to a "taxable event" and thereby subject Sun City Anthem to a substantial IRS fine...

...which, years later, after he left office, IT DID...

...originally calculated to be $1,000,000, which was subsequently negotiated down to $100,000 plus accounting and legal fees...

...yet claimed by "the machine" as some sort of victory !

His quest to "save" Sun City Anthem from this occurrence even lead him and his cohort and recently deceased homeowner rights associate, Tim Stebbins, to be subjected to criminal misdemeanor arrest...

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...a more than humiliating charge.. that was subsequently dismissed by the court, despite the constant harassment both received.

Despite that experience, he served the Las Vegas Senior community by being appointed by the Governor for two terms on the Nevada Real Estate Commission... unselfish act that has NEVER BEEN ACKNOWLEDGED by those who criticized him, when NONE of them have ever accomplished in their lives what Mr. Frank did in his !

And so, Anthem Opinions says a fond farewell to a warrior...

...whether in the uniform of his country, or a three piece suit in government service.

He was...

...A GOOD MAN...






...with these facts, he deserves to be remembered as such.

Our sincere condolences to his wife, Kay, and their family.

Do you remember Bob?

Send us your thoughts to:
  1. From John Opinions

    Sorry to hear the sad news.
  2. From Barry Opinions

    Very sorry to hear about his passing.
  3. From Mary Lee Opinions

    I’m so sorry for Kay’s loss. They had been married forever and had a good relationship. They were very protective of each other, but she relied on him for many things.

    I hope she has close friends that will be very supportive.

    Bob will be missed by the community and remembered for his efforts and the stress that Berman caused Bob And Tim in their lives. 
  4. From Dorothy Opinions

    Thanks to Dick and Rana who authored two honest articles about the recent  passing of Colonel Robert Frank and the part of recent dark history of our beloved Sun City Anthem.
  5. From Kay Opinions

    Thank you for your lovely words, I still do not believe he is gone. 
  1. From Mary Lee & Don Opinions

    Beautifully written to honor Bob Frank.

    Bob was appreciated and respected by ALL who Really knew him and he tried his best to guide the SCA community in law abiding ways. He and Tim knew more about NRS116, the laws that govern homeowner associations than 99% of SCA residents.

    Together, they studied NRS116  constantly, stayed on top of changes, and kept residents well informed.

    Sadly, David Anthem Journal spewed  distorted information and reporting  continuously

    (FACTS seem to always disappeared in favor of  the blog owners personal opinion), nastiness and name calling  toward Sun City Anthem Residents (by name,Bob & Tim) by the blog owner and his allowing others to spew their vile venom toward residents is inexcusable and unprofessional.

    SCA was a special part of our lives for 13 years  and, sadly, some things never change as it COULD have been  the BEST and heaven only knows BOB FRANK TRIED HIS BEST.


    Kay, our hearts and prayers are with you and your entire family. 
    1. We never met Colonel Frank, after reading the tributes, wish we had.
      May he Rest In Peace with the angels.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Knights Gettng Ready to Capture Cup in 2020

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Monday, June 24, 2019

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Looking Closely at Company Logos

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Have you ever taken a good look at company logos and seen the "hidden" messages in them?

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Sunday, June 23, 2019

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Tuesday, June 18, 2019

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"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

Monday, June 17, 2019

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Sunday, June 16, 2019

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Remembering a Dad

What's a Dad?
My Dad
Image result for dad is a noun

Strange how the human mind works when it come to memory as the aging process takes its course.
As senior citizens many of us can't remember what we wore yesterday, but somehow memories of years gone by seem to remain forever.

And today, those memories revolve around a hero...a dad, my dad...

...and what he meant to me.

This is a special Father's Day because had he lived, he would have turned age 100 in January, and if I could only have just one moment on this day, I would love to say one thing to him...


...thanks for so much for what you gave, because it took my getting older to appreciate the life you had, and what you endured...for ME.

His life was complicated from his youth when, at the age of 8, he was involved in an automobile accident sending him through the windshield of his father's car and leaving him with a broken nose that remained for life..having to withstand ridicule from other kids being referred to in the cruelest of terms... having to forego a full scholarship to the Chicago Art Institute when his dad refused to charge union scale in his barber shop until 2 members of the "Chicago Mob" greeted his dad with baseball bats to break his arms and send him to a hospital for months...forcing him to quit school and support a family... being part of "The Greatest Generation" living through a Depression and a World War... spending his life with a lovely lady for 60 years... life to two sons showing them love, understanding, and patience, foregoing so much of his own life in order that they would enjoy one better than he had.

So, to all of you who were fortunate to have had a dad like mine, take a moment on this day and go through some of those old photographs you likely haven't looked at for years...

...the memories you shared with him...

... and smile at them...

...and thank him for the gift of life !

Somehow, I believe he'll know, because real love never dies. It remains in the hearts of those who were so fortunate to experience it.

And if you can't think of the words yourself, or perhaps become a bit choked up while trying to do so, use the words of a song by a young Paul Peterson who, on October 25, 1962, on The Donna Reed Show, couldn't have expressed any better !

Image result for carl betz my dad

He isn't much in the eyes of the world
He'll never make history
No, he isn't much in the eyes of the world
But he is the world to me

My dad, now here is a man
To me he is ev'rything strong
no he can't do wrong, my dad

My dad, now he understands
 when I bring him troubles to share;
Oh, he's always there, my dad

When I was small I felt ten feet tall
When I walked by his side
And ev'ry one would say, "that's his son,"
And my heart would burst with pride

My dad, oh, I love him so
And I only hope that some day my own son will say

"My dad, now here is a man."

To all the Dads, Anthem Opinions wishes you a very...

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  1. From Rana Opinions

    Beautifully done...

    As for keeping memories alive and constant, I have a favorite photo of my mom and dad that greets me every morning from the door of my refrigerator...

    My dad couldn’t even make himself tea or a slice of toast because mom was very old fashioned and always treated him like a king in their home..

    How did he treat her?

    She was the matriarch and QUEEN of the family...

    Oh how I miss them both...
  2. From Mary Lee Opinions

    Beautifully written, thanks for sharing!
  3. From Gayle Thompson of Minneapolis, Opinions

    Thanks Dick!

    You put the sentiments together, we just have different examples.

    I was fortunate at a very young age (pre-high school) to understand and appreciate that he was awesome, special. 
  4. From Robert Opinions

  5. From Cary Chubin of Ft. Lauderdale, Opinions

    Well said.
  6. From Linda Opinions

    Brings a tear to my eye!  Great column!
    1. From Lenore Opinions

      Beautiful tribute