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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Let Us Entertain You: Welcoming August...with...A Smile

God's Way of Answering the Dreaded Phone Call:

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"We're Coming to Vegas...Can We Stay with You?"

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What a Year..and..We Still Have Five Months to Go!

2019 will certainly go down as one as one of the strangest here !

...and I'm starting to believe in a new way to interpret the saying:

"The Lord Works in Mysterious Ways"

We started the year off with a snow storm in February and followed that up with one of coolest winters and springs on record.

The result:  We didn't get our annual "call(s)":

"We're Coming to Vegas...Can We Stay with You?"

Waiting for summer the "monsoons" came a bit early, and then earlier this month, our living room lounge chairs began to vibrate, the lighting fixtures began to sway, and the "earth shook" !

The result:  We continued not to get "the call(s)":

"We're Coming to Vegas...Can We Stay with You?"

Enough excitement?  Not a chance !

Next our phones rang off the hook when rumor had it (I admit to spreading it), the Russians were poisoning our beloved casino and home landscapes, as grasshoppers by the zillions began to invade !

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When that took place, our standard response was...

 "Would you like us to send you some...they taste great when dipped in chocolate" ! 

That one really stopped "the call(s)" and I have to admit...

It further broke my heart (cough cough) !

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Image result for kermit and piggy drinking

Well now, it started to get warm, the pools were ready for swimming, and we knew "the call(s)" would shortly commence.  It would now be just a matter of time !

But alas, having heard our prayer, God, in his infinite wisdom, as if He was reenacting Moses sending one plague after another, saved us once again !

Now...I'm convinced the "I'm coming to Vegas. Can I stay with you"? calls will certainly be held to a minimum !

Why ?

...due to national news uncovering yet another "terror threat"....

Green Stink Bugs !
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Thank you, God...for bringing even more meaning to the words"...

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Unfortunately, we also realize...

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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Remembering the Best of the Beer & Cigarette "Classic" Television Commercials

The Classic Best Beer & Cigarette Commercials of 
All Time

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Securing the Easiest Access to Your Home....The Sliding Patio Doors

The Easiest Way to Secure a Sliding Glass Door

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"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

Monday, July 29, 2019

2020 Real Estate Recession ?

Zillow Survey Predicts 2020 Real Estate Recession

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Got a Nasty Bruise...Get Rid of It in a few minutes with this Tip

The Easiest Way to Get Rid of a Nasty Bruise !
Using a Banana Peel

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Liberty Center Settlement Finally Disclosed...but...Not Without Criticism of Anthem Opinions

Liberty Center Settlement Explained
Not Without Sun City Anthem President
Condescending & Sarcastic Comment


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Mr. Fix-It Tells Us the Best Way to Paint in a Tight Corner

The Right Way to Paint in Tight Corners

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Your Home Phone Can Be An Invitation to An Unwanted Visitor

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Lower the Volume on your Landline Phone When Not Home or Traveling

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Keeping Your Nails Beautiful

13 Ways
Make a Manicure Last Longer

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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Channel 8 and DirecTV ..A helpful Hint

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An Update


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Monday, July 22, 2019

Bob Frank....His Obituary Tells the Tale of Honor & Service to His Country and Community...Yet...Constantly Persecuted through the Poison Pen of Blogger David Berman

Bob Frank Obituary
A Man Sun City Anthem Should Have Honored
 Not Embarrassed & Persecuted

Robert Frank

For those of you who have resided in Sun City Anthem for years, there is the sad story of Bob Frank.  

We will not go into that story, but...

... as we previously wrote, Bob was a good man who was all too often misunderstood, and his years in Sun City Anthem prior to his death were filled with the most bitter and disturbing commentary by blogger, David Berman, over and over again, year after year, being constantly belittled and even forced to defend himself as part of a criminal action for trying desperately to save the owners of Sun City Anthem from a substantial Internal Revenue assessment. 

It took years for the case to be DISMISSED, but the damage was done to a man who had given his life to community service.

Bob was the victim of "the machine" and the harm past Sun City Anthem Boards imposed on those who "wouldn't play ball" with any person attempting to bring honesty to our community.

The time has come to close the book on Bob Frank's life, but we must NEVER FORGET the man while he lived and what he stood for....

...and most importantly NEVER FORGET THE VERBAL BRUTALITY and CRUELTY he endured at the hands of a man whose life accomplishments included losing a law license for his admitted forgery and dishonesty....yet believes he should have some sort of credibility to those in the Sun City Anthem community.

Now to the Robert Frank obituary published in the Sunday, July 21, 2019 edition of the Las Vegas Review Journal:

This was the REAL BOB FRANK:

Robert E Frank, of Henderson, NV, passed away on June 25, 2019. 

He was born in Pryor, OK on February 5, 1940. Robert is survived by his wife of 53 years, Louise Kay Frank, his daughter, Jana, and her husband, John Nobrega and their children, Luke, Jake and Max. 

Robert grew up in Norman, OK graduating from high school in 1958. 

He attended the Univ of OK and received a degree in Business, Chemistry and Aerospace Military Science in 1963. 

He was in the ROTC program, and continued into the US Air Force. 

His first assignment was at Travis AFB, where he met Louise Kay Nance and they married in October 1965. 

Their daughter, Jana, was born in 1968 at Clark AFB, Philippines. 

For his work while serving in Viet Nam, Robert was awarded the Presidential-Level Legion of Merit as a Captain for Exceptionally Meritorious Conduct in the Performance of Outstanding Services to the USA. 

He was also awarded the Bonze Star Medal and 2 Air Force commendation medals for individual accomplishments during that assignment. 

Robert attended the USAF Command and Staff College and Air War College and graduated with an MBA from Auburn University in 1973. 

He held many positions and received many awards while stationed in Germany from 1974-79. One of them was as Squadron Commander of Zwiebrucken AFB, where his squadron was awarded best squadron in Europe.

He also worked at the Pentagon as Chief of AF Policy and Procedures and Director of USAF European Distribution Systems. 

In his USAF career, he served as commander or manager in Logistics, Supply Procurement and Computers at most AF levels. 

He was a Defense Leader, advocating open computer systems in the 1980’s. 

Bob retired as a full Colonel in 1985 after 22 years of active duty service. 

He then went on to work for Control Data in Pleasanton, CA as CTO, and then Lawrence Livermore Labs, as Chief Scientist for Electronic Commerce. 

After retiring from the lab, he consulted for Wells Fargo and other companies. 

In 2003, Kay and Bob moved to Henderson, NV, where Bob was a Homeowner Representative for the Real Estate Commission, appointed by the Governor. 

He was elected Secretary of the Governor-appointed Commission for Common Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels. His goal was to give homeowners more protection and rights from out of control HOA boards. 

In retirement, he focused on supporting volunteer and non-profit patriotic groups, involved in conservative political actions and military support. 

He also worked on the elections of local and national candidates. 

He was a member of the Air Force Association, American Legion, VFW, and the MOAA . 

Until he passed away, he was leading the Nevadans CAN Network, Nevada Coalition to Secure the GRID, and the Citizen Taskforce for Voter Rights, a task force to ensure votes are counted accurately and transparently. 

As the leader for Nevada Secure the GRID coalition, he worked on strengthening the resiliency and capabilities for rapid restoration of America’s electrical grid if seriously damaged by natural disaster or attacked by terrorists. 

He co-founded NevadansCan in 2017, a nonprofit citizen action network. The mission of that group is to defend and protect the US Constitution, the Nevada State Constitution, and traditional American values by promoting grassroots activism in the legislative process. 

He was particularly effective in leading the Energy Security Action Committee in perfecting a common sense solution to the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste storage issue by reprocessing the nuclear spent fuel combined with the small modular reactor. 

Robert was a devoted family man, happily married to Kay for 53 years and a wonderful and supportive father. 

He was a kind, honorable, compassionate and loving person and a true patriot and leader. 

He searched for the facts and the truth and could share them in the written word or a live audience with energy, detail and articulation. 

He made such an impression on so many and lived his life with boundless energy, grit and determination. 

He was a friend, hero and inspiration to many. 

Working to make the world a better place was his hobby and passion and he did his best to inspire those around him to work toward these goals too. 

He was dedicated to God and Calvary Chapel Green Valley, where he and Kay have been members for many years. Their friends through Calvary and his other endeavors helped support them in the tough days when Bob’s health declined. 

He was loved and appreciated by so many people and will be dearly missed. He was truly one of a kind. 

Services will be held Sunday, July 28, 2019, 4:30 PM, at Calvary Chapel Green Valley, 2615 W Horizon Ridge Parkway, Henderson, NV, 89052.

Rest in peace, Bob, those of us to knew you were proud to call you "friend".

  1. From Barry Opinions

    Dick, after reading your comments and the obituary of Bob Frank, I can't help but think of how the self-bloviating blogger, would accuse someone running for the Board, of being the next Bob Frank.

    I can think of many worse people to be compared too, than a man that loved his country, family and community.
  2. Barry,  the life accomplishments of David Berman couldn't fill a thimble when compared to those of Bob Frank.

    His involvement in just about anything in Sun City Anthem has always had "an angle" and in just about every case, has resulted in loss after loss in association funds. His wife will go down as perhaps one of the most incompetent members of any Sun City Anthem Board; the worst example of which was accepting the Liberty Center WITHOUT A PROFESSIONAL EVALUATION.

    That utter stupidity resulted in the eventual problems.

    I suggest our readers read an article by our Mr. Fix-It, Forrest Fetherolf, written in 2015.

    Both Bermans have continuously confused "community involvement" with "community nuisance"

    For David Berman to criticize a man who received The Bronze Star, one of the highest honors of military service, for "Heroic or meritorious achievement or service", is an insult to any person who ever served in the military.

    Who would anyone with common sense believe, a Bronze Star recipient, or a lawyer who lost a law license for forgery and dishonesty ?
  3. From Dorothy Opinions

    Thanks for this issue in honor of Bob Frank.

    As one of the residents at Sun City Anthem, I appreciate having the honor of  knowing his dedication through the years since we moved to this community.

    My only regret is that I did not have the chance to meet  him or his lovely wife Kay, in person.

    Through his unfortunate happenings at Sun City Anthem,from his unspeakable experience, we should caution ourselves in not falling into wrong assumptions made by individuals with alternate agendas other than those having  all the residents of SCA best interests in mind.

    Please send my gratitude to Mrs. Frank. 
  4. From Robert Opinions

    If David  Berman compares himself to Jean Valjean in Les Miserables, then I'm Spartacus.
    1. The community "pariah" is at it again trying to defend himself to the likes of a fine and wonderful man. How dare he even begin to use past events to compare what anger he has caused all these years to us here in Anthem.

      We were offered the truth of the real D. Vermin when we had a Senator Briggs living here and brought out truths about him. I for one am convinced he had to leave his home environment when he found that after his temporary disbarment after the state found him guilty of misconduct.

      It's also so sad that there are people who find him as a "friend" not much different than being friends with a snake.

      Congratulations to our neighborhood pariah. May you enjoy your life bringing misery to all who recognize you as what you are..."the pariah."

Don't Look Now...Del Webb Building Another Sun City 55+ Community

Del Webb Building a Sun City in Lake Las Vegas

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Sunday, July 21, 2019

"Jubilee" and "Vegas Vic" Exhibits Offer a Look Back in Time

Nevada State Museum
A Must See for History Lovers

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The Easy Way to Remove an Egg Shell

 Removing an Egg Shell from a Boiled Egg
Made Easy

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Friday, July 19, 2019

The Wonder of Man....250,000 Miles from Earth


The Moon Walk

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Show Me the Money...Keep the BS

The Case for Fiscal Irresponsibility
The Cost of a Self-Managed Restaurant

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"Nevada Know How"

Monday, July 15, 2019

Caution ! Another Scam

Latest Scam
Wants to Deliver Something Held at McCarran Airport

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"Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

A Chore Many of Us Need to Do

Getting Rid of Rust on Concrete

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