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Tuesday, May 25, 2021

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Saturday, May 15, 2021

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Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Let's Be Fair to All Independent Contractors

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Monday, May 10, 2021

Strangers Benefit While Owners Pay

 Sun City Anthem Leadership

Rules Rules Rules - Flatpack Democracy


Rana Goodman: Former SCA President

The last I heard the community centers belonged to all owners in this community, yet according to the latest Monday blast, owners can only make use of the centers under certain conditions...

For example, unless you have “specific business” you cannot use the centers. The reason given, it may effect the 80% capacity and just “hanging out” with your friends, I guess, is not a valid use of OUR community centers.

The next new rule by management and our board, unless you are paying for private training you can no longer make your own hours in the gym. 

You will only be allowed in Liberty’s fitness center other than 8am to 11am which is reserved for residents using private trainers...

... AND after complying with those time restrictions to do your own workout  you will have a 60 minutes maximum time frame.

When I was physically able to use the fitness center I used an hour on the treadmill and then moved on to the other equipment my assessments paid for.

I have to wonder if Sun City Anthem is hearing rules and regulations that no other HOA is privy to. Other communities have begun entertainment and are welcoming their owners back to us the facilities they pay for....

Owners will not be welcome to attend ARC meetings, per this Monday’s Eblast, in addition the audit committee meeting are still “top secret”.

I guess since they too are private. 

So much for board members who pledged to be more transparent than the past.

It looks like nothing changes, pledges are meaningless!

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  • From Sam Opinions 

    I have  lived here since November 2002, and it’s amazing how power goes to the heads of our elected officials. Seems they are mirror images of our Governments.

    The same situation that is being dictated in the workout rooms has been applied to the usage of the indoor pools for years. Those that take classes have priority over single walker or swimmers.

    In fact our membership subsidizes both private lessons for the individual trainers and aqua exerciser members, but it’s not disclosed in the budget how much the subsidies are, or if they are, they are well hidden. 

    I don’t know how they track the 80% occupancy.

    Is someone going around and checking on the number of people in clubs, pool,  card players, or this 80% only applies to workout rooms and the indoor pools?

    What about conference rooms, meeting rooms, shows, etc. Is 80% the measure for building occupancy?  

    Let’s say someone in the Liberty exercise rooms is getting instructor help, does that mean everyone else has to stay out of the room?  

    The sad part is that most people don’t know that these “instructors” get subsidies by all of us and I wonder how much of the salaries of these instructors are shared with our association, or do they keep all of their pay.

    Oh well, the Board that was to end all boards and be transparent and honest, appears to follow in the steps of previous boards.

    Rana, keep u the good fight.   

  • From David & Carolyn Opinions 

    The Board has no right to sell out our fitness center to trainers over SCA residents.

    We are paying dues that are being used to repair, replace and fix everything & anything at all the fitness centers including the Liberty Center.

    Are the trainers paying for all the repairs at the Liberty Center when needed?I don’t think so.

    Early morning is prime time for many seniors & I am one of them.

    I also live by the Liberty Center which is where I train.

    Let the trainers find their own facilities to use for their purposes. I am paying for ALLfacilities not partial.

    The Fitness Centers were built with SCA residents in mind not trainers.

    When is the board going to protect SCA residents interests?

    That is what we vote for you to do and to not destroy our community with such antics.

    If anybody on the Board worked out they would know when the residents use the facilities the most.

    1st thing in the morning is the busiest for all Centers in case they need an attendance lesson. 

    Trainers are employees or contractors. They should not get priority over SCA residents.

    Even an SCA resident should not get priority over another SCA resident.

    There is no reason the trainers cannot workout in the same room at the same time as the SCA residents. 

    1. From Matt Opinions

      What you describe is sickening and just horrible in my opinion.

    2. From Peter Opinions


      What you have stated is true and sad for a “Senior” Community.
      SCA has become a place without joy, fun or enthusiasm for most residents.

      It seems to me the problem continues because of the following:

      1. The legal counsel controls much of what this board does and believes, new counsel should be a priority.

      2. The board under R. Pope ignored all pledges made and began to communicate as he was the board, rather then 1 of 7.

      3. Transparency continues to be the same as the past, inept boards, poor legal counsel, management’s lack of applying “customer service” to all residents.

      4. Inability to get real “leaders”, people of integrity and character, to seek positions on the board or committees.

      5. Our board is fundamentally old and tired, it includes F. Quinn who has been on the board too long; likely ran again because he knew there would be no election or questions. (2 Terms should be the maximum); Perlstein has shown in his first term he is unqualified, yet he is back on the board.

      Anyways, the one hopeful sign, is Pope was removed as President and relegated to the “bean counter” position.

      Mr. Anderson is attempting change, I am hoping he is successful.

      Below is my thoughts on customer service as it should be to all SCA Residents.
      I have provided it to all board members and management:

      As I looked at this and other information, it seems what is needed at SCA is Customer Service. The SCA residents are the customers, and in this case the ones who pay all the expenses and salaries.

      All residents should be treated like any good customers and employers; time and again I listen to interviews of many of the most successful companies in America, invariably they indicate their success is doing whatever it takes for their customers; communicate; reach out for their needs; get things done for them in a timely manner and if we don't have the item or the answer we go out and get the item or the answer. No excuses!

      This should be the approach by every Board member; Board committee; Management; Staff; volunteers; and anyone else that interfaces with SCA residents.

      This is more than saying it; training it; it needs to be in the mindset of everyone who interacts with Residents. Hourly, Daily, weekly, and forever.

    1. From Mary Lee Duley (former resident of Sun City Anthem) Opinions

      Just when one thinks it cannot get worse in SCA, it Does!

      Glad to be living in Sun City Georgetown Texas where the Board of Directors take resident suggestions seriously and major concerns are voted on by Residents!!

      Sadly, some things never seem to change in Sun City Anthem!!

      Egos appear to outweigh Common Sense!  Shameful!!

    1. From Paul Opinions

      Never met RANA but like her already.  RANA RULES!

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    Thursday, May 6, 2021

    Where's the Sun City Entertainment? Freedom Hall is Getting Spider Webs and Growing Mold Already with Lack of Use....An Anthem Opinions Editorial

     Are Sun City Anthem Residents Getting "Snookered" 

    While the Rest of the World is Awakening?

    Look who is miles ahead in caring for its residents ???

    It's not Sun City Anthem, it's..

    Sun City Macdonald Ranch Homes for Sale
    ... that's who!
    It's been 16 months since the pandemic began, and over that period of time, entertainment has made every attempt to open...

    Sun City Anthem Homes
    Look around ! 
    There's The Italian American Club, Chianti Restaurant, Stoney's Rocking Country, Crooner's Inc., The Vegas Room, The Nevada Room, the Strip and Downtown, and of course, MacDonald Ranch.


    Sun City Anthem Homes

    They've all lived AND SURVIVED by the same rules, and even the cruise ships look like they'll be hitting the high seas...
    Sun City Anthem Homes
    Yes, Vegas entertainment is open for business !
    Sun City Anthem Homes
    So, we have a CEO making a quarter of a mil a year, an association attorney who fills in his own amounts for such items as discrimination, harassment,  and other senseless documents... 

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    ...and a full staff that is paid to do what?

    Clean 3 buildings, cut shrubs, and and most importantly, collect dues.

    Come on ?     
    OK, we've tried to see where the money goes in the past, but thus far, the world is opening everywhere....
    Sun City Anthem Homes
    So, at the very least, we have residents starving for entertainment in a hall that hasn't been used in 16+ months, and we have  local entertainers that look at our community in terms of a bunch of old paranoid farts who are afraid of their own shadows...
    ...yet have no problem venturing out to other venues, casinos, and restaurants to fill their tummies !
    So...bottom line, new Sun City Anthem Board....
    When do we get our entertainment back?  It's time, don't ya think?
    Got a comment?
    Send it to:
  • From Harriet Opinions

    I am seeing my fellow residents at all the venues that are taking place, as your mentioned in your article, especially McDonald Ranch...but not here.

    I am extremely disappointed and frustrated by the actions, or rather inaction of SCA to provide us same or better.

    We are bigger and have an incredible facility...that isn’t being used.

    This is why I chose SCA.

    I am being let down. 

    I feel I can express this viewpoint as our HAVURAH Club has attempted to provide programs for our club and community.

    Again hampered by facility perhaps too restrictive and prohibitive regulations. 

    I agree with your evaluation and support your position.

    Thank you

  • Thank you Harriet.

    Evan Davis of The Vegas Voice prints the entertainment for the month.

    Click on this link to see how much entertainment is available locally. This doesn't even include the openings of The Strip.

    It's time SCA residents got some bang for their buck in this area.


    1. Over the year + long closures of our facilities I noticed our dues were not reduced one cent. Seems hardly fair or reasonable.


    1. From Dorothy Opinions

      That was very funny! 

      Although I am amused, and starved for entertainment and the companion of others, I do agree with taking it slow to open.

      As there are many  old "farts" that are holding things back, there are just as many old "farts" who won't comply with the standard PPE. 

      I'm talking about something as simple as washing hands when leaving a restroom. 

      When these old "farts" grow up, maybe we can have a safer environment.  

    2. Dorothy,

      Thanks for the comment. Believe me, if we had entertainment, we would fill Freedom Hall.

      At MacDonald Ranch, both 4:00pm and 7:00pm Mark OToole shows were sellouts. The following week, The Folk Legacy Trio's 4:00 and 7:00pm shows were also sellouts.

      The interesting aspect of the Folk Legacy Trio shows was the dating of May 2, 2021. Capacity was increased to 80% as of May 1st, and once increased, the additional seating was sold out within hours.

      Those who wish to avoid others, the "old farts", are more than welcome to do so, but there are more than MANY who would love to live life again....

      ....especially since most in Sun City Anthem have already been vaccinated.

      Like Franklin Roosevelt once said:

      "The only thing to itself" 

    1. From Robert  Opinions 

      It appears Caesars Entertainment is bouncing back in a big way.

      Sold out for the foreseeable future.

      During an earnings call this week, the company's chief operating officer said weekends here in Las Vegas are sold out for the time being.

      Caesars' occupancy rate was 84% last month but company executives expect the rate to improve in May and June.


    1. Blessings to you that we have this publication to make us aware of how we are getting "snookered"! I thought we voted for a Board to look after our interests here in SCA. We had at least one Board member who was fulfilling her promise, but she was "run out of town" What can we do?

    2. Patricia,

      When that lady was "run out of town" due to the efforts of a pack of lies, combined with a spineless board afraid of their own shadows to stand up for what was right, the result was obvious in the last election....there was no election.

      7,144 homes and there were an insufficient number of candidates to even hold an election.

      That says quite a bit for the trust and confidence a community has in its leaders. Literally, no one cares, because they created such a negative community atmosphere.

      I actually feel sorry for the newest members of the SCA Board.

      They will soon learn that "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" due to the cowardly bunch they will now join.



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