Information Pages

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

What's Going On Down the Road in March

March Entertainment Schedule

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"Laughlin Live...Weekend Entertainment"

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sun City Anthem Board Book States Appointment of Former board candidate to Association Finance Committee...Questions Arise

Randolph Myricks
to be Appointed to
Sun City Anthem Finance Committee

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According to The Sun City Anthem Board Book, Mr. Randolph Myricks is about to be appointed to the association's  finance committee.

If that name sounds familiar, Mr. Myricks was initially a candidate for the Sun City Anthem Board, but recently withdrew from the race.

Mr. Myricks is currently the Vice President of the African American Heritage Club.  

We discovered this article in the May 5, 2017 Milwaukee Review Sentinel, and believe prior to such an appointment, this must be explained to the community in which he is being asked for Financial advice.

Let us emphasize that this is not any form of condemnation, but rather a concern; and believe the community has a right to know the details of the referenced article, before a formal appointment is made.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Sun City Anthem Board to Receive Numerous "No Self-Management" Petitions....But...Board Agenda Item States "Action" to Be Taken

Completed "No Self-Management" Survey Results
to be Presented to Sun City Anthem Board
at February 27th Board Meeting

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Several Ways to Fix a Loose Door Hinge

Got a Loose Door Hinge ?
Here's the Simplest Way to Fix it

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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Self-Managed Restaurant...It is Feasible ?

The Feasibility of a Self-Managed Restaurant
Responding to a Reader's Comment
An Anthem Opinions Editorial

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Don't Let a Burn Destroy Your Capet...Fix it !

Fixing a Carpet Burn

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"
Archives...Page Two

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

The Best Ways to Get Rid of Mustard Stains

Great on a Sandwich
Disastrous to Your Clothes

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"
Archives...Page Two

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Sun City Anthem Board Election Poll Positions Announced

Let the 2020 Sun City Anthem 
Board of Directors Election
Begin !

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Yesterday, the six remaining candidates for the Sun City Anthem Board election "officially" began when the candidates at random were assigned their ballot positions.

They are as follows:

# 1
Candace Karrow

# 2
Nelson Orth

# 3
Richard Pope

# 4
Stephen Anderson

# 5
Paul Perlstein

Wendy Linow

Unfortunately Candidate, Forrest Fetherolf, withdrew his candidacy.

We received the following from our Mr. Fix-It, Forrest Fetherolf:
I believe running for the BOD would not be in the best interest for me, my family, and Sun City Anthem.

Recently Erlinda and I have had, and are having, medical issues that need to be addressed which will be very time consuming and would interfere with my duties as a board member should I be elected this year.
I will always remain available to assist SCA residents in the future answering their questions and giving advice with home repairs and maintenance as Mr. Fix-it.
Forrest Fetherolf
Over the next month and a half, you will see their individual flyers displayed in Anthem Center, Independence Center, and Liberty Center.

In addition, they will also be placed in the ballots that will be mailed March 27, 2020 to all Sun City Anthem property owners.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Need a Restaurant to Increase Property Values? Not So According the Latest Report

Not Bad Sun City Anthem
We're #3 & #4 in the Valley in Home Prices

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  "Henderson...Las Vegas...Nevada...Happenings"

Have a Favorite Lamp Shade That Needs Fixing ? Ideas from Mr. Fix-It

How to Repair a Lamp Shade
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 "Mr. Fix-It's World of Home Improvement"

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Do You Oppose The Current Sun City Anthem Self-Managed Restaurant Proposal ? Take our Survey Today

Do You, as a Sun City Anthem owner, Oppose 
a Self-Managed Restaurant?

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Henderson Pavilion to be the new Home of the San Antonio Rampage

More Hockey in the Desert?
This Time It's in Henderson

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"Let's Talk Sports"

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

A Self-Managed Restaurant Decision...A Set-Up by "The Machine"

Self-Managed Restaurant
Should  it be Tabled Following the 2020 Board Election ?
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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Coronavirus...Looking Back at History's Spanish Flu of 1918

Fear of Coronavirus 

A Look Back to The Spanish Flu of 1918

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"History & Holidays"

Monday, February 10, 2020

Looking Closely at HOV Lanes

Take HOV Lanes Seriously
More & More Citations Being Issued

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 "Keeping Our Neighborhood Safe"

An Alert to Keep you Safe

Resident Caution Advised

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"Resident Reports of Concerning Neighborhood Crime Activity"

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Questions & Answers from the 2020 Sun City Anthem Board Candidates...A New Information Page

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Anthem Opinions recently announced the candidates competing for three Sun City Anthem Board positions.

In doing so, we also published the email address of each candidate listed in the official Sun City Anthem Resident Directory in order that a simple click on the link below their respective name would bring up the address in order to send them a question.

We asked you to forward the question, as well as, any responses received from the candidates to Anthem Opinions, in order to publish them, allowing the community to view their opinions prior to casting any ballot.

We also asked that you send us an email if, after 3 days, a question was unanswered.

In searching the directory, we were surprised that the following candidates DID NOT PUBLISH an email address:

Stephen C. Anderson
Candace Karrow
Wendy Linow
Randolph Myricks

We had hoped that within the past few days, their email address would have appeared on the directory considering they wish to represent the community; however, to date, all of the above continue to be omitted, leading us to the sad conclusion that they refuse to publicly answer resident concerns.

All other candidate email addresses were listed.

Anthem Opinions believes this election is crucial to the community; and with that in mind, we have established a new Information Page to view the results of any questions made and the answers received.

We hope you find this useful in determining the individual(s) you believe would best represent our community for the next 2 years.

In the days to come, you can access this "Information Page" by clicking "2020 Sun City Anthem Board Election Center" located at the top right section of the Anthem Opinions menu.

We urge all our readers to visit this Information Page at least once per day to see if any new answers and responses are received.


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"2020 Sun City Anthem Board Election
Information Center"

  2. So what are with these folks that want to run for the board and not have any access to an email address to communicate to?   What is that all about?  If you can't communicate with them now, what can you expect in the future?   So many choices, but I know what I have to do!

Who Got the Major Awards !

"And the Winners Are"

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"Seasonal Entertainment Schedule"

Friday, February 7, 2020

Sun City Anthem 2020 Election Season Begins....Opens with Questions ???

Sun City Anthem 2020 Board Candidates Announced
Questions Already Arise !

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Concluding the Case for Closing the Book on a Self-Management Sun City Anthem Restaurant

Sorry Mr. Weil
Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense

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What Do Sun City Anthem Self-Management
Amateurs Know that These Restaurant Professionals
Didn't ?

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Still More Issues Would Plague Self-Management Restaurant

Sorry Mr. Weil
Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
(Part Three of Three)

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"Nevada Know How"

Monday, February 3, 2020

Got a Stain on Your Countertop ? Let's Get Rid of It !

What To Do About
Countertop Stains  

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"Why Didn't I Think About That ? ....Tips"
Archives...Page Two

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Restaurant Self-Management...A Losing Proposition No Matter How You View It (Part One of Three)

As promised today we will begin a three part series of articles on the Sun City Anthem self-managed restaurant being proposed and sponsored primarily by Association Vice President, David Weil.

Unlike another publication, Anthem Opinions will look at the challenges self-management of an association owned restaurant presents, the immense amount of association funds required to create it, the liability to owners, the insurance difficulties involved, the continuing and increasing costs that each owner will be forced to absorb year after year, and which Board members support it and those who do not.

We will not threaten any Board candidate, but what we will do, is oppose any candidate who cannot present an argument who would choose to go forth with such a proposal without proper research, combined with presenting the community  a FULL STORY of the pros and cons of the  matter...

...and allowing THEM to decide an issue of this magnitude.

To promote any such individual without proper community notification of a complete story, pros and cons, would be, in our opinion, unfair to the property owners on which to base an intelligent decision. 

We will also look at the issue of requiring  that such an establishment is demanded by Association CCRs.

While another publication suggests property owners accept Mr. Weil's proposal because it has never been attempted before... 

...Anthem Opinions rejects that conclusion.

The very thought of going forth with such a project under the assumption...

"It will work because it is something new"...

...Is preposterous and an insult to the intelligence of the property owners of Sun City Anthem.

Instead, we will look at the issues that have been prepared with input from those with experience in the various matters surrounding this crucial decision.

And based on these articles...

...which will encourage resident input....

...we hope that decision on whether to go forward or remove it from consideration, will be based on the financial soundness of such a proposal, not based solely on the emotion of ...

"I want a restaurant".

With that in mind....

Sorry Mr. Weil
Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
(Part One of Three)

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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"

Some Painting Advice from "Mr. Fix-It"

Latex & Oil Paint
Be Careful with Repainting One on the Other

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