As promised today we will begin a three part series of articles on the Sun City Anthem self-managed restaurant being proposed and sponsored primarily by Association Vice President, David Weil.
Unlike another publication, Anthem Opinions
will look at the challenges self-management of an association owned restaurant presents, the immense amount of association funds required to create
it, the liability to owners, the insurance difficulties involved, the continuing and increasing costs that each owner will be
forced to absorb year after year, and which Board members support it and those who do not.
We will not threaten any Board candidate, but what we will do, is oppose any candidate who cannot present an argument who would choose to go forth with such a proposal without proper research, combined with presenting the community a FULL STORY of the pros and cons of the matter...
...and allowing THEM to decide an issue of this magnitude.
To promote any such individual without proper community notification of a complete story, pros and cons, would be, in our opinion, unfair to the property owners on which to base an intelligent decision.
We will also
look at the issue of requiring that such an establishment is demanded by Association CCRs.
While another publication suggests property owners accept Mr. Weil's proposal because it
has never been attempted before...
...Anthem Opinions rejects that conclusion.
The very thought of going forth with such a project under the assumption...
"It will work because it is something new"...
...Is preposterous and an insult to the intelligence of the property owners of Sun City Anthem.
Instead, we will
look at the issues that have been
prepared with input from those with experience in the various matters surrounding this crucial decision.
And based on these articles...
...which will encourage resident input....
...we hope that decision on whether to go forward or remove it from consideration, will be based on the financial soundness of such a proposal, not based solely on the emotion of ...
"I want a restaurant".
With that in
Sorry Mr. Weil
Your Restaurant Idea Makes No Sense
(Part One of Three)
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"Nevada Know How...Archives...Page Six"