Stay tuned....
We thank Mr. Mayfield for this thoughtful opinion. In our view, he has both enhanced and brought forth additional thoughts that must be properly considered.
- Jim,
Thank you again for your logical analysis of the situation. Keeping emotions out of the discussion and eliminating false assumptions will make for a more intelligent discussion.
Personally, I do not like the idea of gaming. There is plenty of it in Las Vegas. I prefer to dine and have a cocktail without the machine staring me in the face. As an example of my view: I can't imagine Buckman's bar would be nearly as chummy and comfortable with machines.
And lastly, should the small group of activist succeed in pushing through a restaurant there must be financial accountability built in, for the Board and/or the GM, such that a failure comes out of their pockets, not the associations.
With very best regards,
Lawrence - From Sandy Opinions
I am glad to read that we are not assuming a restaurant is a given. I would like to see surveys sent to all residents on their thoughts on the use if the space.
Until Liberty Center is reopened, trying to get a table for mah jong or cards has often been difficult. - From Steve Opinions
Thanks to Jim Mayfield, the one person on the board with the guts to call it as he sees it!
If more residents would get involved, the oppressive board members could not ram their desires down out throat. - From Karla Opinions
Simple comments:
Do not want to pay to support it.
Prices have historically been to high for us to use; can get less expensive food elsewhere.
Prices need to be more competitive as evident by lack of people using facility.
All clubs should be required to use it.
Suggest member survey with expectations that responses need to be at least 75-80%.
- From Harlen Opinions
If a restaurant is to be at SCA perhaps it should be available for breakfast and a light lunch. if this is to occur the hours could be from 7am to 3 Pm.for breakfast it could be hash browns and several egg dishes along with a variety of meats and of course pancakes and waffles.
A light lunch could be soup and choice of few sandwiches IG Turkey, Roast beef, , Rueben, Tuna served with potato chips, or french fries and a good dill pickle.
They need a liquor license for drinks Bloody Mary for breakfast and beer or a mixed drink for lunch or in some cases for breakfast..
I don't believe dinner is essential since there a plenty of good restaurants around SCA. - From Donna Opinions
I have lived in SCA for 17 years and have experienced first hand the sorry state of our restaurant adventures. Back when the restaurant first opened, I met with the food and beverage manager at the time to discuss the overpriced and over hyped restaurant and menu options and prices. I was told that Del Webb wanted a very " gourmet and exclusive " restaurant on site. I predicted failure.
Unfortunately over the years I have noted that a small and vocal number of residents wanted the same thing, a gourmet and exclusive restaurant on site....I could not understand why anyone would frequent a restaurant in a retirement community recreation center located in a city with thousands of more diverse and interesting dining choices.
An unscientific poll of my immediate friends indicated that most wanted what I envisioned for the site: a casual restaurant with sandwiches, soups, salads, burgers and bagels and pastries for breakfast.
I was told at every turn that such a restaurant could not survive and if it could be considered, would have to have gaming.
Each and every operator was doomed to failure from the start with the menu and pricing they were coerced to provide.
Fast forward to 2016.
Kneaders opens on Eastern Avenue and offers exactly the same menu as requested for our site.
They had to build from the ground up and include parking.
And to no ones surprise, they are crowded every day with a majority of diners from Sun City.
Has no one told them they can't survive without gaming?
We supposedly have members of our community with restaurant management is it that so many operators have come in here and failed with the incredible opportunity of taking over a fully equipped site with minimal rent?
Are we at fault for demanding a level of dining most of our community won't patronize?
Do the decision makers in our community never poll the community?
The last thing we want here is another restaurant that nobody goes to.....and that includes whether we run it or somebody else.
- From Carolyn Opinions
I do not support having another restaurant and I strongly object to subsidizing a restaurant.
Nor would I participate in gaming.
I wish the Board would realize that after all the failures of restaurants that it is a losing business.
Good grief! September 10, 2016 at 5:13 AM
- From Elvira Opinions
Its a beautiful piece of property and the location is the best with a view of the Strip - let's utilize it as an evening lounge (lounge like in the good old days) and special events for all.
As a lounge with entertainment, you will have many people who will spend their evenings there instead of at Casinos or at home watching TV...... - From Robin Opinions
Regarding Jim Mayfield, boy is he right on!
Especially about getting votes from all SCA residents.
Sick of decisions being made by a few people that effect us all.
Jim, could you expound on the tax filing issue?
And gaming...potentially having to donate its restaurant and equipment to an outside party?
Could you also give us some clarification on that issue as well?
I believe our readers NEED some details on these points.
Thank you.