Sun City Anthem
"Ain't Ready for

When we caught word of an individual named Sherryl Daly being placed on the Sun City Anthem Lifestyle Committee, we were astounded !
Why ?
It reminded me of the "doings" of an
old Chicago politician named "Paddy Bauler".

Chicago Alderman
Mathias "Paddy" Bauler
Paddy was a Chicago alderman from 1933 to 1967, and his most famous line that will live in the annals of defining Windy City politics was ....
"Chicago Ain't Ready for Reform"
...and how appropriate that appears to
be in Sun City Anthem...after reading of this recent Board
The only way this can be viewed is a
simple "slap in the face" to the person chosen to
MANAGE Sun City Anthem by a "machine" that is flexing its muscle for CONTROL.
Time for a little bit of refresher from
the past....especially for you newbies out there.
We actually should go back a number of
years when this lady chose the pen name "Sandy
Ridge" touting countess demeaning and uncalled for, rude attacks on the characters of a number of Sun City Anthem
We know this because an alternative
blogger "SLIPPED", printed her real name, then, after realizing what he had
done, quickly removed it from his blog.
...and no matter what denials anyone
might here.....a bunch of people have THE COPY before the guy removed
We won't embarrass her by restating
those comments for several reasons.
First, they were THAT disgusting; secondly, that type of rhetoric would have resulted in getting your mouth washed out with soap as a kid; and third, that form of trash would never be permitted to remain on Anthem
As time proceeded, she was employed by
FSR, our former management company; however, prior to our transition to
self-management, FSR TERMINATED HER FOR CAUSE, and
was at last check, refused unemployment compensation
as well. We have no idea as to whether it was ever later approved.
Hmmmm !
Would that stop this
woman...or...others attempting to "influence" any formal management decision?
Of course not, that's not how "the machine system" works out here.
She would then apply to
our current General Manager, Sandy Seddon, for a job
The result...she was NOT HIRED, despite countless numbers of former FSR
employees being offered employment under the new "self-management"
Two other blog
owners.... who was also constantly harassed by this same individual...
...actually used their blogs to go on a
ridiculous crusade to persuade Mrs. Seddon to reconsider her
...acts that in our
opinion, did little other than "stick their noses in matters
that were none of their business", attempting to undermine the GM's decision.
It didn't work and all
seemed to be we thought !
So what happens
after two PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS come to a conclusion this individual
of them?
"The Machine" slaps Mrs. Seddon in the
face, by...
.... appointing her
to a position on a formal committee, a Lifestyle Committee having a bearing on YOUR LIFE.
Of course it was pure
coincidence she has always been a staunch supporter of "machine" politics, and all of us who reside in Sun City Anthem know that "machines" take care of those who are loyal to them.
So Paddy, if you can hear me
up there (or down there), your words of past wisdom ring loud in Sun City
"We Ain't Ready for Reform"
Got a comment?
The residents of SCA proved they were NOT ready for reform based on the previously (and questionable) election now they can stew in their own pot.
But, never fear, I'm sure that the alternative blogger, (a.k.a. Board of Directors lapdog), will rush to his keyboard and defend this Board's current decision to prolong the SCA agony by appointing yet another loser to the Lifestyle Committee.
By the way, that IS an appropriate name: "Lifestyle" Committee - unfortunately this is NOT the lifestyle many residents had hoped for when they moved to SCA; any Club that had to deal with this committee during last year's review of their Charters may have had painful experiences dealing with one or more of these bureaucrats.
YES most committee members are honest, friendly, and competent people - but there is and have been various foreign objects over the years floating in the restrooms of governance that, in their new authoritative positions, acted like the Gestapo when dealing with the clubs.
Well now, as my original article stated, somehow some people just can't keep from sticking their noses into matters where they don't belong.
What counts is that Sherryl Daly was FIRED, and it took an attorney and a number of appeals to get a reversed decision, something very common that most GUILTY PEOPLE do. Attorneys get guilty people off the hook...that's how they make a living.
She was NOT retained by Ms. Seddon, nor was she offered any other position within the new self-management system.
So stop with the nonsense of trying to protect an individual who wrote the most disgusting comments about so many people...
...comments you readily accept as "journalism"; comments most people with "class", look at as TRASH.
...something you would not have any idea how to define, because when they passed out the "class", they instead gave you "happy pills" to ease your admitted clinical depression in order to allow you to tolerate yourself !
She was and IS a political hack, the perfect individual you would admire; the kind that obviously 2 organizations wanted NOTHING TO DO WITH...
...until "the machine" bailed her out, and in the process undermined the authority of a General Manager's PROFESSIONAL OPINION.
Why don't you print the disgusting comments she has made about NUMEROUS PEOPLE over the years?
Oh... you don't really have to do that, all people need do is go to your blog and type in her name in the "search" box...unless you've removed all those comments as well !
We believe strongly that birds of a feather flock together, especially buzzards who enjoy KILLING for the shear satisfaction they receive in demeaning others...
...your total objective... to hide your personal deficiencies and lack of any relevant success in life.
Perhaps that might be the reason that in the last seven days, according to your own counter, a total of only 1,103 people have visited your distorted publication, while 8,331 have visited Anthem Opinions.
My God, I'm sick of being the target of an insecure loony tune who for some reason, needs to poke his nose in EVERYTHING.
Just more insults...that's all that jackass seems to be capable of !
Ever have a fight with a kid in a school yard and the only way the sissy would defend himself was to call someone names? You know, the guy with the big mouth, the coward who was incapable of being a real man, the bully who believed he was a "someone" until he bumped into the wrong guy who called him out for what he really was...
A nothing !
This article did nothing more than dramatize a "MACHINE", those individuals who control it, and those who need one to survive.
This blowhard from Balonyville is so afraid of anything that might rock his little ship, the only recourse he has is...INSULT.
Anyone really believe this bunch of hooey ?
The med- filled alternative blogger obviously took a few extra happy pills the guy claims 1600+ readers, but sent out 13,000 emails?
So, is that SPAM?
He certainly used the word to describe it whenever it served his ulterior motives regarding others.
I wonder if he failed at math like he did as a lawyer...and how proud his dad must have been when the Massachusetts Bar told him he had to stop practicing law due to his self-admitted dishonesty !
Some scorecard of success, huh?
This is the guy who some people actually believe?
Oh well, for those who do, remember PT Barnum's famous line:
"A Sucker is Born Every Minute".
What kind of guy carries a pocket recorder making sure he records everything someone says to order to "use it" against them at a point in time when it serves some sadistic purpose?
A guy who needs some serious help.
Is there anyone out there that would trust a guy who was dumb enough to believe he could forge a judge's signature and get away with it? there anyone out there that would trust a lawyer with their life with that record and "respect for the law"?
Is there anyone out there that would be crazy enough to place any confidence in such a person?
Oh yeah...a bunch of people swallowed it because he said he was "depressed".
So was John Hinckley when he shot Ronald Reagan and Mark David Chapman when he gunned down John Lennon !
You want either of these guys prowling your neighborhood?
But to say this latest nonsense about 13,000 people reading his trash when he only has a "supposed" 1,600 subscribers and only 1,100 bother to actually enter his blog kingdom of boredom OVER AN ENTIRE 7 DAYS PERIOD, is right up there with believing that the Easter Bunny will visit you on Christmas. certainly is "breaking news" to know about a resident's private lawsuit that doesn't have a thing to do with him or our association, isn't it?
Intelligent people would refer to that type of person as a busy-body who needs a life.
...or...a restaurant menu...or a meeting of some committee (already published by the association) that is SO crucial, only he and about a dozen others bother to attend.
Now that's Entertainment !
What a sad state of existence when someone uses the final years of one's life to be a "wannabe", when prior to that time, the only thing he actually accomplished was assisting a bunch of incompetent individuals control the lives of senior citizens in a number of board elections in a homeowners association.
So that's a mark of life's success ?
I guess so in his case. There certainly isn't much more to brag about.
"Arendt claims 8,331 visits to his blog, that equates to approximately 50 visits per hour for 7 days/24 hours per day. How many people can be that nuts."
Our comment:
Sad Sac, our readership is professional; it's that extensive, and none like you, a coward
who hasn't the courage to use a real name, and whose life must be so shallow that one would take the time to demonstrate ignorant, rude, and insulting behavior...comments that prove my point....
...only other cowardly bullies who share the same values, can appreciate comments like yours.
Thanks for proving my point...birds of a feather, flock together.
You are the perfect representative of a blog written and read by a dysfunctional individual who obviously feeds on other insecure and dysfunctional individuals like you to exist.
We are printing this to make sure the readers are fully aware of the low class of nameless cowards who have no life other then INSULTING others.
From the newest "trailer trash" "S"...
"I must admit that after reading his post I checked back several times during the day, thinking surely someone was going to respond. I'm sure others did, too, boosting his counts. He writes such nasty things about people, all the while stating it won't be allowed. Now the only responses are his and it appears he may have gone over the edge! The rage and hate spewing from him is almost funny but in reality is so pathetic. He never seems to be able to respond with facts or thoughtful statements as to why he believes something to be true. He just goes after anyone disagreeing with him. He fits the definition of a bully perfectly." EXPOSING the INSULTS to our readers that appear on the Berman blog, allowing OUR readers to look at that publication for what it actually is..
TRASH, supported by TRASH, whose comments are all to often, TRASH.
Another Berman reader with yet another INSULT.
Now I'm a festering boil...that should be ignored...ignored by everyone of course, except Mary E.
Thank you Mary E., yet another nameless coward, for this latest ASININE remark...that clearly demonstrates you being every bit as CRUDE and INSULTING as the others you seem to enjoy being a part of in demonstrating your intelligence.
"David, Arendt has clearly gone off the rails. His remarks are so off course and responses from your readers just seem to wind up his cuckoo clock. Best to write him off as an irritation, like a festering boil, and ignore him forevermore."
Thank you Mr. are doing such a great job of showing the "quality" of your publication...with all the INSULTS. We hope they continue in such a way that our readers can fully comprehend the reasons as to why you have established TRASH as your journalistic standard.
Here's more he's insulting a Presidential candidate (but in his mind this is journalism, remember that)
"S and Mary E.: I try very hard to stay out of national politics on the blog, but I must note that a couple of people have pointed out to me that they see a bit of Donald Trump in Mr. Arendt: Lashes out at others, then gets upset when people dare to respond, accusing THEM of being the bullies. Alienates many along the way.
He has a zero record of positive accomplishments in this community, at least in terms of getting people elected to the Board.
He HAS succeeded in having a high opinion of himself, however. And yet, this is a man who claimed he was going to stop going after others and would take the high road. But his "high road" instead turns out to be a subterranean tunnel."
...NOT having to do with ANYTHING other than to change a subject, and need I say it again...
...throw another INSULT.
Just what does any of this have to do with a fired employee?
Looks like people are finally seeing with their own eyes, the "quality" of TRASH and HATRED that exists in a BULLY when someone "has had it" with his degradation toward others by making the public aware of this harmful HARASSMENT toward others by reprinting such garage.
Reprinting the commentary that has been shown to be DISGUSTING, just continues on and on...
...and we will continue to do so in order that you, our readers, may judge for yourself, as to the destruction this man has brought to the table of our association through such DISGRACEFUL behavior...and allowing others to display their inward HATRED as well...and calling it "journalism".
The lastest from the "BULLY"...proving his insecure need to....
BULLY through...ah hah...
"The Arendt hypocrisy knows no end.
He rails against my contributors' use of pseudonyms or anonymous names (though I know who each of them is), but he was on board with the sending of an unsolicited, anonymous campaign letter to members during the recent Board election campaign, an effort which clearly backfired.
One standard for Arendt, another for everyone else."
You see, Mary E., Dirty Dave can't handle others who are more successful than he is or ever has been, and the 1,200,000 visitors we have had at Anthem Opinions in our short 3.5 year history is a threat to the corruption he has justified year after year.
Tell me the name of ONE person I have ever called and harassed or threatened? Have that individual come forth, and say that to my face with PROOF of such harassment or threat.
Besides, now the latest.... "nutcase" is insulting all Republicans, just another example of a lonely old individual filled with ignorance and "low class" who hasn't much of a life other than sit behind a computer and INSULT again and again.
Mary, Mary...or whatever you are....Open Mouth...Insert Foot !
This community has put up with these forms of creatures for years. They contribute NOTHING to society, and at best, are nothing more than uncaged animals looking for their next kill.
...and they give the community a bad name in their attempt to convince others that HARASSMENT is an acceptable form of behavior in a a senior community.
Anyone still wonder WHY Anthem Opinions requires a real name to comment?
To avoid DISGUSTING COMMENTARY that has nothing to do with anything other than HARASSMENT.
What's his comeback excuse to distort? 13,000 emails to 1600 subscribers that don't affect his counter?
For the record, Anthem Opinions email blasts to subscribers are NOT included in the totals. You must click on a particular article for it to be added to the actual number.
In other words, you may get an email blast from us and if the subject does not interest you, it can merely be deleted, and WILL NOT BE INCLUDED in any READERSHIP TOTAL.
Anthem Opinions:
...and it does nothing but increase our readership because people want valuable and fun information, rather than reprints of association bulletins, and LOW CLASS INSULTING COMMENTARY.