A Resident's Concern for Her Fellow Neighbors
This article is a result of an email sent by resident, Randy Rutkin. We are printing it at her request.
The remarks she has made have become prevalent over the past month regarding the treatment given to our resident RMI monitors....yours and my neighbors...and we applaud her for the courage she has shown in allowing them to be printed.
Following the initial petition drafted by resident, Dr. Mary Schramski...
...a petition signed by in excess of three hundred residents...
...this matter has become much more than a simple complaint toward RMI Management; and instead suggests that our board rethink RMI for consideration of a management contract renewal.
I would suggest you read Dr. Mary's article on Page 28 of the April, 2013 edition of The Vegas Voice. It explains the meeting that took place between her and Community Association Manager, Rob Feldman.
The monthly Vegas Voice newspaper will be in your mail box in the next few days, but here is a link to the article.
States Ms. Rutkin:
"In the time RMI’s new management team has been in power its greatest accomplishment has been to anger and alienate hundreds of members of this community. The “letter of explanation” to the community is an arrogant and transparent attempt to whitewash and dismiss our concerns. We know the truth as to why so many monitors and fitness instructors have quit recently, and the phony explanations are laughable.
The truth is that it’s the result of Kathy Kline’s lack of management experience, communication skills and personal accountability, plus RMI’s and the Board’s unwillingness to take appropriate and responsible action.
The Board and RMI have managed in a very short period of time, to drive away a great number of trusted and beloved monitors and instructors who understand and relate to the needs of this population. The real reason they have quit is because they refuse to tolerate the hostile work environment created by deplorable business practices, and an appalling lack of skill on the parts of Rob Feldman, Maurice Talley, and Kathy Kline in dealing with employee relations.
RMI would do well to remember that YOU work for US, and while we so foolishly hired you, we can also get rid of you.
A thoroughly disgusted SCA homeowner".
These and many other similar comments by both residents and current and former resident RMI employees, are now FAR too many; and as a result, the time for change should be NOW.
This company is but ONE of a large number who handle homeowner association matters, and in light of these FREQUENT concerns, it would seem that eliminating them from our choices would solve the immediate problem at hand.
This is not the first concern brought out by residents regarding RMI...
... the most notable taking place in 2008 when an UNLICENSED and UNINSURED contractor was retained by RMI...a day when a shading structure collapsed at Independence Center, following a heavy wet snow.
...a day that an innocent person might have been seriously injured or possibly killed, as a result....
...of an RMI employee's negligence....
...an employee STILL IN THEIR EMPLOY.
There have been a history of questionable amounts paid for numerous projects in the past; and often, the manner in which competitive bids have been obtained, have been the subject of numerous demands for accountability, demands that have sadly fallen on the ears of deaf boards of directors in the past.
Have RMI management concerns been brought to the attention of our Board?
YES....and last fall, at the direction of our board, an ad hoc committee was formed to explore management company alternatives.
That work was performed by EXPERIENCED and KNOWLEDGEABLE individuals, and their recommendation was that other firms be explored, ranking RMI near the BOTTOM of their recommended list.
These concerns DEMAND action...action which must REMOVE an IMPEDIMENT to good people...in addition to providing the residents of Sun City Anthem, a cost effective and efficient management of its funds, while respecting the dignity of all residents, no matter whether they are in their employ.
To accomplish that, our community MUST ACT...and if this matter is of concern, by far the easiest way to solve the problem, is REMOVE the INDIVIDUALS who insist on maintaining a deaf ear to this problem.
Who are those deaf ears ?
Neither will consider replacing RMI, no matter what the residential concern or what they might say to be re-elected; and as a result, if this matter concerns you...
As a GOOD NEIGHBOR...one with concern for your fellow residents...
We would ask you to REFRAIN from casting an election ballot on behalf of either of those two individuals.
Doing so, will hurt those who have given many of us a daily smile at Anthem Center and Liberty Center for years.
You NEED NOT CAST VOTES FOR FOUR PEOPLE to have a valid ballot; and in this case, that might be the appropriate action to take to express your concern.