A few days ago we received an email from our Entertainment contributor, Norm Johnson, alerting us to a rumor that a Muslim turned Christian group, had recently entered Our Lady of Las Vegas Catholic Church located at 3050 Alta Drive in Las Vegas on December 5th, disturbing church Mass services by ranting about the "evils" of the Catholic religion.
- From Janus Fanning...to...Anthem Opinions
I attend St. Francis Catholic church every Sunday and am 66 years old.
Before mass for the past 4-6 Sundays the priest gives a message that there have been some verbal disturbances in other churches in the diocese. He asks us to remain calm and do not get into any verbal or physical altercations with the perpetrators. He tells us they have hired security guards to be out front of the entrance of the church and the ushers have been trained how to handle the terrorism should it occur at our church.
This is a terrible way to begin your time of worship.
I have never and I mean never encountered this before.
So every Sunday when I go to church, I have to worry if some crazed Muslim is going to enter the service and start yelling blasphemy and invade my time of prayer?
How long will it be before they bring knives, guns, and bombs into my church?
And the police decided no crime was committed???
This is how terror starts, do we have to have dead bodies before something is done?
This is no longer the America I grew up in, it has deteriorated to the point that I am afraid to go to worship my Lord and Savior on Sunday and that is UNTHINKABLE!!!!
It makes me cry!
GOD SAVE AMERICA ! - From Jim Handler...to...Anthem Opinions
This is a violation because they are infringing on the church member's exercise of the Freedom of Religion and should be charged as inviting to deprive others of their Freedom and also Trespassing.
My opinion :
I think this is a very dangerous situation that will turn volatile,
entering a Church during mass causing a disturbance is trespassing & is against
the Law,
I think the LVMP should have made some arrests & run these guys to
see who they are, are they even American citizens , are they with a
terrorist group , who are they ??
The did have an accent , sounded mid Eastern .
A Church is a place of Worship, these men had the parishioners terrified.
Sun City Residents should form a meetings for each Village, & talk about
what to do if faced with this situation, we are all living in dangerous
times ..
Thank you for all you do sending news E mails..